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Turkey to Mediate between Somaliland and Somalia ????

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Hargeysa, Somaliland, January 10, 2012 (Saxafi) – Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa sheegay in aanu jirin khilaaf u dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Somalia, balse khilaafka, dhibaatada iyo dagaaladuba ka taagan yihiin Somalia.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu sidaa ku sheegay waraysi uu todobaadkii hore siiyay TV-ga Qaranka ee dalka Turkiga oo wax ka weydiiyay aragtida ay dawlad ahaan ka qabto Somaliland, haddii ay dawladda Turkigu dhex-dhexaadiso Somaliland iyo Somalia. Waxaanu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo isaga oo su'aashaasi ka jawaabaya yidhi. “Somaliland iyo Somalia ma jiro wax khilaaf ah oo ka dhaxeeyaa, dhibaatada, dagaalada iyo khilaafaadkuba waxay ka jiraan Somalia, laakiin ma jiro khilaaf u dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Somalia, sababta oo ah dadka reer Somaliland 1991-kii waxay go'aan ku gaadheen inay dalkooda iyo dawladoodaba dhistaan, waxaanay higsanayaan horumar iyo inay beesha caalamka ka mid noqdaan. Sidaasi darteed annagu dawlad ahaan Somaliland waxa aanu taageersanahay dedaaladda caalamiga ah ee lagu doonayo in xasiloonida loogu soo celiyo Somalia, isla markaana waanu soo dhawaynaynaa haddii ay dawladda Turkigu wax ka geysanayso hawlaha nabad soo celinta Somalia”.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo la weydiiyay arrimaha aqoonsiga ee Somaliland waxa uu sheegay in aqoonsigu laba nooc yahay, isla markaana mid ka mid ah ay Somaliland haysato, ka kalena ay rajaynayso inay beesha caalamka ka hesho. “Horta sideedaba aqoonsigu waa laba nooc, mid waxa weeye in ay dunidu ogtahay jiritaankayaga, isla markaana ay wada shaqayn iyo xidhiidh na dhexmari karo, markaasi noocaasi aqoonsiga ah waanu haysanaa oo wadamo badan oo dunida ka mid ah ayaanu xidhiidh la leenahay, haddii ay noqoto wadamada jaarkayaga iyo haddii ay tahay qaaradda Afrika, Yurub iyo Ameerikaba, kuwaasi oo aanu kala shaqayno arrimaha ammaanka ee gobolka, la dagaalanka budhcad badeeda iyo xag-jirnimadaba, iyada oo aanu arrimahaasi kala shaqayno wadamada gobolka ee aanu jaarka nahay iyo kuwa dunida inteeda kaleba, waxaananu nahay bogcad muhiim u ah amniga gobolka. Laakiin qaybta kale ee aqoonsiga ee ah in dawladaha dunidu noo aqoonsadaan dal ahaan waanu rajaynaynaa waanay iman doontaa haddii alle yidhaahdo”.

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We welcome that the Turks are very interested in the horn of Africa we shall wait and see how it goes from there Somaliland welcomes the involvement of the turkey in the region.

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Year 2040 President of Hargeisa


aqoonsiga ee ah in dawladaha dunidu noo aqoonsadaan dal ahaan waanu rajaynaynaa waanay iman doontaa haddii alle yidhaahdo”.

Jacaylbaro saying recognition is coming next month after this important conference and its year 2040

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They don't go mad when they hear the word "mediation" anymore. that's a good progress, reality is entering every home in the triangle these days fast. Siilaanyo for Somaliweyn presidency in 2017.

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Xaaji what i mean is that when we used to mention aan wada hadalno to our brethren in the north, they used to jump with fury saying "Wadahadal ma jiro, go'itaankeenu waa Muqaddas, maxaa idinkaaya daba dhigay..." but days changed and I welcome it.

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These somalia people r so desperate looking for victory everywhere.If you say" Hi or lets talk about illegal fishing in the ocean"..means somaliland gave up to thm.They dancing on a pin head.

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burahadeer;772892 wrote:
These somalia people r so desperate looking for victory everywhere.If you say" Hi or lets talk about illegal fishing in the ocean"..means somaliland gave up to thm.They dancing on nail head.


"these Somalia people" ohh because you aren't Somali right? Your an ethnic lander somaha. I recognize somaliland recognize how much full of Sh*t they are.

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MoonLight1;772878 wrote:
They don't go mad when they hear the word "mediation" anymore..

As long as it is Somaliland Vs Somalia ..............

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