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Sorry guys. But SSC is not a legal State.

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the group claiming to be a maamul goboleed called Dooxada Shabeele who control Beledweyn

First of all Dooxada don't control the city of Beledweyne but a mere neighbourhood. Secondly, no one elected them to administer the region, and I'm glad the group led by A/fatah learned a great lesson last week.


Marka hadalada aad iska qoreyso hubso, Hiiran waxaa dega 10+ beelo, marka 'Hiiranian' markaad leedahay ayaga dhan ayaad u hadlaysa.



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War illeen. Sis I am talking about the constitutions point of view, it does not matter if there is 10 beelo or 10000 beelo in any given region. Law is Law. you might argue this law have to be changed, but that process goes through parliament, and to do that you'll need another Khaatumo in Muqdisho without fist fight. got it.

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Somalina;772826 wrote:
First of all Dooxada don't control the city of Beledweyne but a mere neighbourhood. Secondly, no one elected them to administer the region, and I'm glad the group led by A/fatah learned a great lesson last week.


Marka hadalada aad iska qoreyso hubso, Hiiran waxaa dega 10+ beelo, marka 'Hiiranian' markaad leedahay ayaga dhan ayaad u hadlaysa.



Abaayo, well said. Some people need to stop these generalisations of the Somali people.

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MoonLight1;772828 wrote:
War illeen. Sis I am talking about the constitutions point of view, it does not matter if there is 10 beelo or 10000 beelo in any given region. Law is Law. you might argue this law have to be changed, but that process goes through parliament, and to do that you'll need another Khaatumo in Modish without fist fight. got it.


What constitiution are you talking about? you may referring the ministers meeting in modish which they decided a State should be more than one region. In that case SSC contains at least part o three region and qualify a state with that description. neither Puntland or somaliland would qualify a state either. Somaliland is mainly togdheer and Waqooyi Galbeed. which Buuhoodle and Gabiley district includes. For Puntland Mudug is multi clan states. Bari and Nugaal are not problem free either and could split more clan states. The three main districts Boossaso, Garoowe and Burtinle are multi clan district. You fear of SSC state is understandable.

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MoonLight1;772863 wrote:
coz your comparing tomatos and mangos.

I do not compare my $ with others $. Very much happy with is given by Allah. Just typical

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MoonLight1;772820 wrote:
Dervish first of all why the Maakhirians join you when you made you unilateral conference and declaration of State, how can they accept something you did not invite them to. Secondly even if you unite with them The capital of the region (Ceerigaabo) is very important, who ever rule Cerigaabo owns Sanaag, and to see you guys occupying Ceerigabo is a wide shot.

This meeting was to unite a community my dude. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We can't ask others to join when our own house is a mess. Now that we have tangible change and unity don't rule out my option. I'm not about to say ceergabo belongs to only dblock and wrsngli that. Would be ignorance. It's a split city and we'll see what happens inshallah.

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