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You know when some a Kafir comes to you and says why has God Willed Evil in this world. Why has he willed that there be so many crimes and wars when he COMMANDS the opposite.


What would you say as a response to the question?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions, if you haven't then you really don't care to reflect on Allah.


I am curious to know what other nomads response would be to these questions.



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Asalamu alaikum


Allah SWT does everything for a reason, whether we know it or not we have to live by his commands.




Allah does everything to test us, is a test of iman and taqwa. And everything is written for us, nothing will ever go as we plan unless allah has that will for us. And again it all comes down to testing our iman and how we will react in good and bad situations.

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i think raxma hit the nail on the head, life is a test and those who come thru that test (a 24/7/365 test)will gain the best reward of all. however having said that, the kafurs dont c like we see it. for them evrything has to be in black and white, i have had that same question on more than one occasion.

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Those answers are not enough.

Are you gonna tell me that when muslims in palestian are getting murdered on a daily basis?

Why does God WILL FOR EVIL in the world?

Come on nomads, subhanallah, you need to come up with better responses than 'It happens b/c its good for you'.

Thats not a convincing argument.

No wonder why muslim ulama can't combat these modern day 'isms' and questions about religions.


Fi Amanallah

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Why does God WILL FOR EVIL in the world?


God doesn't will evil on anyone who beleives in him. You want to know why ppl in palestine are dying everyday, because they are fighting for a worthy cause, and the reason is happening for so long is becuase the islamic are not united. We have people like saudis supporting the jews, so why shouldn't Allah swt will bad things for us,he asked us to be united,and we are disobeying him. What we need is this ummah to reunite, and allah will have his mercy on us inshallah.

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asalaamu alaykum,


That's almost a philosophical question and probably deserves a scholarly answer, which unfortunately I don't think I, or anyone here can provide (I apologize if I'm mistaken in my assumption).


From what I understand, I don't think it's a matter of Allah "willing" Evil. I think evil is the by-product of man's actions or in some case lack of. Not only does Allah command good but He being All-Merciful has even provided us with a detailed manuscript of how we can achieve good - the Quran and the sunnah.


Yes, it's true that everything is under Allah's control but we're given free will. It is us who choose whether or not we are evil or good. Allah the almighty does not make us act evil, however, if we choose to be evil we are given that option. It is the actions of those evil people that result in the horrible crimes in the world today.


The duty of a Muslim is to enjoin what's right and forbid what's evil. We are given the task of sidelining those who want to plague the world in evil... this is why Allah describes as the best of mankind. It is when we Muslims fail to do our job that situations like Palestine arise.


In short, it is not Allah who wills evil, evil results when people CHOOSE to act evil. We are given the task of forbidding evil, and when we can't do the job the world becomes filled with evil... until a worthy generation of Muslims come along and reverse the situation.


salaam smile.gif

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