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Somalia: TFG approves $3M Water Project for regional water project in Somaliland

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The Office of the Prime Minister of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Dr. Abdiwali Mohamed Ali, today released the names of its newly formed anti-corruption committee, as demanded by Article 10 of the 1968 Constitution.


The new committee is designed to focus on transparency, accountability, and integrity in order to speed up the fight against corruption as part of good governance. It is also needed to improve social services by protecting national interests, restoring law and order and improving the general policy for Somalia, according to the government spokesman Abduuraham Yariisow.


The ten people that make up the new committee are Mohamed Abdishakur Sheik Hassan Ahmed, Najma Jama, Abdi/Risak Nuh Hasan, Khadra Mohamed Iise, Mohamed Barre Kuusow, Suleymaan Yusf Elmi, Hussein Qasim Yusuf, Ibrahim Mo’alin Hussein and Hadi Omar Abdullahi.


TFG Approves Funds for Somaliland Project



Meanwhile Prime Minister Abidiweli signed an agreement with an African Devolvement Bank (AfDB) to fund a water supply project in the breakaway region of Somaliland.


The premier recently visited Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, where he met with senior officials of the Tunisian government and AfDB to discuss the plan.


“The Prime Minister approved $3 million dollars for the 'Water Supply Projections in the Somaliland territories' by the African Devolvement Bank,” Mr. Yariisow told reporters on Thursday. However Mr. Yariisow would not provide details on whether or not the decision of the agreement was shared with Somaliland officials before it was been signed by the premier.


Somaliland declared its independence from the rest of Somalia after the overthrow of Siad Barre in 1991, but it has not yet received international recognition.

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Great News! Thanks Somalina.



"Meanwhile Prime Minister Abidiweli signed an agreement with African Development Bank to fund a wate supply project in the breakaway region of Somaliland."

This is exactly what the secessionists in Hargeisa wanted after so many years. Like Puntland, they can be smarter to have the legality and approval from the federal government to deal with the international community in terms of development and investment. Puntland has quite succeeded in that endeavor of interest and understanding whereas "Somaliland" failed.

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Muqdisho – 19 January 2012 War-Saxaafadeed Shirka Golaha Wasiirada.



(Muqdisho, 19 January 2012) Shir ay maanta yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada oo uu shir-guddoominayey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali ayaa looga hadlay arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin safarkii Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ku tegey Kenya iyo Djibouti, arrimaha amniga, Gargaarka Bani’aadanimo, canshuuraha berriga iyo warbixin wasiirka Haweenka iyo 3 wasiir ku xigeen oo ka qeybgalay shir ka dhacay Tunis.


Ugu horreyntii Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay inuu Nairobi uga qeybgalay 09kii Janaayo shirka isku xirka iyo la socoshada Roadmapka. Shirkan ayey beesha caalamku ku ammaaneen Dowladda Soomaaliya horumarka ballaaran ee laga sameeyey Roadmapka sida dhanka amniga, dib-u-heshiisiinta, isku xirka maamulada iyo dowladda dhexe, dastuurka iyo dib-u-habeynta baarlamaanka. Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaarahu waxuu ka warbixiyey booqashadii rasmiga aheyd ee uu ku tegey Djibouti oo uu sheegay in Madaxda Djibouti ay si heer sare ah u soo dhoweeyeen, isla markaana uu la kulmay Madaxweynaha Djibouti Ismail Omar Gelleh, Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Djibouti Dileyte Mohamed Dileyte iyo qaar ka mid ah wasiirada Djibouti. Ra’iisul Wasaarahu waxuu sheegay in Dowlada Djibouti ay rajo badan ka muujiyeen horumarka ballaaran ee Dowladdu ku tallaabsatay ee dhan walba sida abaaraha, amniga, iyo dhaqangelinta roadmapka.


Wasiirada Amniga ayaa sheegay in horumar weyn laga sameeyey dhanka amniga oo howlgalo ay ciidamada amnigu sameeyeen lagu guuleystay oo 12 qof lagu soo qabtay iyo 18 qori. Golahu waxey ku ammaaneen hay’adaha amniga dadaalkooda waxeyna isku raaceen in degmooyinka ay hay’adaha amniga kala shaqeeyaan sidii amniga loo sugi lahaa isla markaana loo soo celin lahaa kala danbeyntii iyo sharaftii shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Goluhu waxey ku ammaaneen shacabka sida ay ula shaqeeyeen hay’adaha amniga, kana codsadeen in shacabka iyo hay’adaha amniga ay sii xoojiyaan wadashaqeyntooda.


Guddiga Wasiirada Abaaraha ayaa warbixin siiyey golaha ee ku wajahan sida ay u socdaan howlaha gar-gaarka bani’aadanimo, waxeyna sheegeen in qorshihii Dowladda ee dib-u-dejinta barakacayaasha uu bilowday oo dhowaan la qorsheynayo in illaa 10 kun oo qoys loo sameyn doono dib-u-dejin dhameystiran.


Wasaaradaha Maaliyadda iyo Gaadiidka ayaa ka warbixiyey howlo lagu hirgalinayo canshuuraha gaadiidka, waxeyna sheegeen in qorshahaas uu si wanaagsan u socdo. Golahu waxey ugu baaqeen gaadiidleyda inay iska bixiyaan canshuuraha ku waajibay oo 1da Febraayo gaadiidka aan bixinin canshuurtii ku waajibtay la saari doono ganaax. Wasaarada Maaliyada ayaa waxey ka warbixisay muhiimada canshuuraha si loo fuliyo adeegyada bulshada oo ay ka mid yihiin amniga, waxbarashada, caafimaadka iwm, waxeyna ka codsadeen in ganacsatada ay kala shaqeeyaan wasaaradda maaliyadda howlaha canshuur ururinta.


Ugu danbeyntii Wasiiradda Haweenka ayaa waxey ka warbixisey shir ay ka qeybgashay oo looga hadlayey gudniinka fir-fircoon oo ka dhacay magaalada Garowe oo ay sheegtay in shirku uu ku dhamaaday guul iyo is-fagarad isla markaana ay kala tashan doonto wasaarada caafimaadka iyo garsoorka dhaqangelinta barnaamijkan. Sidoo kale golaha waxa warbixin siiyey wasiir ku xigeenada Biyaha, Tamarta, iyo Beeraha iyo Xanaanada Xoolaha oo safar shaqo ku tegey magaalada Tunis, kulamana la yeeshay Bankiga Horumarinta Afrika oo ay sheegeen in Bankigu uu diyaar u yahay inuu maalgeshi ku sameeyo Soomaaliya. Waxey kaloo sheegeen in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali uu u saxiixay Bankga Horumarinta Afrika 3 million oo mashaariic biyo gelin ah loogu sameynayo Somaliland.



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A month ago SL announced it was imrpoving it's water systems with 27M from the EU and here you have a govt that itself needs as much help as it can get making it look as if it it is able to provide such things.


Very funny.

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