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Fighting in Taleex.

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Dadkii dhulka lahaa haduu israacay waa guul weyn

Ama snm ha is casisho ama baraanbur badan ha la tiriyo.

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puntland supporing garaads were asked to support the G6 since they are not a threat to Puntland existance. garaad saleebaan talked with his supporters and was advised to not mucaarad because LA will not be in Somaliland hand if the two clans who control it today change sides again. garaad saleeban is a patriot and wants unconditional liberation of laascaanod.


anything to liberate laascaanood from SNM is garowe position


it is a bad day for Somaliland.

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^waxaad mala yacni qortaba hada ma amintay in maamul gaar ah SSC ku dhawaaqday oo dagaalka shegaisd jirin oo yahay waxaad maskaxdaada kasoo alifatay lmao..



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caaliya neeftii ma kaa soo baxday. xalay dhan waad welwlsaneed maba seexan baan maqley. looool. sorry, didn't mean to cause trouble for aliyah. was just reporting the news from various websites. i oppose g6 and if they don't cause problems, i will trust the garaads who gauranteed the g6 will not cause problems. fine with me.


agreement has been reached. khilaafkii jirey waa la dhameeyay. garoowe waa ogolaatay weligeedna ma ka soo horjeesan ssc inay wax qabsadaan. idinka ayaa la ordaya cay iyo inaad puntand inteeda kale aflagaadaysaan.


hada bal sidee laascaanood looga saaraa SNM?. taas taladeeda gal intaa garoowe caynayso iyo walaalahaa maalin iyo habeen aan waxba kuu dhimin.


it is 11:30 pm for me. i will sleep and talk to you later.

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caaliya neeftii ma kaa soo baxday. xalay dhan waad welwlsaneed maba seexan baan maqley. looool. sorry, didn't mean to cause trouble for aliyah. was just reporting the news from various websites. i oppose g6 and if they don't cause problems, i will trust the garaads who gauranteed the g6 will not cause problems. fine with me.

lool@ I trust the garaads who guaranteed the g6 will not cause problems .. runtii baad aragtay marka waxkalo dhahdid baad garan kari waydey ..haye walaalo sidaas baan ku dhaafana..


and yes alhamdulilah im happy with the outcomes that came from khaatumo two..reer ssc hada nahay kuwa wadanki jogaba iyo qurbaba aad iyo aad ayaan ugu hanwanhay maamulka lugu dhawaaqay iyo in nimankeeni oo dhan cadeesteen in ay maamulka tageersanyihiin.


agreement has been reached. khilaafkii jirey waa la dhameeyay. garoowe waa ogolaatay weligeedna ma ka soo horjeesan ssc inay wax qabsadaan. idinka ayaa la ordaya cay iyo inaad puntand inteeda kale aflagaadaysaan.

cid ku aflagadeenasanay ma jirto runta uun ba lugu sheegayey oo haday reer SSC puntland la dhiseen nimanka puntland hada ay u shidantahay waxay aheed in ay walaalahood( reer SSC) usoo halgamaan laakin way diideen in ay u halgamaan taasna labo cali isma waydiinaso marka waxba been ha igu shekeen iyo inay waligeed didaneen facts say otherwise mister...... maantana haday puntland iyo adigu so tosteen oo walaladiin tageerteen dee waa ilahay mahadii oo waxa layidhi walaalka lagama quusto inkasto aan gurigiina nila so dhisnay dideena in aad na cawisaan kaan sameesanayna in badan carqaleedaseeen dee wali nigama qusanano waaadna mahadsantihin hadaad na tageerteen..


hada bal sidee laascaanood looga saaraa SNM?. taas taladeeda gal intaa garoowe caynayso iyo walaalahaa maalin iyo habeen aan waxbo kuu dhimin.

again cidaan cayayay ma jirto madaama waligay aan puntland dadka haysta walalahay u haystay laakin runti ee noqotay in reer puntland yaga uun isku tashtay.... hadana laascaanod xoreenteeda reer puntland lagama sugayo.... maamulka SSC nimanki ku dhawaqay yaga taas taladeeda sameesanaya marka waxba haka walwalin..




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Mooge;773112 wrote:
xaglatoosiye doesn't want the G6 to rob him. he worked hard for this.



well, it is time to respect Mooge. everyone in my xaafad nairobi thought i was wrong. everyone in sol thought i was wrong.


Fighting is back. Xaglatoosiye is attacking Galery. some G-6 member abandon the project and flee to garowe.


I repeated xaglatoosiye doesn't want galaydh to rob him. i said this but no one listened to me. xaglatoosiye deserved to be respected and be made president. but galeyr had his plans of destroying Puntland. all he wanted was to split garaads from puntland. he was not even that worried about somaliland. so what did he do? He gave the presidency to garaad saleeban cousin to bring him on board. garad saleebaan is still not very happy after all that. i met his nephew in nairobi the other day and he said his adeer is not interested in this khaatumo thing at all.


there is a big fighting going on. xaglatoosiye deserved to be elected but Galeyr appointed some people to appease garad saleebaan.


Puntland people stayed out of this. they respected their brothers wish if they want to solve their problems. people were informed all problems have been solved. puntland goverment stayed out of this. now it appears Galery's bad talo destroyed the conference. no election. no consultation. just appointment of Karaash.

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listen to injineer xandulle voice -



Waxgarad iyo qurbajoog ka mid ahaa ergooyinka shirka Taleex oo cambaareeyay natiijada shirka.


Garowe, January 20 – Waxgarad iyo qurbajoog kasoo jeeda gobollada lagu magacaabo SSC oo ka mid ahaa ergooyinkii ka qayb qaatay shirka Khaatumo 2 ayaa si kulul maantay u cambaareeyay jawiga uu hadda ku socdo shirku, waxaana ay si wadajir ah u tilmaameen in arrinta la siyaasadeeyay shir jaraa’id oo ay ku qabteen magaalada Garowe.


Waxgaradku waxay tilmaameen in ajandayaashii uu ku socday shirku la baalmaray arrintuna ay isku badashay mashaariic laga soo qaatay dawladda Britain, iyo golaha ammaanka, taasi oo ku aadan sidii gobolladaasi looga jari lahaa Puntland. Sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.


Engineer Axmed Maxamuud ‘Xandule’ oo kasoo jeeda gobolka Cayn ayaa ugu baaqay indheergaradka ku sugan Taleex inay guud ahaanba isaga baxaan shirka Taleex ka socda, waxaana uu si cad u tilmaamay in gobollada Sool, Sanaag, iyo Cayn ay yihiin dhammaantood deegaanno ka tirsan dawladda Puntland.


Maxamuud Mamaxed Cali Cadami ayaa isna sheegay in uu ka soo horjeedo natiijada shirka, aanuna taageeri karin; shirka ayaa uu sheegay in uu yahay shir jabhaheed oo qandaraas lagu soo qaatay.


Cawil Kaatum Axmed oo isna ka haday ayaa sheegay in shirka la majarahabaabiyey, lagana leexiyey ujeedadii laga lahaa.


Shir jaraa'id - Waxgarad & Qurbajoog mucaaraday natiijada Shirka Khaatumo II.


Waxaa sidoo kale qaadacay natiijada shirka Khaatumo hoggaaminyihii SSC Saleebaan Ciise Xaglatoose oo ku dhaliilay guddiga fulintu in ay jajuubeen itijaaha dadka, ayna majarahabaaabiyeen shirka.


Waxaa uu ku baaqay in shir dambe la qabto, lana turxaan bixiyo qaladaadka dhacay, beeshuna ay si midaysan uga tashato aayaheeda.


Diiwaanka Wararka.

Daljir Garowe.

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