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Che -Guevara

Dr Osman's Puntland Corner

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In recognition of his highness devotion to Puntland and acknowledging all that's holy and beautiful about Puntland, I christened this thread the Puntland Corner whose wonders will amaze us and lead us to the promised land.


Dr.Osman, as your subjects we only request one thing, please post anything and everything Puntland including pictures,figures, articles, random maps, etc on this thread so we can make pilgrimage to the holy land.

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che-guevara thats a bit much, but i suggest u go listen to the 3rd anniverary of farole speech, enemies of the state bones will shatter

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Che didnt u listen to the speech, it was a powerful one probably one of his best so far. I think i'd this as his best anniversary speech. Their were some sour points but the positive points over-wrote it. Go listen to it you will either walk away from it a puntian or walk away from it a godane

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We will then educate him in Puntland State University in Garowe


His course will be 3 terms. It will be called Life Skills Fd degree


1st term: Civility

2nd term: Norms in society

3rd term: Civil liberties



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Che, give me a thousand Somalina & Dr Osman Somali development topics for every single politics thread any day of the week!

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LoL. stop being sarcastic Che. :) My good Doctor Osman, what Che is trying to say is, would you please keep those kinda topics in the POLITICS section (umm, there is plenty of room there)? Let's keep the Generals for those of us poor souls that want to talk about other things. Y'know, things like Somali chicks killing their wives, retards getting locked up, and stuff like that. You, FreshPrince, Somalia, and Xaaji Xunduf are all valuable members of SoL, and i can't even begin to imagine what this place was like before you guy's came in.

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