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Che -Guevara

Xaglatoosiye Opposing Khaatuma Outcome

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Che, no one is blind to the fact that all regions support the new administration of course except those who are willfully blind. If anyone is under the delusion that the brave people of buhoodle Will tie their fate to the whims of one man, they are surely mistaken. Remember, labada garaad Jamas where his main backers While garaad saleban and karaash were the too people most loyal to puntland yet as far as I know, not a single garaad is missing from the table. In my humble opinion the new state is beyond the days were a single person could Derail the wishes of an entire community.

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General Duke;777109 wrote:
^^^^Will they even be able to mention Xabsade? People get killed and no one mentions this man who takes credit for all the SNM attacks.

I'm honestly not sure Duke. You know how clan politics works. Each Subclan will try their best to protect any member regardless of how much of a scum they are. But now that everybody's on the same page things could be different.

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Naxar...I guess it will be a matter of who's the ultimate the guardian of this community-the Garaads or politicians who switch sides because they didn't get what they wanted. I agree with you reer Buhoodle spoke loud and clear as demonstrated by their reaction to the naked aggression of the secessionist forces.


Duke...Haabsade is certainly responsible for many things including crimes but only the purpose he now serves is to sanitize the attacks by the secessionists.


Fiqi...What are they protesting against?

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I believe Mudane Xaglatoosiye waa nin wax saluugsan balse ma hor istaagi karo waxa badida bulshoweyntu doonayso. Astaamaha hogaamiyanimada waxaa lagu yaqaan in qofka ogolaado in la maamuli karo, waxna uu maamuli karo.

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Duke C/kariim is a man outside from SSC regions, he is a southerner who came from the USA and not very well known in Cayn. It's true him and Xaglatoosiye are also from different sub-clans. But the protest of the Cayn folks and grievances are related to how they felt being treated by Galayr who they think doesn't take them serious. It's a Cayn complex against Sool&Nugaal.

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Duke...I know it is the divisions within those who claim to represent this community that's the underlying problem but what institution can force out these people? Mind you, some of the tribal members will come to their defense despite these men contribute nothing to their well being.


Taleexi..Good leadership is not synonymous with today's Somalis and that largely have to do with the larger public which this disfranchised.

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PUNTLAND is only thinking about one thing at this moment. Oil, Oil and OIL . We are not attacking civilians, or our Suldans crying in public, forcing civilians to demonstrate unlike Berbera and so on...Come on son, don't open your mouth, least you embarrass yourself like the other secessionists.

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