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President Farole Tells BBC We Are Drilling Oil Soon

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Faroole”Dhawaan Shidaal ayaan la soo baxaynaa” (DHAGEYSO)


January 13, 2012 - Written by Webmaster r


Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole oo wareysi siiyay BBC-da Qeybteeda Afka-Soomaaliga waxaa uu ku sheegay in dhawaan deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan deegaano ka tirsan Gobolka Bari laga soo sarayo Shidaal.


Madaxweynaha ayaa xusay in Maamulka Puntland ee Haatan uu si aad ah isku howlay sidoo loo sii wadi lahaa qorshaha shidaal soo saaritaanka oo ay horey u bilaabeen Maamulki isaga ka horeeyay ee Puntland waxaana uu xusay in Haatan ay la keenay riiigii qodi lahaa ceelka shidaalka dhawaana la soo saari doono.


”Anigu hadaan xafiiskii imid waxaan go’aansaday in wixii khaldanaa ee awalka aan ku ciilqabay dib u saxno, waana saxnay dib baan ugu noqonay Kuntraad cusub baan galanay howshii in dib loo bilabo oo la nooleeyo baan go’aansay, wixii aan ka qabanay dhulkii iyo wixii ka howlgalayay banu soo koobnay, ugu danbeyntiina shirkadihii inay keenan RIIGII howsha lagu qaban lahaa ayaa muddo qaatay waxaad ogtahay dalkanu in dal dagaal sokeeye uu afeeyay oo magac xumo dibada u martay waxaa isku xirmay amaankii iyo howshii laga qaban lahaa amaanka dabiiciga ah, marka waxaanu ka shaqeynay sidii amaanka looga shaqeyn lahaa oo meesha sidii wax looga qaban lahaa ”


Madaxweyne C/raxmaan sheikh Maxamed waxaa uu Xusay in haatan la keenay riigii qodi lahaa dhulka kheyraadka ku jiro isaga oo xusay in haatan uu ka tagaan yahay dooxada dharoor waxaana uu sheegay in kheyr badan la rajeynayo oo dhawaan la soo saari doono shidaal.


SHidaalka laga qodayo Deegaanada Puntland ayaa waxaa uu mamulku sheegay inuu meesha ka saarayo Shaqo la’aanta iyo dhaqaalo xumida jirta iyado oo dhawaana howshaasi la rajeynayo in guul laga gaaro.


hadalka Madaxweynaha ayaa imanaya xilli mudooyinkan ay si dardar leh u socdeen qalab geynta goobta shidaalka laga baarayo oo la geeyay dhamaan qalabkii looga shaqeyn lahaa Deegaanka Dharoor oo ah goob la sheegay inuu buuxo shidaal Ceyriin iyo kheyraad kale.


Shidaalka Maamulka Puntland oo damacsanyahay inuu ka soo saro deegaanada Puntland waxaa uu noqonayaa hadii la soo saaro markii ugu horeysay oo kheyraad dabiici ah laga soo saaro guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya.


Shacabka ku dhaqan Deegaanadan ayaa aragtiyo kala duwan ka qaba in shidaal laga soo saaro deeganadan qaar badan ayaa aaminsan in aanu jirin wax shidaal ah oo ku jira Deegaanadan laakiin waxaa la sugi donaa Natiijada Ka soo baxsay Shidaal qodista Iminka Socota.




Xuquuqda Wareysiga waxaa Leh BBC Somali

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Wish us luck guys, this will be transforming for all somalis!!!


In Puntland, Red Emperor holds a 20% working interest in two licences encompassing the highly prospective Dharoor and

Nugaal valleys. These two exploration areas cover over 36,000km2 and have independently been assessed to potentially

contain a combined 19 billion barrels of oil in-place. Red Emperor’s joint venture partner and PSA operator Africa Oil Corp.

Not bad I am very satisfied!!! Liban Muse Boqor is saying 2 billion just in shabeel- well. Wow and then after that going to nugal well which contains more. Were working in a prospective 36000 kilometers so theres going to be hundreds of wells in both areas which will combine up to 19 billion barrels in place. Wish us luck guys were moving forward and farole said were gonna build massive infrastructures with the oil money

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Look at this bubble. :D


Guess why the price increased last couple of days? because there is more oil discovered then expected?

No, there has been more hyping then actually is needed to sell oil. And guess what "the oil company" will do when through hyping the price of their bubble based price reaches sky high,


yes, they will actually sell all and cash in. Like they did in August 2011 and then price goes down again, till the next PR hype by Faroole. And guess what happens then, stock price goed back to $1 or $2 value.


so criminal, and yet so funny that people time and time again belief in these pyramid games who are dressed up like speculation bubbles. :D



P.S. Wouldnt suprimse if some SOL members get their fair share for the PR hype. Atleast I would demand my share, if I owned this website. :D

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General Duke;773872 wrote:
Carafat will vanish when the Oil is found. He reach for a connection to Puntland a lost grandmother and a cousin next door.

Vanish will the the price of Red Emperor stocks.


dont need to reach, already found my long lost half brothers from Bosasso already back in 2008. :-) you were there, remember :D

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