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Mogadishu 2012

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Adi inaan kaa raayey waaba sheegtey, hadal miyaa ku yaal agteyda? waa maya, guusha yaa leh? Somalina laa leh, ka nax oo naftaa waa abaa. :D


Lo' iyo Somalina dhaxan ma karto. Kubeerto adaa u baahan. lol

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Waa iga raysey = you beat me = you karbaash'd me countless times = calanka cad ayaan lulooyaa = inbaay ii qalee nooh.


Saas lee waaye, sida lee waaye.

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Somalina;787956 wrote:
LOL, amniyaadka informationkiisa meel kale haka keensadaan.

lol, waa la soo ogaaday Wasiirka kalluumeysiga, Khayraadka badda, waaxid digi & mirifle.

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