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Xaaji Xunjuf

Massive rallies held across Somaliland for unity recognition and sovereignty+PICS

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Massive rallies held across Somaliland for unity, recognition and sovereignty


HARGEISA — Hundreds of thousands of people rallied across Hargeisa and Burao, two of the largest towns in Somaliland, on Sunday to support country´s separation from neighboring Somalia, sovereignty and its campaign for international recognition.


The protests, which coincided with the visit of a British diplomat who invited Somaliland leaders to attend an international conference on Somalia next month in London, follow days of skirmishes in eastern parts of the country.


In the capital Hargeisa, the rally was staged in Freedom Park and was attended by senior government officials, MPs, speakers of Legislative Assembly, opposition groups, students and policy makers. They all declared their commitment to support Somaliland’s right to defend its territorial integrity if any threat is posed against the country.

“Any threat to our interests or security will force us to use all available options to defend our interests, and national and regional security,” Muse Bihi, the Chairman of the ruling Kulmiye party, told the crowd. Directing his comments at a tribal militia that has been gathering in Taleeh, in Sool region, Mr. Bihi added Somaliland will not be afraid to use force if they tried to spoil its stability.


Faisal Ali Warabe, the opposition leader of UCID Party, called on the residents of Las Anod, the provincial capital of the disputed Sool, to be vigilant and to choose peace and harmony over devastation and conflict. He warned the government that it must struck a balance between justice and fairness for all communities and not isolate a certain group.


The Speaker of the 82-member House of Representatives, Abdulrahman Mohamed Abdullahi, emphasized that the small group in Taleeh possessed no immediate threat to Somaliland’s territorial integrity. However, he called for maximum restraint and dialogue.


Vice President Abdulrahman Abdullahi Ismail, who was also present, said his government remains unwavering in their commitment to protect its citizens and provide justice to all.


In Somaliland’s second largest town of Burao, hundreds of thousands who staged unprecedented rally sang patriotic songs and chanted slogans in support of Somaliland’s self-determination and its unity. It was the biggest gathering in the town in recent years and it included senior government ministers, MPs, tribal elders, community and regional leaders, businesses, defense forces and students.


The protesters main message was that Somaliland can maintain its territorial integrity against its own domestic, regional and international foes.


Recently a tribal separatist militia held a meeting in the historical town of Taleeh, once the base of Sayid Abdullah Hassan, a religious fanatic and the late 19th century version of Osama bin Ladden, in which they declared the formation of a semi-autonomous state. The President Ahmed Silanyo said his government will not tolerate the disintegration of Somaliland during an emergency meeting of both Houses of parliament. An army unit was sent to the nearby town of Buhoodle and the conference in Taleeh came to an end.


The president reaffirmed his commitment to stability, development and peace and for the second time offered amnesty to the SSC militia and urged them to join hands in the struggle to move forward. The leader of the group, Suleiman Essa Ahmed (Hagal Tosiye) of Columbus, Ohio, told the BBC Somali-Services on Thursday he welcomes President Silanyo’s proposal for peace talks. He also admitted that the Taleeh conference was hijacked by opportunist groups and that it no longer served the interest of the garaad clan. He pointed his fingers at the former Somali Prime Minister, Ali Khalif Galayr and his so called G9 group. He also expressed his strong dislike for the chosen name for the ‘new semi-autonomous state’ namely Khaatumo State. The residents in the region have adopted to call the state instead ‘Khaatumo Seeg’. It later became clear some of the participants of the conference were in favor of SSC state while others wanted Darwiishland. After a deep disagreement some of the participants fled back to Garowe, the capital of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland while others left the country.


Somaliland is a former British protectorate that gained its independence in June 1960 but voluntarily unified with its southern neighbor few days later to form what was known as the Somali Republic. After years of armed struggle with Somalia that left more than 50, 000 civilians dead, it reinstated its independence in 1991 but has since failed to gain international recognition.

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Banaabax aad u balaadhan oo lagu taageerayo qaranimada Somaliland iyo ciidamada qaranka oo ka dhacay dagmada farawayne




Bashiir Abdisalaan oo isna halkaa ka hadlay ayaa isna ku dheeraaday taageerada hiil iyo hooba leh ee ay lagarabtaagan yihiin.....


Hargeisa (GNS)-Banaabaxan oo aad la isugu soo baxay waxa soo qaban qaabiyey maamulka, waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahanka iyo bulsho waynta dagmada farawaye.

Banaanbaxan oo ahaa kii ugu waynaa ee noociisa ah ee ka dhaca dagmada waxa ugu horayn ka hadlay Enginer Husein Abdi geedi (gudomiye xigeenka hay’ada wadooyinka SRA) isagoo aad ugu dheeraaday sida ay dagmo ahaan uga go’an tahay inay hiil iyo hooba la garab istaagaan ciidamada qaranka taageersan yihiina khudbadii uu madaxwayne Siilaanyo ka jeediyay labada gole.


Bashiir Abdisalaan oo isna halkaa ka hadlay ayaa isna ku dheeraaday taageerada hiil iyo hooba leh ee ay lagarabtaagan yihiin ciidamada qaranka eek u sugan jiida hore ee barri “ waxaan mahad u celinayaa dhaman dadka reer farawayne ee ka sooqayb galay banaanbaxan, dhinaca kale waxa dalka soo duulay cadaw, cadawgaas oowadanka gudihiisa soo galay waxaan muujinaynaa in aan hiil iyo hooba la garabtaganahay ciidamada qaranka”.

Cabdi cumar giji oo halkaa ka hadlay ayaa isna ku dheeraaday sida ay uga xun yihiin una rabin in dalkooda uu soo weeraro wax cadaw ku ah qaranimada soomaaliland waxaanuuu baaq u diray dadka isku sheegay inay yihiin maamul goboleed oo uu ku tilmaamay inay yihiin ashkhaas ka soo biyaystay wadamada caalamka ujeedadooduna tahay inay helaan mashruuc ay wax ku cunaan “ fariinta aan u dirayno ciidanka qaranka eek u sugan jiida hore waxaan leenahay waxa idin la gudboon inaad gaadhan xuduuda Somaliland oo aad sugtaan xuduudaha Somaliland, anagana waxa lana waydiiyaa waa taageero dhaqaale iyo mid gacmeedba”.


Gudoomiyahay dagmada farawayne Maxamud Aw cali oo halkaa isna hadal kooban ka soo jeediyay ayaa ugu horayn u mahad celiyay dadwayana dareenka muwaadinimo muujinaya ee isugu soo baxay manta dagmada farawayne, waxana uu gudoomiyihu aad uga hadlay xaalada ka tagan taleex iyo barriga dalka, waxaanuu fariin udiray kuwa ku riyoonaya waxii la odhan jiray somaliwayn in ay dhamaantay wakhtigeedii fikirkeedii horena Somaliland ay lahayd hadana ay danaheeda iyo danaha dadkeeda dalkeeda ka shaqaynayso loona baahnayn in lagu daba daalo, waxana uuu so dhaweeyay gudoomiyihu khudbadii u madaxwayne siilanyo ka jeediyay labada gole ee sanad laha ahayd


Waxa iyaguna halkaa kahadlay Odayaal badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen, cabdi gaydh, mukhtar sheikh maxamud, oday xaashi, maxamed axmed bidi, taliyaha booliska ee dagmada farawayne iyo maxamed dhago oo dhamaan ku dheeraaday sida ay uga goan tahay in ay ciidamada taageerayana oo ay biyo kama dhibcaan tahay jiritaanka qaranimada Somaliland

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Ahahhaha ... Wallee reerku god buu isku shubayaa ... War naga daaya cabaadka Khaatumo hal todobaadna ma jirine!! Wallee reer hebel tirtira baan meel idin gaadhsiin. Khaatumites are ready for the sacrifice this time around.

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