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Somalia: TFG leaders arrive in Beledweyn, Hiiraan

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Weftiga dawlada ka socda waxaa garoonka Ugaas Khaliif oo xirnaay muddo labo sanno iyo go' go' laga joogo ku soo dhaweeyey xildhibaan Waare iyo xilldhibaan Mitsubishi oo ku sugnaa magaalada, waxaa kala soo dhaweynta ka qeybqaatey, xubno ka mid ah ASWJ, gudoomiyaha Dooxada iyo asxaab kale (:D).


Weftiga dawlada waxaa wehliya sida laga soo sheegey magaalada 10+ xildhibaano oo ka soo jeeda degaanka iyo taliyahii hore ee Asluubta General Abdulahi Moalin Ali.

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It's amusing that the fake religious groups cheerleaders are calling for me. Che of 2006 was promising the Somali's that his uncle Shangoole and Gang were going to usher in an era of national happiness, instead the group he supported started to kill civilians targeting elders, scholars and children from Galkacyu to hotel Shaamo. They cut of the limbs of young men who they tried in their fake courts as usually backed up by fake testimonies and gleefully recorded the macabre events on their cell phones. They targeted their old supporters, killing the likes of Ibrahim Xasn Cadow and the editors of Horn Afril & Shabeele as well as the innocents. Suicide bombings were their gift to Somalia. In Beledweyne Omar Hashi adan was a target but they also took out 60 other Somali's, most innocent elders of a single clan. Their actions helped bring in the worst drought in 20 years and the areas they ruled were the worst effected. Che and the Al Shabaab gang talked big and whenever they faced any old army they ran for he hills.


Today as in 2006 they can no longer cry wolf, even Shiekh Uamal stated they get their weapons and support from Eritrea which is run by a Christian leader who is a close ally of Israel.


Jirow Bakaal had a deferent name in 2006 he won't come out of the nigaab like his hero Godane . At least Che is still the same old Mohamed Abid Yusuf cheerleader who conveniently found Shangoole in 2006 as a better clan person to follow...

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Somalina, that is good news there. Maanshallah. Beautyfull city of Beledweyn freed from Al Shabaab. So what is the plan now for the Hiiraan region?

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^^^Che adeer if you cant take the heat, step out of the kitchen. Not only are you a clan supporter of Shangoole supporter but you are an apologist for those who attacked Hotel Shaamo and killed the young doctors. You are a cheerleader for the Shabaab actions that have crippled the Somali people everywhere. The same group that runs away from Ethiopians and yet are Herculean when faced with starving Somali's.

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General Duke;770945 wrote:
It's amusing that the fake religious groups cheerleaders are calling for me. Che of 2006 was promising the Somali's that his uncle Shangoole and Gang were going to usher in an era of national happiness, instead the group he supported started to kill civilians targeting elders, scholars and children from Galkacyu to hotel Shaamo. They cut of the limbs of young men who they tried in their fake courts as usually backed up by fake testimonies and gleefully recorded the macabre events on their cell phones. They targeted their old supporters, killing the likes of Ibrahim Xasn Cadow and the editors of Horn Afril & Shabeele as well as the innocents. Suicide bombings were their gift to Somalia. In Beledweyne Omar Hashi adan was a target but they also took out 60 other Somali's, most innocent elders of a single clan. Their actions helped bring in the worst drought in 20 years and the areas they ruled were the worst effected. Che and the Al Shabaab gang talked big and whenever they faced any old army they ran for he hills.


Today as in 2006 they can no longer cry wolf, even Shiekh Uamal stated they get their weapons and support from Eritrea which is run by a Christian leader who is a close ally of Israel.


Jirow Bakaal had a deferent name in 2006
he won't come out of the nigaab like his hero Godane
. At least Che is still the same
old Mohamed Abid Yusuf cheerleader who conveniently found Shangoole in 2006 as a better clan person to follow..

:D :D :D

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