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Why Somaliland Will Have Independence?

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Dervish;773710 wrote:
What's with you and Mogadishu? I've never brought up Mogadishu in any post. Who do you really work for?

Ask this thing lol


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Dervish;773715 wrote:
Was it your uncle on your mother or fathers side that molested you as a child galia

What i am trying to make you understand is that your hatred for the republic of Somaliland is driven by tribal hatred not Somaliweyne.

If Somaliland goes, i know that you would immediately direct the hatred on my people

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galia;773648 wrote:
^^^ Its funny how this sicko, tries to paint the noble people of Somaliland as if they are wrong.

Ease up young girl, and eat your vanilla ice-cream calmly. That is what you would know a lot about. You are too young to know what you are tyring to talk about. There is nothing called the PEOPLE OF SOMALILAND. That myth has long been perforated and is only fodder for the fools. There is what is called the people of rer-hebel X, rer-hebel y, reer-hebel Z, and reer-hebel Q. That is what we have in North Somalia. Whoever told you there were such a distinction between a SLander and a Somali in the euphoric days of 1960s has the brain of a frog and can only be the son of a confused SNM mujaahid.

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^^^Yet another Puani


Why don't you attack warlord futtoole instead of attacking people who've made something of themselves

You hate everyone but your clan, you hate the republic of somaliland, the people of mogadishu but you love your precious tribe in Garoowe

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galia;773761 wrote:
Why don't you attack warlord futtoole
instead of attacking people who've made something of themselves

You hate everyone but your clan, you hate the republic of somaliland, the people of mogadishu but you love your precious tribe in Garoowe

I did, little one. But you were not here. You were mixing mud in Somalinet. :D :D

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wiilku Xolihisa wexe ku daaqaan Ceelbuur iyo Ceeldheer iilaaaa Harardheer dhexdooda. wakhtiyada qaarna wexe gaaraan ilaa Kismaayo. :D

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:D taas shaki weyn ayaa ku jirta.


Sida uu ugu celcelinaaye, "i'm from M" ayaan ka gartey inuu waqooyiga ka yimid maxjairka Burco agtiisa. :D

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