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IS it ok if your husband has lower education than you?

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What do you girls thinking about education in a relationship? girls, would you be able to accept that your husband has lower education? Say, the man finished high school and the woman finished master's degree.

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You should be asking the question; Is it ok if your woman has a higher education than you?


Stay in the kitchen my dear.



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^Why not?


This reminds me of a brother I know, his wife's career has taken off whilst his seems to drag a bit at the moment - worse yet she has finished building a dream home for them - he is refusing to move in. Elders got involved, the man is threatening divorce if he is asked again by anyone to move in...


I am trying to understand the mentality, weli puzzle beey ii

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^Salaanta qaliga iga gudoon[sp?] inadeer..


Walle anigu inuu isyelyelaa bee ila tahay - why not enjoy the fruits of your womans labour? Koleybaa wexee soo shaqeysoo is for the family, women are kind in that nature..

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Inader ... waa saa iska dhaadhiciseen :) we guys are also obliged to be kind and sweet if we dare keeping the lady at home. Malika, a u kidding me!, what fruits are we talking about waaba dhako faare.

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^You will have to translate 'dhako faare'


Hehe..the fruits of her labour are plentiful -from bringing in what she earns to keeping the house running smoothly to raising the fruits of your loins..maa sii wadaa?


I dont think men should worry if his woman is more educated or has a higher earning career - its actually beneficial for him..

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samjamaa;776330 wrote:
What do you girls thinking about education in a relationship? girls, would you be able to accept that your husband has lower education? Say, the man finished high school and the woman finished master's degree.

High school diploma is a fair achievement. Somali men used to go abroad, get a p.h.D , come back home and settle down with a Somali woman who couldn't sign her own name. Somali Islamic scholars would marry a woman who couldn't recite Faatixa, couldn't tell between Asr and Dhuhr prayers then teach her the deen at home.

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If you have to ask such a silly question, it must be first year at nursery that you compeleted and your poor man is still at the child minders!

(stuff and nonsense).

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Somalina - Money now can buy qurux - whatever level u want.


Malika: Mid aad akhriska ka badiso haddaad heshay ha iska sheegin baan ku dhihi lahaa.

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I wouldnt recommend it either. If he was undergrad like his BSC or BA...and she has her masters thats fine. But if he has only high school education and she has masters degree, I would think there's a huge gap there. wa laga fiicanyahay laakin waxkasta dhaqanka iyo diinta ka wacan, so it could work.



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