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Xaaji Xunjuf

Galkacyo tribal chief Suldaan Siciid Cismaan Farax killed by armed men in the city

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War Deg Deg ah:- Suldaan Siciid Cismaan Farax‏ oo Gaalkacyo lagu diley saaka iyo Maleeshiyaadkii diley oo la gartay

Posted by Pi on January 19th, 2012


Gaalkacyo(P) Alle ha u naxariistee waxaa saaka kooxo hubaysan ku dileen meel udhow Xarunta Goblka Mudug Suldaan Suldaan Siciid Cismaan Farax‏, Maamulka Gobolka ayaa ka hadlay dilka Suldaanka iyagoo sharaxaad ka bixiyey cida ka dambeysa iyo sababta loo diley.Gudomiye xigeenka Gobolka Mudug Axmad Muusa Nuur ayaa sheegay in dhacdan ay tahay mid aad u foolxun oo ay canbaaraynayaan waxaana uu ka tacsiyeey dilka Suldaanka.

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Allah ha u naxariiisto.


Yet another Clan elder assasinated. Will the silence of the Puntlanders continue on these assasination?


If the main cause is not adressed, I am afraid these assasinations wont just stop.

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Very Unfortuanate. Countless of clan elders, business men and religious leaders have been assasinated. And still Xiinfaniin, remains in shame silent while his clan, business and religios leaders are assasinated. Xiin rather chases Ngonge on his opinion of the Khaatumo Conference, hoping to get some applaus from Duke and other misguided Puntland PR spinners.


How will they spinn this one?

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AUN the man who was killed. Like those poor folks who were killed in Cayn the other day. They were acts of criminality but one was organized by a state & celebrated by the secessionists.

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The marxuum was the Sultan of the Caabudwaaq community in Gaalkacyo. His burial is taking place in Dhabad town in southwestern Mudug. Allah hau Naxariisto. Gaalkacyo is increasingly unsafe for any traditional leader.

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General Duke;776941 wrote:
AUN the man who was killed. Like those poor folks who were killed in Cayn the other day. They were acts of criminality but one was organized by a state & celebrated by the secessionists.

none where killed in Cayn...face the facts,so many big people were killed in PL last couple yrs! should be some mysterious organization everyone afraid of & can't be named!!

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Before it was the PIS behind many of the killings, creating CIA mashruucs for them selves. I thaght it stopped with the new head of PIS.


Most Puntlanders are mysteriously silent on this issue. So it becomes difficult to adress the causes.

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Carafaat;776940 wrote:
Very Unfortuanate. Countless of clan elders, business men and religious leaders have been assasinated. And still Xiinfaniin, remains in shame silent while his clan, business and religios leaders are assasinated. Xiin rather chases Ngonge on his opinion of the Khaatumo Conference, hoping to get some applaus from Duke and other misguided Puntland PR spinners.


How will they spinn this one?

Pathetic. Where were you in the Oil thread, you, Xaaji Xunjuf, Jacaylbaro and the rest.


The only one who posted was @Burahadeer only to fabricate an important piece of history.


In this thread you have the head of Puntland on SOL, Mr Duke.

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