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Sorry guys. But SSC is not a legal State.

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The federal Government will not recognise SSC state as it contains only one full GOBOL (SOOL), Cayn is not recognize by the federal as it was annexed from Togdheer by C/Lahi Yusuf, and they are 3rd minority in Sanaag. So this is a federal law limbo.

I am afraid Abdiwali will break some hearts soon as he did to Hiiraan folks few day ago.

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the charter is the charter. abdiweli can't change anything. all these mini states he has nothign against them but he has to follow the constitution.


he is just a messenger. they need to change constitution if they want abdiweli to support one state or another.

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Try to stop the movement. The Darwiish state was the original government of Somalia while our neighbors were busy lifting their mac'wiis for the Gaalo.

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How can they liberate Sanaag while they couldn't free a donkey in LA which is their heartland, even if they conquer Ceerigaabo which seems to be a wild dream what about the largest tribe in Sanaag aka the Maakhirian who are just happy to go fishing in Garowe and Hargeysa.

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MoonLight1;772635 wrote:
How can they liberate Sanaag while they couldn't free a donkey in LA which is their heartland, even if they conquer Ceerigaabo which seems to be a wild dream what about the largest tribe in Sanaag aka the Maakhirian who are just happy to go fishing in Garowe and Hargeysa.

I don't think you understand certain facts. The snm snaked their way into las Anod. Certain individuals within the community sold LA to the SNM. Our lack of unity was the main cause of this. You can obviously see that has changed after this khaatuumo. Las Anod will be evacuated without a single shot being fired and you can mark my words

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The snm advances into kalshala and buuhoodle was repelled by a group of untrained nomads imagine what a determined advancing army can do. Hopefully it won't come to this Somalia doesn't need war. Inshallah dialogue and understanding will be the path to peace.

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Hopefully it won't come to this Somalia doesn't need war. Inshallah dialogue and understanding will be the path to peace.

You are just creating new wars by talking about defining the border of the Beesha which does not exist, somali tribes are entangled and mingled and to talk about tribal borders is just a drum for newly created wars. Fahimta Yaa Darwiish.

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MoonLight1;772646 wrote:
You are just creating new wars by talking about defining the border of the Beesha which does not exist, somali tribes are entangled and mingled and to talk about tribal borders is just a drum for newly created wars. Fahimta Yaa Darwiish.



Don't be naive moonlight. Your reply oozes hypocrisy. We all have our historical territory now if we all just respected that fact no one would ever Need to organize militias. Las Anod was safer then hairgeisa before your militia came. Now we have to emass our own. Do you see the viscous Cycle?

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Salaan Sol,


The framers of the Somali constitution who envisioned federalism as a workable model for future Somalia had created parameters that in fact put certain communities at a political disadvantage. There needs to be the readoption of the UNISOM I model, which would have restored the Somali statehood hadn't President Clinton pulled the US peacekeeping troops from Somalia. There are 18 regions and the federal government should allow the devolution of power into each one of them. Each region will create its own regional charter and there will be an independent and just periodic elections for regional presidents.


The Taleh convention is a victory for the community concerned, while benovelent in its outlook of self-government & independence from the secessionist aggression, defining tribal borders will be a thorn issue to deal with.

I believe the only probable long-term solution to the Somali catastrophe would either have to be a complete constitutional amendment from the current legal prerequisite which obviously favors certain communities over others into the UNISOM model of 1992.

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