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Caluula, Eyl Jariban to get $1.2 million, start of Eastern regions (Indian Ocean) development...

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Garowe(Pi) Dowlada Puntland ayaa manta soo bandhigtay qorshe lagu horumarinayo degmooyinka qaarkood sanadkaan, waxaana mashruuca u horeeya nasiib u helay Degmooyinka Caluula, eyl iyo Jariiban, sida ay Dowladu sheegtey degmooyinkaan ayaa ka mid ahaa degmooyink aan Dowladu horumar muuqda aysan ka fulin.


Gudi ka yimid degmooyinkaan iyo maamulka Dowlada ee degmooyinka ayaa lacagaha lagu wareejinayaa si ay ugu fuliyaan mashaariic ay degmooyinku soo bandhigtee, waxaana ku kormeeraya Dowlada sida mashaariicdu u socoto.


Lacagtaan ayaa waxaa bixinaya Dowlada Puntland iyo Hay’ado caalami ah oo Qaramada Midoobay kamid tahay.


Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha Puntland ayaa sheegtey in Qorshaha horumarinta Puntland uu sanadkaan wada gaari doono dhamaan deeganada Puntland.



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This is what I have asked for for a long time. Puntland future is in the Indian Ocean coastline and those vast, beutiful regions need to be developed. Qandala, Raas Casayr, Eastern Nugaal and Mudug need urgent development...

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Great Development for those neglected parts of the State. Maashaallaah that the development will now be on the eastern coastal regions and away from the big towns on the main road/highway.

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^^^^Yeah that's the next stage of development, the beautiful coast should be developed. Puntland is putting together the foundation of great development. Look at Garowe today, its doing great relative to Somali standards.

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How will this 1.2 million be spend? Roads? Offices for local representatives? Villas? They need none of that! These are fishermen's towns, they need trawlers and cooling-ships for export. With 1.2 million you could buy several of those, and by the end of the year their catch would bring in between 10 to 20 million dollars worth of fish, the next year 50 to 100 million, and etc. That's how you develop maritime nations, see Japan, see Australia, see South Korea.

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A new district administration is a new start the rest will take care of itself inshallaah. Of course the money is needed to improve the needs and accessibility of the town and environs but nevertheless it's a good start.

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Its good step in the right direction, however Faroole should have strategised which districs the money is invested in. in my opinion, I would have used this money to appease the oppositio from Bargaal and Goldogob communities. Eyl and Garowe is his own backyard and people will use to oppose him and cause unnecessary chaos.

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