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Maay Maay Language

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Aloore run ayee kaa ahayd, you need a crash course Afmaay barashadiisa haddaaba ogeyn in Afgooye looga hadlo. Afmaay Baay iyo Bakool kaliya loogama hadlo.


Afmaay waxaa looga hadlaa from Mandheera to Dooloow to Luuq to Ceelbarde to Tiyeegloow to Daafeed to Wänlaweyn to Afgooye to Baraawe to Saakoow to Jamaame to Bu'aale to Salagle to Baardheere to Ceelwaaq. And every tuulo iyo magaalo u dhaxeyso those deegaano., including Qansaxdheere, Diinsoor, Buurhakaba, Awdheegle, Qooryooleey, Baydhabo, Waajid iyo Xuddur.


These regions waaguu Talyaaniga iyo gumeysigiisa joogay Alta Jubba la isku dhihi jiray, except Baraawe oo Greater Banaadir ka mid ahayd. Maantana Jubbada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe, Gedo, Baay, Bakool iyo Shabeellaha Hoose kala yihiin.


Sababta 'Afgooye' loogu bixiye degmadaas ma'ogid miyaa xataa. It is the historical town Afmaay iyo Afmaxaatiri ku kala bixi jireen. Qofkii Afgooye ka tago oo dhanka Xamar aado Afmaxaatiri ayaa u bilaabanaayo, qofka Afgooye ka tago dhanka Wänlaweyn iyo Daafeed aadana Afmaay u bilaabanaayo. Saas loogu bixiye degmadaan 'Afgooye'. Afafka ku kala hara. Afmaayga looga hadla Afgooyena wuu ka dibicsanyahay Afmaayga kale oo ereyo Afmaxaatiri badan ka buuxo.

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Batii, batii beridaa

Baroogo oo lukunta

Batuulo hooy bog yareey

Berkee la koo sheenay

Bilaantey bog yareey

Berkee la koo sheenay


Bilaanta beledkaan adi ley ki baafisoo

Berkoo, berkoo ke eree - beerey tumani

Birin, birin ke eree - beerey tumani


Fannaanadaas, Shamsa Max'ed Food, looma gali karo. Afmaay si fiican u taqaan. Reer Baardheere ahaayeen reerkooda, caan ka ahaayeen degmadaas.

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Carafaad, heeso Afmaay oo wadani ah haddaa rabtid tan

. Meesha waxaa ka muuqdo fanaaniinta Shimaali iyo Buunis iyo abwaankii weynaa Sahal Macalin Ciise. Iyo wadaniyiinta dhabta ah Asli Calansida iyo Xirsi Calanside, Rabi ha u raxmadee.


Dhiigoo ii dhe'aankoo wada ennaa

Dhalashoodeen ii sumadeen ay dhunee


Dadkii fahmi waaye, in Afmaxaatiri:


Dhiig iyo isku dheecaan baan wada nahayee

Dhalashadeena iyo sumadeena yeysan dhumin

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Carafaat;786055 wrote:
Nin-Yaaban, can you post some simple words plus translation?

LoL, sxb kaftaan ayeey iga aheed, Af.kaas kuma hadlo, mana fududa. Laakinse waan jeclaan lahaa in aan barto. Maine ayaa afkaas si weyn looga hadlaa. Saaxib ayaan statekaas ku leeyahay, oo hadaad rabtid ayagaan weeydiinaya. :)

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MMA, we should start online campaign to have af maay maay as second language in the Somali constitution. More people speak Maay maay then arabic or english. If only the most important goverments document would be available in Maay Maay it would give a boost to emanicipation and participation of whole regions. At least this was the case in countries where they strong regional dialects like Spain(Catalan and Bask country). And one would get more information on what plays in those regions. inaa Maxaa tiriga oo kale la xamaniyo. :D

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Carafaat;813541 wrote:
MMA, we should start online campaign to have af maay maay as second language in the Somali constitution. More people speak Maay maay then arabic or english. If only the most important goverments document would be available in Maay Maay it would give a boost to emanicipation and participation of whole regions. At least this was the case in countries where they strong regional dialects like Spain(Catalan and Bask country). And one would get more information on what plays in those regions. inaa Maxaa tiriga oo kale la xamaniyo.

It is the first language recognized in the constitution, along with Maxaatiri. No need for second.


So if any xildhibaan opts to speak in Afmaay in baarlamaanka, kuwa fahmin nasiibkooda waaye. Marka hala iska barto, siiba qofkii rabo in uu jago sare ka qabto Soomaaliya.

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