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Khat Banned in Holland, Major Crisis

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Dutch ban stimulant khat


(AFP) – 2 hours ago


THE HAGUE — The Dutch government Tuesday banned the use of khat, a leaf native to East Africa chewed for its stimulant properties mainly by the Netherlands' sizeable Somali community.

"The drug khat is banned," the Dutch Immigration, Health and Justice departments said in a joint statement.

Khat is grown in the Horn of Africa and has for centuries been chewed by users in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Yemen.

"The problem lies especially within the Somali community, which is much larger than the Kenyan or Yemeni communities within our country," immigration department spokesman Frank Wassenaar told AFP, adding there were about 27,000 Somalis living in the Netherlands.

"If taken in moderation there are no major problems, but an investigation showed it to be problematic among some 10 percent of khat users," leading to health and social issues, added the statement.

An independent report commissioned by the Dutch government has cited noise, littering and groups of men who "roam the streets perceived as threatening", as some of the effects.

With high unemployment and low education levels, the Dutch Somali community was "late" in terms of integration, the report said.

Imported legally via Amsterdam's Schiphol airport four times a week, khat is distributed throughout the Netherlands but also in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, it added.

Around 843 tonnes of khat, worth a minimum 14 million euros (U$18 million) passed through Schiphol in 2010, up from 714 tonnes in 2009 and 693 tonnes in 2008.

Britain and the Netherlands currently allow the import, trade and consumption of khat, according to a European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction letter of July last year entitled "Drugs in focus."

Fifteen of the European Union's 27 states and Norway list khat as an illegal narcotic, while in the other EU countries, the plant was not subjected to any controls, the EMCDDA letter said.

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Holland was used as the entrance to Europe, from there it would go up to Scandinavia and around Europe.


The traffickers must be holding a big crisis meeting.

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OMG, mar hadii Jaadkii laga joojiyey reer Holland tacsi baa u taala maanta......Dalkaas waxaan joogay in ku dhow shan sano, waan ogahay siday Soomalida iyo Yamaniyiintu jaatka isugu daldalaan

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MoonLight1;772592 wrote:
Allahu Akbar. Best news I heard for a while. Hope UK will follow soon.

I hope so too.........Soomaali badan oo qaadku la haray markaan bay horumar gaarayaan insha ALlaah.

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Glad they finally did it. But doubt if it leads any addict to give it up. It will probably drive it to underground. Better thing would be to tax it heavily.

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Some Somali friends of mine have been lobbying for a Khat ban for years. The official reason is not because its a drug, but because Somali's dont integrate.


This ban might have some serieuz side effects though, like abuse of alchol and other drugs thay are still legal here. But as long as its not banned in the UK, expect some major drug trafficking from there.

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Yesss that's the best news ever that will teach them it's about time Holland woke up and banned khat. Now only UK is left to follow which they probably will do soon because the two always copy each other because they work together and they don't wanna be the only country where it's legal. This will not only have a great impact on Holland but also in the other European countries that used to get khat from Holland. The main source is out of the game expect this khat trafficking to soon fail :D


Showqi nearly 5 years huh so you were not totally faking it last time with the translations you do know a lil some some lol. Your right they are in big tacsi and crying their hearts out. It's for the better :D


Carafaat - This is great news. Have you already read it?

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Qat is regulated in Australia.

As is often the case with Australian law, the status of khat is rather murky. Khat does not appear to be federally regulated in Australia, but its active compounds cathine and cathinone are. This may mean that the plant itself is not illegal unless it is harvested or consumed (unconfirmed). Import of khat is regulated and requires a permit. Import law allows "up to 5 kg of khat per month per individual for personal use" under certain conditions and with the correct permits, but this would not supersede state prohibitions on khat if they exist. See Office of Chemical Safetey Khat information sheet for more information. (thanks C)

The price of khat due to its regulation and not many importers(meaning less competition) is very high $60 dollars for a mardhuf

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Kenyans cabaadaya. Nacalaa Miraa iyo Meru dooda ku taal. Its a ******* weed... like "Brandnetels". Waxay doonayaan inay Somali meel walba ku baabi'i yaan. Etoobiduna Goboladooda sida Tugray oo kale way ka mamnuuceene qaadka.



Miraa exporters face loss of Sh1.6bn European market


Miraa farmers stand to lose up to Sh1.6 billion in annual export earnings, following a ban on use of the stimulant in the Netherlands.

Traders said on a weekly basis the Netherlands market consumes between 20 and 23 tonnes of the crop valued at about Sh36 million.


This market is now in jeopardy following Tuesday’s ban.


The Netherlands is also a key entry point to Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway where use of the drug is illegal.

Full article.

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OdaySomali;773199 wrote:
Kenyans cabaadaya
. Nacalaa Miraa iyo Meru dooda ku taal. Its a ******* weed... like "Brandnetels". Waxay doonayaan inay Somali meel walba ku baabi'i yaan. Etoobiduna Goboladooda sida Tugray oo kale way ka mamnuuceene qaadka.





Full article.


Waa sababta koowaad iyo labaad aan ugu farxay mamnuucidaan. Hadduu kaliya dhaqaalaha jaadka lagu qarash gareeyo Soomaalida u noqon lahaa lee. If only.


Laakiin I smell selective banning maadaama xashiishka, marijuana, laga ogolyahay wali dalkaas yet jaadka oo ka daciifsan waxyaabaha maanka badalo boqolkiiba boqol, la mamnuucooyo.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;773208 wrote:
Laakiin I smell selective banning maadaama xashiishka, marijuana, laga ogolyahay wali dalkaas yet jaadka oo ka daciifsan waxyaabaha maanka badalo boqolkiiba boqol, la mamnuucooyo.

Yeelkadiis. Haddi ay uun dadkeenu qaad intaa kaga haraan. Bahal merffesh la dheho yaa reerihii Somalida baa'biyay eh.

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