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Xaaji Xunjuf

TFG prime minister Abdi weli on the khaatumo conference 2

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Raisul wasaaraha somaliya oo ku fashilmay inu isku dayo inuu burburiyo shirka khaatumo 2 ee ka socda magaalada taleex



Fashilaad aad u weyn ooku dhacday rag uu soo diray Raisul wasaaraha somaliya Mr gaas ayaa rag usoo diray shirka khaatumo 2 si ay usoo burburiyaan shirkan ragga lasoo diray ayaa garoowe soo dhaafi waayay markii lagu bogaadiyay haddii ay taleex gaadhaan in la layn doono.


Mr gaas ayaa ilaa hadda wada sidii looga hor tagi lahaa shirkan ay isugu wada yimaadeen beelweynta ssc ee ku kala sugnaa daafaha adduunka shirkan khaatumo 2 ayaa ah mid somaliya aad looga sugayo inuu dhalo midho wax qabad unoqda somali oo dhan

raggan laga soo diray magaalada muqdisho ee hadda kusugan magaalada garoowe ayaa hadda wada wada tashi ay la wadaan maamulka halkaa ka taliya ee uu faroole hormuudka yahay


Mr gaas oo afka ku hadlaya maamulka Puntland oo aan u hadal sidii qof somali oo dhan usiman ayaa ilaa hadda wada ka hor tagga shirkan khaatumo 2 oo uu hore usheegay inu dhib u yahay maamulka puntland waana in laga hortagaa shirkaas waa siduuuu yiri Raisul wasaaraha somalia

wararkan oo laga soo daayay tv ga somalisat oo ay ka hadleen qaybo ka mid ah Barlamanka somalia iyagoo sheegay Mr gaas inuu wado fidno iyo wax yaabo badan oo kala kaxaynaya bulsho weynta somaliya

Barlamanka ayaa sheegay in laga hor tago fidnida uu wado Raisul wasaaraha somalia wuxuu na sheegay inuu ku hadlo afka faroole

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Abdiwali's position is been indirectly affedted. After Taleex he only represents a part of Puntland, weaking his position.


If he cared about somali unity he would welcome, fund and support SSC State. Where is Xiin to condemd the PM?

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^^:D :D


Why else would you labor to set up so obvious snare in the daylight awoowe . Does it worry you that the only folks loudly condemning this peaceful gathering of SSC community is none other than your Somaliland leaders (political and traditional) ?


You want others to join in your non judicious ways of doing things :D , try again awoowe

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