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Warlord Futoole says IDP's are wives sons of Al shabab

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The president of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, on Monday accused al-Shabaab leaders in southern Somalia of conspiracy and destabilization of the relatively peaceful region.


In a speech marking the third anniversary of his presidency, given during a well-organized ceremony at the Bosaso State House, the president said that individuals from Puntland have been funded and used by al-Shabaab to carry out attacks to terrorize the local population.


He warned such actions will not be tolerated and anyone caught conducting operations against the stability of Puntland will be prosecuted harshly.


"Puntland has taken measures to secure its cities and anyone caught attempting to terrorize the people of Puntland will face tough punishment,” he said.


In his speech, the president accused al-Shabaab of using internally displaced people (IDPs) as a shield to hide behind and ordered his security officials to secure the borders between Puntland and southern Somalia.



"We know al-Shabaab sends their wives and children to Puntland as IDPs and then follows them via other routes. This kind of conspiracy should not be allowed to continue in Puntland,” he added.


He urged security forces to highten security at checkpoints outside of every major city and to send back anyone suspected of being from southern Somalia who claims to be an IDP, citing the fact that the drought is over and there is no need for IDPs to flee to Puntland.


"International aid and resources have been distributed in Mogadishu and other cities controlled by the government. We are aware of a new distribution center that will be opened in Beledweyn very soon so those who claim IDP status should turn to that area for help,” he continued.


Somalia Report spoke with a former al-Shabaab fighter in Garowe who was pardoned by President Farole last year. He claimed that during his time with al-Shabaab, attacks against Puntland were common and there was no better people to use in those situations other than indivituals that hailed from the region.


“I have no doubt those who are carrying out attacks in Bosaso are Puntlanders. From my own experience with the group, I can tell you that people with little knowledge can be easily influenced and lured into such hazardous actions,” he said on the condition of anonymity.


Major cities of Puntland and the commercial port city of Bosaso in particular have seen a dramatic increase in the cases of assassinations, landmine attacks, clan warfare, grenade attacks, pirate fights and other cases of insecurity in the last six months.


What exact measures the president will implement remains unclear, however, Puntland officials have conducted sweeping security operations resulting in mass arrests.


The speech comes as al-Shabaab fighters fleeing airstrikes and Kenyan forces in southern Somalia are reportedly passing through the region by boat and land en-route to Yemen.

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Somalia: Puntland government issues statement on misinterpretation of Puntland President's speech


11 Jan 11, 2012 - 10:50:07 AM


GAROWE, Somalia Jan 11 2012 (Garowe Online) – The Puntland government issued a statement to clarify a misrepresentation of facts regarding the Puntland government's position on intensifying screening procedures limiting the entry of new Internally Displaced Persons' (IDPs) arrival to Puntland state of Somalia on security grounds, Radio Garowe reports.


Local media misinterpreted the Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole's speech presented at an election anniversary for the incumbent administration held in Bossaso, early this month. In his speech , the President said that the recent exodus of IDPs to Puntland - related to


the recent attacks on Al Shabaab positions in southern and south central zones of Somalia- posed a threat to Puntland's internal security. He added that this exodus was another opportunity for Al Shabab to infiltrate secure positions in the Puntland state of Somalia.


Speaking to Radio Garowe , Puntland government spokesman Mr. Ahmed Omar Hersi said, “ Previously, the Puntland government had apprehended Al Shabaab agents posing as IDPs and found them guilty for assassinations and attacks on key figures and civilians in cities across Punt land .”


“The intensification of entry screening for new arrival IDPs is a precautionary measure that will not affect resident IDPs in Punt land.” The Puntland government spokesman clarified .


The intensification of screening procedures comes at a time when Al Shabaab is losing ground in key positions across Southern Somalia.



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Why is the admin allowing false news to be propagated in Somalia-online? This guy posted news of hundreds of puntland soldiers slain in some fictional battle in galgala!!! Amazing how the standards of this forum is but they are the first to rush down my throat for even the smallest thing!!!

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These paunis are also brutally killing IDP's. There have been reports of senseless brutal murders against defenseless IDP's on a large scale.

This is disgusting and the truth must be said.


I say the same should be done to them if found outside their little pauni encalve

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Dr_Osman;773735 wrote:
Why is the admin allowing false news to be propagated in Somalia-online? This guy posted news of hundreds of puntland soldiers slain in some fictional battle in galgala!!! Amazing how the standards of this forum is but they are the first to rush down my throat for even the smallest thing!!!

I guess false news is anything that you disagree with. I hate to ruin your little world but what i report is what is REALLY happening.

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galia you wish it was happening but its not. Noone is fighting and Farole is in Bosaso!!! The only thing happen is the preparation for the opening of the biggest project in Somalia the oil drilling

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Galia is an IDP living in Burco. She likes long walks On the beach and her hobbies include picking off the many flies that gravitate to her swollen malnourished body. Contact the admin @ Sol regarding donations to this brave IDP

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