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Johnny Boy, Angels Exsist For A Purpose

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Johnny Boy



You Write:


" no angel is occupying your shoulders.

no woman can get pregnant without human-male sperms.

no God (if exists)can be both omnicient , omnipotent and has the will to inform humanity about his/her presence yet can't do that."






Belief in Allah (aka God), Angels, and miracles are pillars in all Abrahamic faiths ( Judaism, Christianity and Islam.


You see JB, there is a purpose in our existence, which calls for some sort of accountability. To be accountable, there must be some sort of enforcement of a sovereign law by an entity empowered to be a witness and an executor of Devine orders. Allah appoined angels for that purpose, just because you cant see them does not rule out their existence, otherwise I will assume that you have no intelligence, because I cant see your intelligence.


You see JB, I agree with you, if there is no purpose in our existence, there is no need for angels, but if there is a purpose, then it becomes reasonable to believe that angels exist.


Today, modern societies have governments that serve a purpose for their people, they have laws to serve the purpose for which they exist, and law enforcement, who are not always or visible, they use hidden cameras to observe to secure peace and harmony. Thus Police is the human analogue of Angels, and we also have Good COP ( Constables On Patrol) and Bad COP ( Angels of Mercy and Angels of Punishment).


You can chose not to believe in their existence, just like you can run red lights assuming that there is no Police Cameras, what you cant see, can see you!


As for the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ, you see JB, there are four possibilities for creation:


1. No Parent (in the case of father of humanity Adam)

2. Male Parent Only ( in the case of Eve who was created from Adam side)

3. Two Parents ( in Your case and Mine)

4. Female Parent Only ( the Immaculate birth of Jesus Christ, may peace and blessings be upon him)


Hence, Jesus was the fourth and final possibility of Allah's creation, a miracle.


Finally, Allah is omnipresent and Omnipotent, He questions and not questioned, judges and not judged, and because of His Sovereignty, He reserves to do what He wishes when He wishes, everything except Him is a slave to Him as he has created them. If you have a problem with Allah, I am sure that it will be settled after you die, which is also when you will see the angels that you did not believe, so when you finally come face to face with them, you will believe, but it will be in vain.




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