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Somaliland's Ambassador and spokesman to the World

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Taleexi;775360 wrote:
Ask Ngonge he knows it.

Not my area of expertise, adeer. But in a world where nobody can hide anything anymore, I really doubt if this guy does not have the education he claims he has. ;)

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Jacaylbaro;775390 wrote:
Sources just told me
is also fake .......

Of course, it's a fake identity - another Siyadist masquerading as a Somalilander.


Wuu waashey sidii Buuhoodle loo galeyba....

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I was wrong and harsch on the Minister. I may have judged him to early in his period. He is quite a diplomat and has changed Somaliland´s diplomatic course with Somalia 180 degrees with consent of the people and their representatives in both Houses.


Je suis désolé pour les accusations. Je regrette!

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The SL Foreign Minister is the most incometent figure in Siilanyo's goverment. Not only did he violate the constitution, but he even drags the President to all kind of diffrent conferences for personal gain.

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Xaaji, this is no laughing matter! Its already worse enough that there is quite some confusion and that public is left in the dark about this sudden visit of Siilanyo to UK. Even the VP didnt agree with the visit. Instead of explaining it to the public, he insults and starts name calling.

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Carafaat;775330 wrote:
He even asked UAE to arrest Boqor Buurmadoow. What is next asking France to arrest Royaale and Russia to bomb UDUB office?


KKKKKK you mean XABAALAHA UDUB? what office?

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