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Somaliland Power-Sharing. 83% In One Clan LOOOL

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I couldn't believe this. Is this democratic ideals? 83% of the power in one clan's hand. Now thats true definition of tribal enclave!!! Check it out guys below. Its all in english too


Another good article is below on how to cure this clan sickness in hargeisa


War dadkasi waa xoolo and your talking about Puntland clan representation. We dont have anything compared to that which is madness. We only have 45% and weliba taas ayaa na lagu haysta. 80% lol if that happened it would be civil war in puntland

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It's not wrong, I checked out other websites, the brain power of the secessionist clan alone has 5 seats.


That just ain't cool.

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It is the the Clan of Ismacil Cumar geele they have 3 general directors

The Maakhir clan have two Ministers the garaad clan also 2 ministers and a deputy Minister

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