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NEC-Somalia Will Be Using Solar Wind Farms For Garowe Electricity

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Cabdifitaax Maxamd Cabdi (Kismaayo) Guddoomiyaha Shirkada Korantada Garowe NEC



GAROOWE : Shirkada Korantada NEC oo ka guuraysa isticmaalka Shidaalka una guuraysa isticmaalka dabaysha


January 17, 2012 7:08 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor





Garoowe:-Shirkada Korantada NEC waa shirkada kaliya ee magaalada Garoowe adeega Korantada siisa, waxayna iminka isticmashaa nidaamka shidaalka, waxayse qorshaynaysaa in sanadkan 2012 ay u wareegto isticmaalka Hawada, ama dabaysha, hadba si aan xog dheeraad ah uga ogaano waxaan maanta booqday shirkadax afiiskeeda, waxaana warbixin iga siiyay sida ay Shaqada Shirkadu tahay Guddoomiyaha NEC Mudane, Cabdifitax Maxamed Cabdi (Kismaayo).


Guddoomiyaha NEC, Cabdifitaax Kismaayo waxa uu sheegay in ay u diyaar-garoobeen in sanadka 2012 ay isticmaalaan dabaysha iyaka oo ka faa’idaysanaya khayraadka dalka islamarkaasna dhimaya kharashka badan ee wadamada carabta aada ee lagu soo gato shidaalka iyo Olyada, waxa uu sheegay in mashruucan cusub ay ku baxayso dhaqaale aad iyo aad uga badan kii hore balse marka uu hirgalo uu ka kharash yaraanayo nidaamka iminka la istimaalo ee shidaalka.


Horumarka ballaaran ee Shirkadu gaartay ayuu sheegay in qof kastaaba uu indhihiisa ku arki-karo oo Shirkada ka muuqato, waxaana uu sheegay in la balaariyay adeegii bulshada loo hayay oo Korantada la geeyay dhismayaal cusub oo magaalada ka baxsan, islamarkaasna waddooyinka magaalada layrar waawayn lagu xiray, kuwaas oo bilic aad u wanaagsan magaalada ko kordhiyay.


Qiimaha sicirka ayuu sheegay in aysan isbadal saas u wayn aysan samayn sadexdii sano ee u dambeeyay, maadaama qiimaha shidaalku uu kor u socday amaba hoos u dhacayay wax aan qiimo-dhimis lagu samayn-karin.


Waxa uu xusay in horumarka iyo shaqada la balaarshay ay ka timid macaamiisha iyaka la’aantoodna aysan Shirkadu gaarteen horumarkan, waxa uu sheegay in mararka qaar laga hadlo qiimaha, waxa uu sheegay in qiimaha ay dib ugu ceshaan bulshada isaga oo sheegay in ay adeeg (Koronto) lacag la aan ah siiyaan:






Xerada Agoonta


Dugsiga sare


Isbataalka oo ay baxshaan in ku dhow 50%




Wuxuu ammaan iyo duco u jeediyay Saamilayda Shirkada oo uu sheegay in ay yihiin kuwo samir badan oo faa’iidada ay ka helaan shirkada ay ka badan tahay midda ay ka faa’iidaystaan Macaamiisha isticmaalka adeega Korantada ee NEC.


Adeega Korantada ee NEC, ayaa waxa uu yahay adeeg 24 saac si joogta ah loo isticmaalo, waxaana maalgashay ganacsato reer Puntland ah kuwaas oo iminka wax gacana ka helin cid kale noocay doonto ha ahaate.


Wajiga hore ee Xafiiska Korantada NEC




Xafiisyada adeegyada Macaamiisha Shirkada Korantda Garoowe NEC



I mentioned this to you guys a couple of weeks ago that this would be happening



Check out the comment left by the owner of NEC-Somalia a couple of months ago


You can confirm that I said this in my puntland unleashed topic, and for anyone who hasnt seen that topic is nutts


Puntland is moving forward

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What happened to that 1 BILLION investment in the energy sector by the newly created Somali conglemerate Trans-National Industrial Electricity and Gas Company? You could establish hundreds of wind-farms all along the Somali coast with that budget, from Kismayo to Zeila. Since we enjoy one of the strongest wind-currents in the world, we could produce surplus electricity and export it to other countries.


I do hope NEC has purchased that technology, its very progressive!

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Chimera its already purchased it, its now starting the transition from oil fuelled electricity to solar wind based electricity. The idea has been floating around as early as 2010.


From what I can ascertain he is looking to purchase


after i have seen your second hand wind mill 500kw 10 pc if we are intersting 3pc 1.5mw energ can you sell as .


an d olso can you pl fix as in we are read to pay engneering cost


bast regand

chairman of Nec somalia

His looking for 1.5MW a 3pc set. Check it out below


1 set is 990k x 3. Thats $3 million dollars investment!!!

Guddoomiyaha NEC, Cabdifitaax Kismaayo waxa uu sheegay in ay u diyaar-garoobeen in sanadka 2012 ay isticmaalaan dabaysha iyaka oo ka faa’idaysanaya khayraadka dalka islamarkaasna dhimaya kharashka badan ee wadamada carabta aada ee lagu soo gato shidaalka iyo Olyada,
waxa uu sheegay in mashruucan cusub ay ku baxayso dhaqaale aad iyo aad uga badan
kii hore balse marka uu hirgalo uu ka kharash yaraanayo nidaamka iminka la istimaalo ee shidaalka.

I can surely appreciate what he meant when he said alot investment went into this and that's only if he hasn't changed his mind on exactly how many sets he got, he could've of got the whole damn lot a 6 piece set at $5 million at the last moment. Who knows but we will find out the technical details with due time

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This new form electricity is going to provide the electricity needs of garowe. The 3 piece set will be most likely stationed at NEC power-station and will funnel in the electricity through the wind-farms and he will then provide that the city residents, businesses, government and public institutions. This will stop the reliance on mid-east oil which won't be needed anymore.


It will take a while till that investment is paid back but once it does he will be making a killing since all his electricity sources is from the wind, he will just need to small maintenance on it yearly at $1500 thats it

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This is a huge development and I believe its time other electricity firms in Puntland namely ENEE, SEPCO, NEPCO All jump in and update their electricity sources. Puntland has two strengths. 1. Wind and 2. Sun we need to take advantage of this and not really on fossil fuels

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Chimera we are the only region with wind farms to provide electricity plus dont forget we also have surveillance cameras in our streets along with stop signs, give way signs, bump ahead signs and proper bus stops in all of our cities.


We have the strongest fishery sector in Somalia, the only man-made irrigation system plus the most oil in every region of Somalia. Infact we have 5-6 companies who are fighting it out for concession rights on this highly prospective land and the first drill site in 20 years started. Not to mention over $100 million already invested to open up this new industry for Puntland!!!


We must take it to another level and really start investing hard in small manufacturing self-depedence is the key to any regions success and the moment we can get there the better our people will be

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