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Whats Your Opinion On Farole Deal With The Oil Company

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As you may all be aware Liban Muse Boqor said that farole negiotated new license deals with the oil companies, you can listen here at the 9:16 till 9:56 mark


As you can hear Libaan say he said that Puntland negiotated exploration license deals of 3 years with the oil companies and a optional 1 year extension. He also said if oil is found then the deal changes to a 20 year production agreement. He also mentioned that when oi is in production mode Puntland will get 10% royalty fee plus 50% of the oil share. Thats 60% for Puntland 40% for the oil companies.


The oil companies also split that 40% up with 60% of it going to Africa Oil who farmed in with range resources and provided the capital required, 20% going to red-emperor who is doing the digging and providing the infrastructure and the other 20% with range resources who took the gamble on Puntland!!!


The Puntland Story Will follow the same Path as Yemen!!!


13 August 1980 - Ian Maycock (Hunt Oil) discusses possibility of old graben system in North Yemen with Moujib Al-Malazi.

• 15 October 1980 Moujib Al-Malazi confirms evidence of thick sedimentary basin in Marib area of North Yemen.

• 4 September 1981 - formal signing of PSA in Sana’a North Yemen.

• 16 January 1982 – PSA approved by Parliament.

• 13 October 1982 - surface geology starts - Ian Maycock, Mike Morton, Asker Ali Hussein Al Thahiri, Gerhard Martin.

• July 1983 - 1,845 line kilometres of seismic acquisition completed and interpreted by the end of the year.

• 29 February 1984, Korean Group - Yukong, Pedco (South Korean National Oil Company) farm in for 20%.

• 20 March 1984 - first well - Alif-1 declared commercial discovery. Hydrocarbon column of 457 metres (1,500 feet) - TD 13,270 ft. in Basement.

• Tested 2 zones 7,800 bopd & gas at 55 MCF/D.

• 21 December 1985 - Exxon acquires 50% interest for US$500 million - and finances pipeline.

• 9 December 1987 - 171 wells drilled - 11 new fields discovered, 423 km pipeline completed & commissioned.


It took 7 years for yemen to go from nothing to 171 wells drilled and 423km piple-line completed!!!! As you can see guys it doesn't take that long to become an oil producing nation and with puntland favor is the mere fact the population is not that large its only 3 million so the funds will trickle down to the average abdi rather then nigeria where its not even comparable population wise!!!


Finally I would like to thank Liban Muse for showing transparency regarding this serious national asset. So what you guys think? you think 3-4 year exploration license is good and if oil is found a 20 year license? what about the oil sharing do you support the 60-40 method or you think Puntland is getting ripped off? What you think about how fast Puntland can become an oil producing nation taking into context how fast yemen became one?

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Ditoore! hal su'aal ayaan qabaa?


Marka hore aad baan ugu faraxsanahy in Puntland laga helo shidaal, waa wax horumar weyn keeni kara haddii kheyraadka dalka laga faa'iideysto. Laakiin su'aasheyda ayaa ah: anagoo og in maamulka Puntland uu ka mid yahay maamulada ama federal states-ka Soomaaliya, sida ku qoran Cahdiga KMG ama Dastuurka cusub (oo wali la ansixin) waxaa shaqo ku leh arimaha shirkadaha dibadda deals lala galayo Dowladda Dhexe ee Federalka ah, maamulada kale ee hoostagana waxay arimahaas oo kale u dhaafayaan Dawladda Dhexe..


Marka miyeysan ahayn in Puntland ay sugto illaa August, markaas oo Dawlad aanan KMG ahayn lasoo dhisi doono.. haddii aad iga xog-ogaalsan tahay bal wax iiga sheeg Ditoore! sida la isu waafajinayo Charter-ka KMG ah iyo Deals-kaan ay Puntland lasoo gashay shirkadahaan Oil-ka qodayo?

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In other words, the government in mogadishu whether it is transitional or actual one will not have any significance on the oil deals that the state of Puntland signed or engages in the future.

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Gaacur, Oh stop the hate you know full well the TFG knows and signed that Puntland can develop it's own resources!!!


Offshore oil



I can't wait for that off-shore project to kick-start. 20 billion barrells of oil on-shore plus double that off-shore. If we add all together what Puntland is potentially working with I wouldn't be suprised of figures around 50 billion barrells onshore and offshore combined. We have indian ocean-red-sea potential and the longest coast-line of any somali region this will be put to good use. There potential to be a gold exporter also not to mention diamonds, silver, iron and gas. Gas usually comes where-ever oil is!!!

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HATE?!! Please stop using this word, I don't hate any Somali..


just i was curious about this, ma waxaad leedahay TFG iyo Puntland ayaa ku heshiiyay in Puntland deals la geli karto shirkado ajnabi ah?


waxaan aqriyay Dastuurka Qabyada ah waxaana ku ku qoran sida tan:


Article 58. International negotiations


(1) In the spirit of cooperation, the federal government shall consult the regional states on negotiations in connection with foreign aid, trade, treaties or other major issues of international agreement.


(2) Where negotiations particularly affect regional state interests, the federal government shall if feasible try to include a representative of that regional state in its delegation to the negotiations.


(3) In conducting negotiations the federal government shall regard itself as a guardian of the Interests of the regional states.

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Dr-Osman Vision is very clear!!!


I want 20 billion barrels of oil in bari-nugal. I want about 5-10 billion barrels in mudug. 30 billion offshore. Concession 1, 2,3 area should be able muster 10 billion each.


I want around 60 billion barrels of oil just within bari-mudug-nugaal onshore and offshore oil. Once that is done. Lets start digging out the iron ore, silver and gold and other precious minerals in the regions!!! Once that is done we have nearly fully exploited our resources and can start investing in other sectors such as manufacturing and have east africa rely on us for their goods.


We should also invest into the technology sector and bring out the best and brightest in our state so we can export our goods locally and overseas. We need to turn Bosaso into a financial market or a free trade zone for traders around the world similar to singapore. We need to turn our coastal towns into resorts for a tourism industry. We need Strong investment in education sector to make sure all our youth are literate and educated once someone can read they have potential to do something. We need to provide health-care to all our citizens because a unhealthy people cannot think of doing something untill their health is fixed first plus their usefulness will not last long because they will die early before 50.


We need to invest into an agriculture sector and make this an important priority, how far we need to take it is up to us but I say invest into it so we can feed ourselves, their no point competiting with the likes of the south who are truly blessed in that regard. We need to also garner in other foreign and domestic investment into the region especially in the fishery sector and service industries this will create an abudant workforce.


If we can achieve the above we will have a very good life. A healthy and literate people who are employed have money to spend therefore the investments overseas will be rolling into state because they can make money and this will trickle down to us through more people being employed. We will have skylines that rival the world then

We need to develop a strong military apparatus so noone can ever threaten Puntland.

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Gaacur u dont understand doesn't mean it's unclear. We have 60 billion barrels of oil onshore and ofshore just in mudug-bari-nugal. We have minerals like gold, silver, zinc, iron ore and gas. We need to invest to key sectors to create employment for our people!!! Is that hard for you to understand!!!


Once we have created employment for our people, we can lift up our education sector to make sure our youth and future are all literate and educated. Investing in the health sector is also crucial to extend the lifespan of our people so their usefullness will be long-lasting.


We need to garner investments domestic and foreign. What I mean by domestic is our business-men need to invest into the state especially in the tourism, manufacturing and service industry. This will make us not be oil depedendant and have other key sectors thriving!!! The foreign investment will also bring skyscrapers if they know their is people who are wealthy and can buy their products and they will build headquarters in our state. For example Amal today has 5000 customers in Bosaso, Tommorow it will have 500,000 customers because everyone will have jobs, be educated, and healthy. This will make Amal wealth go up and obviously that means they will build skyscraper and so forth this will happen across various industries which will transform our skyline.


Sxb this will change our business industry totally!!! Skyscrapers will pop out everywhere due to an increase of customer bases for companies because the population is wealthy!!! They will give back by building massive headquarters!!!!


Puntland Govt job will need to change then if they can do the following;


1. Provide health care at high standard that is free

2. Provide free education that is compulsary at high standard

3. Provide key infrastructure such as airports, roads, electricity, water, railways

4. Security

5. Good Governance which includes equality and justice for all


If the Puntland govt does that the people will do the rest. Its quite simple. If Abdi has clean water, electricity, education and health access and is safe and feels the government is fair and of good governance he will go on to do other things that the state will need like become mechanic, doctor, scientist, businessman, electrician, farmer, etc. Puntland govt just need to provide the environment for this to happen the people will do the rest!!!


Sxb as Puntland citizen we know what we need to do once the oil is in production mode!!! You just worry about your own people

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Puntland is not another nation, We are federal state of Somalia. I am Somali and I feel for all somalis but xasidnimo ayaa somalida ka buuxdo mana raban puntland inay horumarto!!!! Look at Farole how many times he has praised somaliland ka xumo dadka haday wax is-taran. bal iska daaye inaad pland wax fican tirahdo you try to destroy our state!!! You know how many mogadishu and hargeisa folks were inside galgala mountains? Anigu waxan gaba in Puntland ay iska badesho weji fican ay somalida tusayso ay tusiyan ragga jebiye aideed at the height of his power and took away all his weapons to which point his clan has never recovered!!!

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Ditoore! bahasha meel xun ayay kula gaartay, calm down..


haddii aad ogoshahay Somalinimo waan is fahmi karnaa markaas, Puntland horumarkeeda waa horumarka Soomaali oo dhan.. waan taageersanahay Oil-ka la qodayo, laakiin adigana haka badbadin oo Puntland haka dhigin sida wadan ka go'san Soomaaliya.

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Gaacur why don't you provide suggestions on what you think about the production deals signed with the oil companies, the length of the exploration and production licenses. Can you please input do you think 3-4 year exploration license and a 20 year production agreement on a 60-40 arrangement is a good or bad deal?


You have not discussed this issue. Warheedhe horta ka hadal wixi hada la taagan yahay ha inoo dambeyo punt-tfg memorandum on the oil and what cut the mogadishu govt will get

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Guraac you will get the royalty fee of 10% and Puntland 50%. Nice division and works out well for you to get a fuel levy!!!


20 billion barrels x $100 per barrel=2 trillion dollars. 40% goes to the oil companies, 10% to the tfg, 50% to Puntland

Oil Companies get $800 billion. You walk away with $200 billion. Puntland Walks away with the Rest $1 trillion dollars. Thats just the bari-nugal basins. U will get 10% of mudug/offshore/sool reserves so you won't be running out of funds anytime soon.


As for the minerals depending on quantity, profitability, lifetime and so forth we cannot discuss that yet and the tfg cut

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