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Why Khaatuma is already a historical succes?

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Carafaat;771960 wrote:

SSC region cant be called a disputed region anymore..


Buhoodle,eastern Sool and eastern Sanaag were the disputed regions. Not Sanaag and Sool as a whole.

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Even in your map which is far from the fact in the ground. the so called disputed area is as much bigger as other part.

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That is the disputed part (Somali kashmir) and it's much smaller than the real Somaliland territories. If you add

Puntland and Somali kashmir than it's bigger than Somaliland but still Somaliland is more populated.

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Carafaat;771960 wrote:
1. After Khaatuma Somaliland can say goodbye to its bid for international recongnition. Int recongnition without the consent of all its people and regions is unlikely and undesirable. Seeking int recongnition therefor is Politicly dead.


2. Puntland State which has been founded on the basis of a clan coalition, lost its second largest clan and 3 regions it claimed so far. Puntland's weight in Somalia's politics will be leveraged bringing it more in healthier power balance with other regions in Somalia and thus contributing to better governance and stability. As of Khaatumo Puntland consist of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug



3. SSC region cant be called a disputed region anymore. Folks on the ground are united on their interest and do whatever is in their interest. And will do whatever will bring their region more development, more Unity. And thats why they will join Somaliland, after negoitiating the terms afcourse. This will unite the SSC region, people's in SSC regions , Somaliland and Somalia.


These are the political trends I see and Khaatumo has emphasized them even more.



What do you guys think?

Good points and I agree. What is needed is Somalia where all the stakeholders are treated fairly and justly. ;):)

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Naxar Nugaaleed;772072 wrote:
and with this post, Carafat proves his the most reasonable of all of you in here. Don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise, more of your kind are needed in this forum...

A reasonable script? :D

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What do you expect from Salax. He is the progeny Of those who fought for the British queen and not their own people. Throughout history they've proven to be a liability to Somalia. Regardless the seperatists Kurds I mean Landers won't be granted their wish.

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They post these diagrams and fictitious maps written and published by their psuedo intellectual elite. Your people are a joke. It's like the snm took a copy of the North Korean Propaganda pamphlet. Wake uppp no one will recognize a somaliland. Do you know whyyy because the world is sick and tired of just 1 Somalia the last thing they want is another

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