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Why Khaatuma is already a historical succes?

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Abokor Omar;772350 wrote:
This thread says more about, Carafats wishes for the conference, than what will really take place. The folks in Taleex are a saver hands when it comes to Somalilandnimo than Carafat. He is still stuck in the ceased former Somalia republic mentally and is need of a serious reality check. Like humpty dumpty, the old historical Somalia has been broken into a million pieces and will no be put back together anytime soon. Just don't keep wishing your houses catches fire, Carafat, as that won't make anybody's situation better just worse..

Yaa Abokor, Less emotions please. Nobody is wishing for burning houses. This thread is about governance and reaching a state of total equilibrium. Like Oodweyneh said, Somaliland has diffrent options from B to Z, so have the SSC folks some leverage in the game. And the questions is where what is the optimum point of balance is.

You and I can disagree about this optimum. But certainly still have the same endgoal.

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Oodweyne;772307 wrote:


You are right (about the bit in terms of the over-excitement part..
). Still, I hate to say it, but you are slightly on the wrong road in here.
And, that is the end game may be that the
will have their
internal state
within Somaliland (this was what late
Mr. M. I. Egal
had offered them, when
was created back in
Or at least re-calculation in-terms of parliamentary arithmetic within Somaliland's over-all set-up; with the thought of
"re-jigging the balance of clannish power"
within Somaliland itself, could be re-thought of, afresh, indeed.


But, one thing that is not, never will be a negotiable, is the
"independence of Somaliland"
from Somalia. And, that, regardless of what the the average citizens of the
may think about it (particularly it's Diaspora lot), the political elite of this
knows that perfectly. Hence, their over-all agenda is not to sabotage Somaliland's independence; since they know, they can't really do it (in-terms of demographically, or even in-terms of territoriality, as well as in-terms of the cohesive-wise for the larger community of Somaliland),


Which means, theirs will be nothing less than a chance to pick-up the pieces of where they have did fall out with Somaliland, politically, at the eve of the creation of
back of
. And, in that larger argument, one can say that things could of being easily resolved to everyone's satisfaction, if only that is, the
didn't dropped a large dose of honey words into the very politically susceptible ears of this
, along the lines of
"political H-ism"
, back then...


However, now, that so tall of an empty political game engineered as it was by the
"unholy trinity"
(as Mr.
would say) of
, did turned out to be as bogus as we suspected it, even, back in
, then, the
"political slate"
is clear for this
to deal with Somaliland without third party (such as the
"unholy trinity"
) being the
or at any rate being the merciless prorogation tool of a
that does everybody's head in, particularly, with their bogus talk of
"political H-ism"


In other words,
have taught this
"confused community"
as to how
"shameless perfidy"
"endless treachery"
comes so easily to the
"unholy trinity"
. Hence, half of the political work is already done (in so far as we are concern); and, therefore, there is decent talk to be had, if and when, this community, re-establishes a politically
"recognizable leaders"
to the world. Which would be, once that is, they finish their brouhaha of a clannish conference, indeed..



Indeed, there are many possibilities. I havent really serieusly thaugth about this option of internal State within Somaliland. Dont know if its really possible and how big the risks are that other communities follow.

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January 10, 2011: Historical Day for SSC People & All Somali Unionists

Daawo Ku Dhawaaqidii Maamul-Goboleedka SSC







Ergooyinkii Shirka Khaatumo2 Oo Maanta U Codeeyey In Degaanka SSC Loo Sameeyo Maamul Goboleed-

Lasanod Online. Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Warsaxaafadeed:- Ergooyinka shirka Khaatumo2 ayaa maanta ka dooday ajendihii shirka khaatumo2.



Waxaa saaka hawlahoodii kasii watay madasha shirka dhamaan ergooyinkii gudaha iyo qurbaha.


Dood dheer iyo falanqayn kadib waxaa ergooyinku u cadeeyeen oo laysla qaatay go'aamo aad muhiim ugu ah aayaha deegaamada SSC.


Ergooyinku waxay fadhigii saaka ugu codeeyeen in degaamada SSC loo sameeyo maamul goboleed u gaara ah oo masuul ka noqda aayaha deegaanada shacabak soomaaliyeed ee ku nool gobollada SSC.


Go'aankan iyo qaar kale oo muhiim ah waxaa losoo bandhigayaa shirweynaha maalinta berri.

Maanta waxaa madasha shirka ee berdaha Khaatumo ka muuqda dabaal deg iyo rayrayn, iyadoo jidadak magaalda Taleex ay dhexmarayaan baabuur tiro badan oo ruxayey calanka Soomaaliya.








Ergooyinka Shacabka SSC waxey si Aqlabiyad leh u Ansixyeen in Maamul-Goboleed Buuxa ay u Samaystaan Deegaanka SSC.





Shirweynihii Khaatumo2 ayaa waxaa maanta lagu gaadhay Go’aamo cul culus, waxaa maanta xaadir ku ahaa shirweynaha Khaatumo2 Ergo gaadhaysa 345, Qodobo fara abdan oo ay ka mid tahay Nabadeynta, Mideynta iyo maamul u sameynta ayaa lagu lafa gurey shirka maanta, waxaana ergadu si aqlabiyad leh u ansixyeen in maamul Goboleed buuxa ay samaystaan dadka ku dhaqan deeganada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, ayadoo lagu soo darayo maamulka dadka la dega ee aan ayagu ka soo jeedin Beesha Dhulbahantaha.


Waxana qodobada la isku raacay ka mid ah in si cadaalad ah loo qaybsado maamulka, isla markaana uu noqdo maamul axdi adag oo dhibida loo aastay, Codka ayaa aha agacan taag, waxaana loo qaybiyey cidii diidaysa in maamul asameeyo oo laga codsay inay gacanta taagaan, ciodii ka Aamusaysa iyo weliba qofkii ama cidii doonaysa in la sameeyo maamul buuxa, gebi ahaan waxaa la wayey qof diida ama ka aamusa, waxayna guud ahana ergadii 345 xubnood ahayd ansixiyeen inay doonayaa maamul goboleed buuxa, oo Golayaashiisa, Garsoorka, Sharci dejinta iyo Fulinta ka kooban.




Maalinimada berri ah ayaa lagu wadaa in shirku soo bandhigo qodobada la isku raacya, isla markaana la magacaabo gudiyo Dastuur iyo weliba kuwo kale oo dhanka Horumarinta iyo Nabadeynta ku saabsan. News Desk.

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Oodweyne;772496 wrote:


There is lots of way to skin a cat. However, what is not going to be in the discussion in anyone's conference is the idea of Somaliland's independence. Hence, the current community that is in session, could of course, decide their political destiny, as they see fit.


But, I am afraid, what is not in their right to debate it, much less to enacted (at least in unilateral fashion), is the ultimate goal of what Somaliland's destiny ought to be about.


And, I hope, for their sake, that whatever delusion that may entertained under that hot sun of that city of
, the idea that the fate of Somaliland is in their hand to decide, will not be one of them, indeed...

Sxb, I have to disagree with you. Somaliland's fate is in the hands of its people(including SSC folks)and they have certain leverage in the game otherwise Somaliland could have reached its borders and objective years ago. Denying that their political idea's or this Conference has any influence on Somaliland, you only deny yourself the truth. Ofcourse unilateral stands or positions taken at the conference by one community wont be the end outcome, but so are the unilateral vieuws of other Somaliland's communities.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;772072 wrote:
and with this post, Carafat proves his the most reasonable of all of you in here. Don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise, more of your kind are needed in this forum...

Just, a little reminder how I supported the cause of Khatuma from day. Naxar Nugaal, come again? :D

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