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Valenteenah’s Moving Speech at the Taleex Meeting

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Glowing with irresistible charm, velvet lip-stick intact and bursting at the seams literally (I mean around the chest area), Valenteenah took to the stage and delivered a moving speech. You can go and watch the clip on Somali Channel TV. She is the lady who speaks just after Colonel Sabaareey. Speaking in Som-English, here is what she said:


“Arintan halkan manta lagu hayo iyo Unity’gan anaga dhalinyaradu waa tii aan daydayeeyney mar walba. Waa arin fiican haddi manta dadkii waa waynaana inala joogaan. You see, development possible ma aha, facilities’ka biniaadmku u baahanyahayna lama helayo hadii uuna jirin administration hagga ummadda. Maanta wax education facilities ah malaha SSC. Qofkiii operation u baahdan waxaa loola run gareeyaa gobolada kale ee neighbourhood’ka. “


“Markaa waa inaan unity of purpose muujinaa. Oo aan ka fogaanaa division iyo fragmentation. I wish to congratulate those who organized this event. Mahadsanidiin. Somalia ha noolaato! Come on! SSC! Come on Daraawish and people of the glorious horses”

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Abtigiis;771618 wrote:
Glowing with irresistible charm, velvet lip-stick intact and bursting at the seams literally (I mean around the chest area)


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Dear Oodweyne,


This is strictly about politics and the SSC triumph at Taleex. :D :D Let us keep it that way! But for some reason, I feel cheerful today. Really cheerful.


And I wish to dedicate Khadra Dahir's marvelous song 'Dadkoo ururay' to the gallant people meeting in Taleex tonight.


Dadkoo ururayoo, isutagay dhamaan

Ma ogaan karaan, mooyiye isagaa...

:D :D

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^^ Guru, Val is now a married lady and married ladies should not become the topic of discussion for any passing admirers, even if the admiration is deserved. As ever, our hopless A&T forgot to update his database and is now mistaking Mrs Ninka-qaba with the pretty single girls that infest this site. There was a time when we spoke directly with impressive Val, but now it has to strictly be from behind a curtain. Wax fahma.



Where is Serenity these days? :D

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NGONGE;771659 wrote:
^^ As ever, our hopless A&T forgot to update his database and is now mistaking Mrs Ninka-qaba with the pretty single girls that infest this site.

NG, I am not mistaking anybody with anybody. Watch the news of Somali channel TV (for January 08) and see the lady that addresses the meeting after Colonel Sabareey and few men speak. I was tipped off by a SOL insider and has to run home to see the feat for myself.

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The girls of the land of gorgeous horses are famed for their beauty. Val is just one among many. The issue is not about someone's beauty. The issue here is about the will of the SSC women to stand by their men at this historical juncture in their struggle for self-rule.


The spineless Oodweyne should not apologise. He did no offence to anybody. He dreamed about what it would be to sit beside a rehabilitated wifey, and that is a common wish. :D

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NGONGE;771659 wrote:
^^ Guru, Val is now a married lady and married ladies should not become the topic of discussion for any passing admirers, even if the admiration is deserved.
As ever, our hopless A&T forgot to update his database and is now mistaking Mrs Ninka-qaba with the pretty single girls that infest this site.
There was a time when we spoke directly with impressive Val, but now it has to strictly be from behind a curtain. Wax fahma.



Where is Serenity these days?

Lolololol FAIL!

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Val baa iska ba'day. Damn you, Abtigiis.


I haven't seen the video you are referring to. Is the lady in question by any chance the same lady at the forefront of some of the Taleex photos? Trendy-attired, tall, curvy and light-skinned? If so, she is indeed a beauty, Masha'Allah. She got my attention by appealing for more involvement for haweenka.

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Valenteenah.;771780 wrote:
Val baa iska ba'day. Damn you, Abtigiis.


I haven't seen the video you are referring to. Is the lady in question by any chance the same lady at the forefront of some of the Taleex photos? Trendy-attired, tall, curvy and light-skinned? If so, she is indeed a beauty, Masha'Allah. She got my attention by appealing for more involvement for haweenka.

Val, pls tell me you didn't go over to the dark side and got yourself involved in Somali politics. :) Dam shame. :)

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Valenteenah.;771780 wrote:
Val baa iska ba'day. Damn you, Abtigiis.


I haven't seen the video you are referring to. Is the lady in question by any chance the same lady at the forefront of some of the Taleex photos? Trendy-attired, tall, curvy and light-skinned? If so, she is indeed a beauty, Masha'Allah. She got my attention by appealing for more involvement for haweenka.

^Haha. Gottya lady!! You thought you could hide. :) :) :)

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LoL @LST, don't add to it. A&T ayaa god ii qoday already. Bal arag, even Nin Yaaban baa sii yaabay.



PS: No, NY, I have no involvement in Somali politics other than occasionally posting in this section.

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Valenteenah.;771780 wrote:
Val baa iska ba'day. Damn you, Abtigiis.


I haven't seen the video you are referring to. Is the lady in question by any chance the same lady at the forefront of some of the Taleex photos? Trendy-attired, tall, curvy and light-skinned? If so, she is indeed a beauty, Masha'Allah. She got my attention by appealing for more involvement for haweenka.

It's not you Val? Abtigiis really punked us then. Whoever that woman was she did give a impressive speech she is a tigress and we need more women like her.

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