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Xaaji Xunjuf

Amiir Ahmed abdi Godane calls upon all Somalis to fight against the Ethiopian crusaders

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Don't get angry lad.'the Tigray troops are stationed in Berbera and have been there for ages.'the fact the Tigray run this port is a proud reality by the secessionists and one of the key reasons they get Habashi support with regards to certain issues.

Also was it not your political leader Faisal Warrabe who stated that the boy born in Addis was closer to his heart than the one born in Mogadishu? And you want people to take your nonsense seriously? Amiira Godane is clown who will be hunted down.

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Duke you can't hunt down Amiir godane not with 9000 Amisom troops not with 3000 Ethiopian troops and not with 1500 Kenyan troops. The Ethiopians and other foreign troops were defeated before in Somalia. They will be defeated again and that's the truth Somalia problems cannot be solved by outsiders.

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Its ironic how these dreamers (unionists) link Godane to Somaliland. Let me tell you about Godane saxib. He was a small petty peasent labourer in Hargaisa who use to clean peoples drains. He goes to Southern Somalia and they made him the Amir of Somalia..hahahaha i think that says more about your people then Somaliland. Alshabab defeated Ethiopia in the past and seeing that they have the capability for a long guirella style war they have time, terrain and resources on their side. Can you honoustly tell me the TFG can survive without Ethiopia or the AU force? Noooooo...therefore the reality is etheir permanent occupation of Somalia which is costing Kenya alone 500 million every month or leave and let Alshabab take over. TFG = Dream. So dreamers (unionists) keep dreaming because it seems like Alshabab is here to stay for along time to come.

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We don't link Godane to Somaliland XX & JB do for heir love of this man and Afghani is not a secret.

As for Amira Godane the hunt is on. He has lost Galgaduud, now Hiiraan and Mogadishu completely. The game is much different on be ground and if he was serious about his jihad he could start with clearing Berbera port and taking out the lovers of Zenawi residing in villa Morgan.

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Alshabab are still in Mugdisho in record numbers just not so visable, for a person whose entire life seems to revolve around somaliaonline for the past 7 years non stop you seem not to listen to all political players on the ground maybe thats your weakness. Alshabab have not lost hiraan etheir just on the outskirts of baladwayne and currently recruiting to take back the town. An exploision has just taken out a few Ethiopian soldiers and a tank in the centre of the town as well. They havent lost Galgadud ethier just a few villages to so called Somali government soldiers who will at any one time sell their weapons to make a few pounds. hahaha... Alshabab are not defeated and the invasion of Ethiopia and Kenya into Somalia and the continued division and weakness of the TFG will strengthen their hand only further in time. As for villa Morgan...Somaliland tax payers paid for Villa Somalia...just because they refuse to again doesnt mean you have to resent them saxib. Somalia as a unified political entity is a thing of the past, regardless of what we all say. enjoy your pirate operations and your fictional search for oil which as we both know you have been talking about for the past 6 years. Remember general Cade Muse's return trip from Dubai..."We will have oil out in 2 months" hahahahahahahaha...........duke's reaction was...we gonnna be richhhhhhhh superpower of all Somali's....looooool. Saxib lets wake up..stop the day dreams and get back to reality.

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Somaliland haters,keep hating more we will take the rest your little villages for good.Somaliland withstood all your bullets & games & here to stay.

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godane hada miyuu ogaaday in shacabka la'aantiisa eey guul gaari karin , mise shalay xaalada sidaan uma kululeen .

somaalida aad bey unecebtahay xabashida waana istaahilaan qurunka in la necbaado , taasna waxaa cadeynaya dagaalkii hore ee amxarta lagu jabiyay ,waana la yaabaa dadka qaar markey dhahaan xabashida waxaa jibiyay alshabab . xabashi waxaa jabiyay soomalida kuwa dibada iyo kuwa gudaha oo isla jira ,lacagaha ugu badanaa ee dagaaladaasi eey ku socdeen waxaa laga soo diri jiray waa USA ,Europe ,ganacsatada gudaha . wax suaal ubaahanna ma ahan .


soomalida waxey hogaamiya kooxeedyada ku naceen waxey ahayd in eey lasoo taagnaayeen meeshaan kataliyo sidaan rabaan ka suubsanayaa qof ka hadli karana maba jira waana the same caqliyada eey alshabab ku socoto , shacab bey laayn jireen ,jid gooyooyin ayey lahaayen , the same alshabab dadkii bey laayeen waxaa kasii daran qiil ayeyba sii suubsadeen .


suureyso hadii hada shacabka alshabab taageeraan oo xabashida iyo amisom ba jabiyaan , maxa shicibka iska badalayo ,sow cadow shalay ku dilayay wadada umasii qaaxin awood buuxdana maad siinin ,maadaama alshabab fikirkooda uu sinaba isu badalin .


aqyaarta hala taageero dhaheysa waxaan weydiinaa ma alshabaab ayaa is badali rabo oo shacabka fahmi doono, dilkana joojin doono ( xaqbaa lagu dilaa ha igula soo boodin ), alshabab ku dali rabo iyo amxaaro ku dili rabto makala mac yihiin . dilka eey ugeysteen ardadii ,waalidiintii, culimadii, danleydii qiilkey ku dileen wali wey haystaan sooma cadeyneyso in eey mar kale suubiyaan in eey caadi u tahay .

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Cid maanta dhageysaneysa kuwan afka duubtey ma jirto.


Raggaan meelaha ay maamulaan horumarka aay u suubiyeen banaanka ma keenin, the average Jaamac na inoo cunto cunoo rabaa, caruurtiisa dhar u gado, iskuulna geeyo amarka lagu handadaayo inuu surwaalka gaabsado oo gar baxsado calooshiisa uma buuxineyso. Dadka been iyo faataadhug wey ka daaleen, marxalado kala duwan ayuu wadanku soo marey, raggaan dadka masaakiinta meel walba ku qarxinaaya ayaa musal salkaan ugu danbeeya.


Mar dhow haddey heshiisaan rabnaa dhahaan I won't be suprised.

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calaacalka waxa ka keenayo waa in tabartii ka dhamaatay , meel eey wax ka qabtaan ayey la'yihiin . shacabka inuu soo nacay ayey arkeen .

beentooda in lala fahmeey garteen .


wiilasha is qarxin jiray ee nafta huri jiray aaway , marka balad weyne la qabsanayay maxey nafta meesha udhigi waayeen . janada meeshaas ayeyba ka dhaweyde kkkkkkk .


horta waa ayaga ethiopia ka baqee maxaa dhacay ? , kenya waa ayaga maalin walba qaraxbaan ka suubinaa yiraahdo ,mey ethiopia sidaa ku dhahaan ?

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Ethiopia qarax ka dhacey ma maqashey weli ay reer gafuurduub abaabuleen? waa maya, marka Ethiopia maqlaan ayey xagaha wax ka dayaan. Kenya markay soo gashey, meeqa jeer ayey saxaafadaha ugu hanjabeen? Ethiopia ha u hanjabaan waakaas.


Uganda wey u hanjabeen weyna qarxiyeen dad badan hal mar, Kenya wey u hanjabeen, isbuuc walbana qarax ayaa ka dhaca, marka aawey tii Ethiopia? weli ma soo socotaa? waa arrin cajiib ah runtii, haddaad si u eekto gafuurduubte waa laga danbeeyaa, sidan normale ma ku ahan.

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runtii waa su'aal mudan nin lays weydiiyo . iskaba dhaaf in eey hadala noocaas soo qaadaan wax ku saabsan ethiopia maba soo sheeg qaadaan bas mar ayaan jabinay un ayey bilad ahaan u wataan .


afeefad hore lahaaw ama adkeysi dambe ayey soomaali tiri , ayagaa la kari waayay ee inta calaacalka iska dhaafaan wax ha iska celiyaan hadii dhiiga ethiopianka uu qaali agtooda ka yahay kan soomalina raqiis u yahay hadaa la ogaan .

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Xaaji Xunduf, you seem to be supporting Godane and I suspect its becouse he's from your clan. If that's the case this guy and his group have comitted genocide in Somalia, so does Somaliland take responsibilty?

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Samafal;770555 wrote:
If that's the case this guy and his group have comitted genocide in Somalia, so does Somaliland take responsibilty?

LOL. crazy people.

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Samafal;770555 wrote:
Xaaji Xunduf, you seem to be supporting Godane and I suspect its becouse he's from your clan. If that's the case this guy and his group have comitted genocide in Somalia, so does Somaliland take responsibilty?

Where did i say i support his organization or him let alone supporting him because of his clan i merely said that he will not be defeated by foreign mercenaries , Godane has nothing to do with Somaliland don't see the link at all.

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