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SSC ISIMS Sign Off On Darwish State

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Issimada gobollada SSC oo ayiday, guddoomiyeyna go'aankii ergada ee dhismaha dawlad goboleed.


Fri, 13 Jan 2012 03:13:31 -0500 am -05:00 -18000


Taleex, Jan 12 - Issimada gobollada Sool, Sanaag & Cayn ayaa shir ay maanta ku yeesheen madasha shirka Khaatumo II ayaa ayiday go'aankii ergada ee bisha 10-keedii lagu go'aamiyey dhismaha maamul goboleed.


Issimada ayaa ayiday go'aankii ergada ee ahaa dhismaha maamul goboleed mideeya beesha ***********.


Go'aamada shirka oo ka kooban saddex (3) qodob ayaa ka ahaa:


1. Dhismaha maamul cadaalada ku salaysan ee gobollada Sool, Sanaag & Cayn,


2. In aanay gobollada SSC ka tirsanyn maamulada Puntland & Somaliland, isla markaana la laalay shuruucdii iyo cahdiyadii lala galay labada maamul,


3. Samaynta dastuur ku salaysan shareecada Islaamka, maamulkuna uu yeelan doono afar (4) gole:


i. Baarlamaan,

ii. Xukuumad,

iii. Garsoor, iyo

iv. Gole Dhaqan.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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I don't know why Puntland is silent regarding this!!! Every major isim in SSC has just united and agreed to build a new state. Puntland needs to speak on this issue if it is in favor or if it is against!!! It should stop being silent crucial issues

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This is very serious. All of the SSC elders have signed off on this new state. I can't believe Puntland Govt has ignored it. As for me I personally support it, if they are united behind it good luck!!! As for it's legality. I dont really see huge issue as it is 3 regions. The constitution doesn't say you must control 100% of the two regions. It simply says "2 states or more can unite and form an administration" Similar to what gal-mudug did. Galgudud=1 state..Mudug=2...Hence Gal-Mudug!!! Their control is limited but the constitution doesn't say u must control those two states. It simply says if the ppl come together and form two states or more they will be recognized as a regional administration.


So in other words the gedo-jubba community came together in nairobi and decided on an administration, do they control those regions? no but its still considered a regional administration for the simple reason two or more regions came together to build a government. It doesn't say where it must happen it can be local or in the diaspora!!!

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The Garaad clan has officially left the Garowe Clan enclave this is a good start towards unity of the clan. There is nothing faroole can do to stop the will of the people the tribal chiefs accepted the G6 demands well done:D

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It is in our overall interest that SSC is created. And you control Laascaanood, but as Khalif Galaydh said, the city will be regained without a drop of blood.


Lets all just be friends and clap our hands clap.gif

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Dr_Osman;773765 wrote:
This is very serious. All of the SSC elders have signed off on this new state. I can't believe Puntland Govt has ignored it. As for me I personally support it, if they are united behind it good luck!!! As for it's legality. I dont really see huge issue as it is 3 regions. The constitution doesn't say you must control 100% of the two regions. It simply says "2 states or more can unite and form an administration" Similar to what gal-mudug did. Galgudud=1 state..Mudug=2...Hence Gal-Mudug!!! Their control is limited but the constitution doesn't say u must control those two states. It simply says if the ppl come together and form two states or more they will be recognized as a regional administration.


So in other words the gedo-jubba community came together in nairobi and decided on an administration, do they control those regions? no but its still considered a regional administration for the simple reason two or more regions came together to build a government. It doesn't say where it must happen it can be local or in the diaspora!!!

Dr_ I doubted you fully support this because you are calling it a very serious.. How so? P/l and s/l has no choice if they like it or not.. I would only recommend both admins to congrat their brothers uniting and doing something that is good for themselves which in the end will be benefit by everyone..

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Somalia;773913 wrote:
It is in our overall interest that SSC is created. And you control Laascaanood, but as Khalif Galaydh said, the city will be regained without a drop of blood.


Lets all just be friends and clap our hands

If that was the case Faroole and you're Admin would have supported the ssc long time ago since 2009 we shall see and wait how it goes from here:D

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2. In aanay gobollada SSC ka tirsanyn maamulada Puntland & Somaliland, isla markaana la laalay shuruucdii iyo cahdiyadii lala galay labada maamul,


An admission by the concerned clan that their leadership did sign on to Somaliland during its creation.


Truth eventually comes to the surface...

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You didn't complete the whole sentense.. Hadii ay jireen baad ka tagtay... Shuruudaha lala saxiixday somaliland were obvious and they are peace treaty mate..

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Mintid Farayar;773931 wrote:
2. In aanay gobollada SSC ka tirsanyn maamulada Puntland & Somaliland, isla markaana la laalay shuruucdii iyo cahdiyadii lala galay labada maamul,


An admission by the concerned clan that their leadership did sign on to Somaliland during its creation.


Truth eventually comes to the surface...


Didn't your clan sign on board to a united Somalia? Irony?

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