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Open marriage

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They can't just admit -- their rules failed. Monogamy didn't work for them, inay polygamy qaataana wey diideen, such a hypocrite people. They call it euphemistic terms like 'open marriage' or polyamory ama wax la mid ah nowadays.


Is it possible to have a happy open marriage?


Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's ex-wife has said they divorced after she rejected his request for an "open marriage".


People in open marriages have told the BBC that if her version of events is true, the former House Speaker broached the subject the wrong way.


Several years after their wedding, Jenny Block realised that even though she loved her husband and wanted to be with him, she needed more.


Today, Ms Block, a writer, lives with Christopher in Dallas. Her girlfriend Jemma does not live with the couple - but spends a lot of time in the house.


"It's been me and my girlfriend and me and my husband, and the two of them are really good friends, but they're not sexually involved," says Ms Block, 41, author of Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage.


"We're the most boring, regular, Scrabble and takeout Chinese on Saturday night kind of family.


"I have one other partner - that's the difference between our marriage and other marriages. No hanging naked from the chandelier. You couldn't detect anything if you came over for dinner."


'Callista doesn't care'


On Thursday, the already rollicking race for the Republican presidential nomination was shaken up by a lurid accusation of infidelity from the ex-wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.


Mr Gingrich had previously been accused of cheating on Marianne Gingrich, his second wife.


But she told an interviewer that Mr Gingrich had asked "that I accept the fact that he has somebody else in his life" and also suggested that she share him with his mistress.


"I said to him, 'Newt, we've been married a long time.' And he said, 'yes, but you want me all to yourself. Callista doesn't care what I do,'" Marianne Gingrich told ABC News in an interview broadcast on Thursday. "He was asking to have an open marriage. And I refused."


Mr Gingrich has angrily denied his ex-wife's version of events.


But in any case, that 18-year marriage ended in divorce, and Mr Gingrich is now married to the former Callista Bisek, the alleged "somebody else" of Marianne Gingrich's version of events.


Polyamory versus swinging


In interviews, people in open marriages say that although it is not for everyone, it is absolutely possible for adults to be in committed, emotionally satisfying relationships with more than one person at a time.


The preferred term is polyamory, a word coined in the early 1990s in the US in part to distinguish from swinging, in which couples approach sex with other people as a joint endeavour, or arrangements in which partners are allowed to have sex with other people without romantic attachments.


"Polyamorous relationships tend to be ongoing, sustainable, emotionally bonded, committed relationships with more than one person, with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved," says Anita Wagner, who says she has been in polyamorous relationships on and off for the last 15 years.


"When it works, it's wonderful. It's an abundance of love and affection and experience."


The keys to a successful, happy polyamorous relationship are up-front consent and negotiation of ground rules and boundaries, say relationship counsellors, sex educators and polyamorous couples.


"That can range anywhere from 'you can only have sex when you go on business trips and you're out of the state', to 'you can have another girlfriend but I'm the primary partner, so I come first'," says Tristan Taormino, a sex educator, writer and feminist pornographer.


"It could be, 'I'm a gay bear leather guy, and you can't see any gay bear leather guys but me,'" says Ms Taormino, author of Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships.


"It can get really down to specific minutiae like that, or it can be very broad. I really depends on the couple."

Sii aqriso

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Che, bisinka. Ma waalantahay. Marwadeyda igu filan, alxamdulilaah. Iyadoo kale inay ifka joogto maba moodi jirin oo afar iyo shan ayeeba u dhigantaa. Mid kale fiiris xataa uma haayo. 058.gif


The reason I posted is that dadkaan, waa Reer Galbeedka, waa labawajiiliyaal oo aanan xishooneynin, siiba kuwaan Republican isku sheego.

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What a coincidence I was reading this yesterday and there is alot of contradictions and sugarcoating when it comes to polygamy trying to give it another name such as open marriage but the act still stays the same what a bull.

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^What a coincidence too and I was watching last night one big Hollywood producer having the same arrangement with his wife and she was ok with that etc.


These people are hypocrite, Allah knows what is good for the man kind and hence he made lawful to marry more than one wife. I don't care whether you believe monogamy or what but there is no way one can stay with one women forever without temptation for others.............and when that happens then is good to do it in the right way (of course you have to meet all the requirements )

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;778128 wrote:
Che, bisinka. Ma waalantahay. Marwadeyda igu filan, alxamdulilaah. Iyadoo kale inay ifka joogto maba moodi jirin oo afar iyo shan ayeeba u dhigantaa. Mid kale fiiris xataa uma haayo.


The reason I posted is that dadkaan, waa Reer Galbeedka, waa labawajiiliyaal oo aanan xishooneynin, siiba kuwaan Republican isku sheego.

:D She must be reading this, me thinks.

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