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Xaaji Xunjuf

Massive rallies held across Somaliland for unity recognition and sovereignty+PICS

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Abwaan;778624 wrote:
Taleexi wait until Siilaanyo iyo Kooxdiisu cajalkaas daaran in the middle of this year insha Allaah " XX iyo JB oo dhahaya idinkama aannu maqnayne waan idin sugeyney baad arki" lol

Abwaan anigu iga ma Go'odo Qadiyada Somaliland dhaliyarada so koreysa ayaa dalkan iska leh oo mustaqbalkooda anagu hadanu nahay generationadi ka horeyey , Somaliland xor oo xalaal ah oo dib u dhisid u bahaan baanu u iftiinay dhashayada, Iyaga halka kaasi ambo qadaya, wanaad arkaysa yar iyo weyn siday u tageersanyihin Qaranimada iyo midnimada Jamhuuriyada Somaliland. Wa wax aan indhaha la iska tiiri karayn.

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There are moments when Xaaji's words are so profound that you want to vote him as president. Lakin calanko naga badalaya! :D

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They are coming together to try and save their clan ambitions but what the hell is this fool keyse doing there???

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Only somaliland would accept and invite a known illiterate whom has killed people on both sides, to start start his own pseudo political party Lool. Obviously its just a facade to entice other would be illiterates tho

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