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Puntland Unleashed. By Dr Osman

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Universities in The Region


East Africa University Campus. Bosaso



Mogadishu University Campus. Bosaso



Puntland State University (PSU) Campus Garowe



East Africa University. Garowe



East Somalia University. Qardho



East Africa University.Galkacyo Campus



Nugal University. Las Anod



East Africa University Galdogob Campus



Badhan University


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Please note that galkacyo also has Puntland State university



Just for kickers. Man look at this view




Its good to see our brothers in mogadishu are starting to become more like this


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How you guys liking this thread I have updated the bus-stop sections with Galkayo and Bosaso Bus-Stations to show you they also have heaps there too just like Garowe.


So As you can see from what I am presenting why im very proud of this region

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Somalia;773150 wrote:
Great stuff, I like the new military pics. I sure will take a lot when I go there in summer inshallah.




Bro gives us 10-15 years we will match the south in agriculture

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Dr_Osman;773200 wrote:
Bro gives us 10-15 years we will match the south in agriculture

We'll have to get our farms in the south back though. ;) A few distillations plants on the coast can make it happen for us in the North.

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Dr_Osman Thanks for this thread. I am not particularly well versed about Somalia and what is taking place there but to see threads like this fills my heart with joy. Puntland seems to be progressing in rather fast rate, which I am extremely happy about. Hopefully the rest of Somalia will go back to its glories days and we put this dark period in our history behind us.

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Atirisho;773215 wrote:
Dr_Osman Thanks for this thread. I am not particularly well versed about Somalia and what is taking place there but to see threads like this fills my heart with joy. Puntland seems to be progressing in rather fast rate, which I am extremely happy about. Hopefully the rest of Somalia will go back to its glories days and we put this dark period in our history behind us.

I wasn't real well versed in Puntland either 2 years ago, but when I saw the amount of negative heat it recieves I automatically remembered America and how it's always blasted. So I started to research more and found out the real reason why people hate the state because they fear it will progress further then their own people. This hate can be seen where-ever somalis are inside be it donor/university studies doing reports or all the way up to the federal government!!!


Just be very weary of what u read online I automatically used to assume if anything that is non-somali based says something it is true, but U learn with time that is not the case at all because even non-somali organisations out there source their information from other somalis who may harbor hate against other somalis and that automatically means there is conflict of interest and destroys their credibility.


Just know that the state is progressing really well and oil is being dug as we speak. This will be followed by other projects such as gas, coal, silver, iron ore and other minerals to kick-start after the oil is done.U know that 80% of the world is water? so you'd know that most oil is always under water but lets just keep that to ourselves for now!!! After our on-shore oil is completed were going for our offshore oil.


I just love the state nothing can ever change that


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They should convert that field in Bosaso City to a park and create a stadium outside the city or at least clear the IDP camps and create one there, when the civil war in the south finishes.

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Dr_Osman;774243 wrote:

The horses should be removed from the emblem now that horse riding folks from SSC have left Puntland. Replace them with Fish or the indian ocean of red see on both sides.

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