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Xaaji Xunjuf

Anti TFG prime minister protests in Hiiraans Capital Beledweyne

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Banaanbax ka dhan ah Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo ka dhacay Baladweyne


Baladweyne: (Sh. M. Network) Banaanbax looga soo horjeeday Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda oo uu soo qaban qaabiyay Maamulka Dooxada Shabelle ayaa maanta ka dhacay magaalada Baladweyne ee gobolka Hiiraan.


Sida ay sheegeen Saraakiisha Maamulka Dooxadda Shabelle magaalada Baladweyne ee gobolka Hiiraan waxaa maanta ka dhacay banaanbax ay sheegeen Saraakiisha in looga soo horjeeday Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya laguna taageerayey Maamulkooda.


Dibadbaxayaasha ayaa la tilmaamay in ay kasoo horjeedeen hadal kasoo baxay Ra’iisul wasaare C/wali Max’ed Cali oo sida hadalka loo dhigay uu ku sheegay in uusan aqoonsaneen Maamulka dooxadda Shabelle, iyadoo sidoo kale la sheegay in lagu taageerayey ciidamada iyo Saraakiisha Maamulka Dooxadda Shabelle.


Madaxweynaha Maamulkaasi C/fitaax Xasan Faarax oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa waxa uu sheegay in wax aqoonsi ah aysan kaga baahneen dowladda KMG Soomaaliya marka laga reebo shacabka, isagoo sheegay in ciidamadooda iyo kuwa Ethiopia ay qabteen magaalada Baladweyne.


Labo gobol iyo waxii ka badan, iyadoo bulshada ay u dhan tahay ayaa samaysan kara Maamul goboleed aqoonsi ka raba dowladda KMG Soomaaliya sida ku qoran Axdiga KMG Soomaaliya.

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There was no anti TFG protests in Hiiraan awoowe. A confused man gathered the B/W neighbourhood youths and gave a heartfelt speech. Voila!

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Carafaat;771648 wrote:
Beletweyn alone has more population then Bari and Karkaar together.


Silly rules.

True,still trying to play the deceptive rules of 1960.No wonder that certain segment always whining about somaliweyn.

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Somalina;771880 wrote:
There was no anti TFG protests in Hiiraan awoowe. A confused man gathered the B/W neighbourhood youths and gave a heartfelt speech. Voila!

Oke awoow thanks for the update marka ma waxay ahayeen koox yar oo xafaad isku so xidhay baa :D

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1 region cannot be a regional state or we will have 18 regional states. Hiiran is small region, it will need to deal with it and stop sobbing!!! what do you mean hiiran is populated war naga daa sheekada. Everyone in the government knows that farmed areas with rivers will have higher settlement rate then desert areas. But when we count your xoolo and i have 1991 statistics your lucky to have 1 million which proves you have no nomads and population is decided in nomads not settlements.


Puntland alone 17 million livestock in 1991. Waqoyi galbeed 7 million. south central including banadir, shabelle, hiiran, galgaduud have 11 million livestock. Which proves when it comes to nomadic population puntland is triple what your pushing cause why else u have less livestock

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Dr_Osman;771904 wrote:
1 region cannot be a regional state or we will have 18 regional states. Hiiran is small region, it will need to deal with it and stop sobbing!!! what do you mean hiiran is populated war naga daa sheekada. Everyone in the government knows that farmed areas with rivers will have higher settlement rate then desert areas. But when we count your xoolo and i have 1991 statistics your lucky to have 1 million which proves you have no nomads and population is decided in nomads not settlements.


Puntland alone 17 million livestock in 1991. Waqoyi galbeed 7 million. south central including banadir, shabelle, hiiran, galgaduud have 11 million livestock. Which proves when it comes to nomadic population puntland is triple what your pushing cause why else u have less livestock

So you admit Hiiraan is more populated. But you argument is that Puntland has more livestock.

Are animals allowed to vote in a future Somalia? :D

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Carafaat;771908 wrote:
So you admit Hiiraan is more populated. But you argument is that Puntland has more livestock.

Are animals allowed to vote in a future Somalia?

:D:D:D faan---- bragging as usual....puntland has neither people nor livestock...humhum bay wax ku doonayaan...

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How can a smaller population have the triple the livestock of a supposebly larger clan? it doesn't make sense at all!!! The fact of the matter is numbers is decided in the bush. Every historian knows it!!! And Puntland are not living in one gobol. We are spread out all around Somalia. Your crazy if you think your bigger population then us. Why is it mamulka somali ethiopia is reported by indepedent census that says their 10 million. U look at satellite it doesnt look like that at all. Even Ethiopia who forgerizes population statistics still says its 5 million mininum!!!


The only way they decide is figuring livestock populations. London is 15 million yet athens is 700k. Go to google earth and athens looks twice the size of london. Untill you can refute that u cant use satellite as population guessers.


Finally, ts not us who is holding onto the 4.5 buddy its you. We know full well we are the majority cause it was proven in 1960-1969 and were going back to it come hell or high water!!!


Like I said I have 1990 livestock count. I dont take livestock populations from any government in Somalia today. Like I said buddy Hiiran the constitution is clear two or more region stop whinning and crying play by the rules

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Dr_Osman, walaal reerkaaga ayaa ugu dad badan, xoolo badan, ugu maal badan, ugu ciidan badan. Haye! Alxamdulilaah dheh markaa.

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