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Marriage Bandits???

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So I was googling Somali forums/websites and I came across one called somalinet where they seem to be vigorously discussing interracial marriage


"This issue of certain thugs who become muslim, start wearing thobes and then marry women without their guardians consent. The main victims of these criminals are Revert sisters and Somali girls. Im sure you guys have heard about these horror stories, laakin nowadays it has become well known even to other muslim communities just the other day a pakistani brother came to me and said ' Akhi, why would a somali girl marry a jamaican guy who has been muslim for 3 months'..Yacnee everyone can see this is doomed to end in failure. Khair you could argue that one or two cases work out laakin the majority when they have fullfilled their desires they dash them back at us. We as Somalis have to pick up the pieces, and imagine the impact on these little girls who cut of their family ties to be with thes losers.


The majority of these thugs just happen to be 'Salafi' and i use that term only because this is what they are known as. In reality they are far removed from the methodology of the prophet (sallahu caleyhi wasalam). And they also mostly happen to be black ex-criminals who bring their gang lifestyle into Islaam, they treat sisters basically like their '*****es'. And we as Somalis shouldnt accomodate these thugs, nor should we be bullied into allowing them to marry our daughters.


We need to raise awareness about these issues, and all of you men need to take responsibility. And dont be intimidated by accusations of racism, etc.. Its reached a stage where by they have devalued the Somali woman, ive seen guys give one girl a book or a watch as a mehr. We need to protect our sisters inshallah."



Um, is this even semi-factual or just hyperbolic xenophobia? I don't even know what a Salafi is lol.

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