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Che -Guevara

People of Hiiraan must decide their own future

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Residents of Hiiraan must capitalize this window of opportunity by holding a reconciliation conference to establish an administration


Hiiraan Online Editorial

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Peace can only be understood as a phase in a conflict cycle and as a long-term process with a set of challenges. It is in this context that we urge the people of the Hiiraan region to capitalize the current opportunity created by the withdrawal of Al-Shabab from the city of Beletwein and unite around the need to establish lasting security and a system of governance for the people of Hiiraan.


We understand that people may label us of supporting the notion of dual–track approach as promoted by the USA, or the concept of building from the bottom up or even the cynics may accuse us of breaking up the nation or creating more fiefdoms; a far-fetched of what this editorial piece aims to achieve.


In contrast, this editorial piece supports the unity of Somalia and in that spirit of unity urges the people of Hiiraan to consolidate peace by capitalizing this window of opportunity and to set the foundation for a process that will pave the way for durable peace throughout the country, and that is what this editorial piece is striving to achieve and not to further complicate the current crises in Somalia by not following suite the tsunami of emerging states. Arguably, the dual-track policy is intended to serve the interest of the USA and not the Somali interest and will adversely affect the Somali conflict and consequently will prolong the Somali crisis



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First Somali President Aden Abdulle Osman (1), First Somali Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse Mohamud (2) and the first offical opposition leader Sheikh Abli Jumale Barale

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Shacabka Hiiraan waa in ay hantiyaan fursadda maanta u dagan, iyaga oo ku xaqiijinaya maamulka ku yimaada wadahadal iyo dib u heshiisiin.

Tafatirka Hiiraan Online

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Halganka bulsha kasta wuxuu maraa marxalado kala duwan oo mararka qaarkood xambaarsan isku –dhac, farafoonta iyo dagaalba; kuwaasoo ugu dambeynta bulshooyinka fahamsiiya miraha nabadda iyo xasilloonida.


Sidaa daraadeed waxaan reer Hiiraan ugu baaqeynaa in aysan ka ilduufin ka mira-dhalinta fursadda ka abuurantay ka bixitaankii kooxda Al-Shabaab, kuna baraarugaan muhimadda ay leedahay midnimadu iyo lagamamaarmaanida nidaam dowladeed iyo nabad waarta oo ay ku noolaadaan dadweynaha reer Hiiraan.


Waxaa laga yaabaa in loo qaato in aan taageereyno fikirka labada wado (Dual Track) ee ay ku baaqdo dowladda Mareykanka, ama fikirka xambaarsan in maamulka hoos laga soo dhiso (Bottom UP Approach), amaba nalaku eedeeyo u janjeeridda siyaasadda gurracan ee gobolo u kala qoqobidda dalka Soomaaliyeed, kuwaas oo ka dhan ah ula-jeedada iyo hadafka uu leeyahay faaladan.


Waxay faaladani xambaarsantahay baaq midnimada Soomaaliyeed iyo baraarujin gaar ahaaneed oo ah in aan shacabka reer Hiiraan ka il duufin ku habsadashada iyo fursadda iyo iftiinka nabadeed oo dhidiba adag u noqon kara nabad waarta oo Soomaali oo dhan gaarta.



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Their future will be decided for them given that they've had over 2 DECADES to decide. Those men you pictured were far more civilised than what they've left behind, do you agree?

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Che -Guevara;776291 wrote:

First Somali President Aden Abdulle Osman (1), First Somali Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse Mohamud (2) and the first offical opposition leader Sheikh Abli Jumale Barale

Priceless moment!!

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