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Can you leave a clan?

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Abdul;774179 wrote:
Carafat,do you want to leave your clan and if so,why??

Cause I was born in Somalia, have more similarities, commonalities and understanding with folks in Somalia rathern then those in SL and I dont always share the widely held political vieuws in SL.

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Folks like Xaji Xunjuf, Mintid Fareyare and Abokor Omar want to dictate their Duriyad politics on me, and when I dont share it they start doubt my clan lineage. markaa waxaan isleeyahay raggan uga bax Duriyada oo dantada qabso. Cause I will never support any Duriyad or Suberiyad politics.

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The Zack;774192 wrote:
Of course it can happen. I have done it myself couple of times. The main reason was the qaaraan was too high. They ask for $100 a month, I joined another qabiil that accepts $20 as their qaaraan.

Zack, I dont mind the emotional, financial and social extortion of my clan. But the political extortion and dictation is something I have a problem with.

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You didn't answer my question? Not sure what Duriyad or Suberiyad mean but don't feel pressurised to conform or take drastic measures due to views expressed on the internet. Facaa weeyee ragani, iska celi!

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774146 wrote:
Jaahil iyo badow ayaa in the year of 2012 wali ku gambado reer reer iyo laf laf iyo jilib jilib iyo qolo qolo. Adigoon ka bixin ama sheeganeynin, qabiil still waa laga maarmaa, siiba haddaa ku nooshahay Galbeedka. Badow lee waligiis qabiil iyo qabyaalad ku dhex jiro because he thinks it makes him wuxuunan ahayn.


To a qabiiliste, awoowgey ayaa boqol geel lahaa iyo ilma'adeeradeyda ayaa daara leh iyo waxaas isku mashquuliyaa asagoo afleerinaayo waxbana heynin oo jaad ruugaayo, ilkahiina ka daadsan. Wax laga gudbay maanta dhan isku mashquuliyaa.

MMA, you have a point there. Clan has no use in when being abroad.


But how about when I return to Somalia and someone in Somaliland "represents" and speaks on behalf of me, because of clan lineage.

And folks like Dalabeey demand that I leave Somalia and go back to my "people".


That is what you call a dilema!



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Xaaji Xunjuf;774444 wrote:
Carafaat come back home dalabay does not like you at all

Bal is qabo wax yar, aduunka waxaa ugu xun odey barooranayaa oo diifka ka da'aaya.

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Sland is where you can find the most sensible Somalis right now. They're not fighting, have created something for themselves and I respect them for that. You should be proud you come from that side.

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Somalina;774482 wrote:
Carafaat adigu maadan dhalin, xor buu u yahay inuu meeshu doono ka dhaco.

Haye but he needs some guidance he now wants to leave his clan marka wuxu u bahanyahay yara garab qabad

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