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Buugga ma beel gaar ah baa loo qoray inay iibsadaan amase ka soo qayb-galaan daah-furka mise dadkuu u dhexeeyaa? Waa yaab....Soomaalidii ma heerkaas bay gaartey, Buug beel keliya fayl u geleyso, fannaan cid keliya dhegeysaneyso, aqoonyahan khudbad uu jeedinayo ay hal cid iska soo buuxineyso goobta, Wacdi shiikha ciddiisu ay dhegeysteyaasha u badanayso....waa naloo yaabaa....Miyaan wax badani khaldanayn?

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Somalia;769849 wrote:
@Abwaan, how would you know that these people are from the same clan?

Somalia ...most of those were my neighbours, friends, customers, I know a lot of them by name, profession etc. I have to admit I do not know all of them but a good number of them. I hope that answers your question. And believe me wax ku kooban dadka meeshaan iskugu yimid ma ahan ee Waa Soomali cid kastaba. Nin baa meel shir ku qabanaya markaas baa beeshiisa inta meeshaas ka joogtaa calanka Xabadka ku soo dhegsadaan.

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Zack, I know inaadan tegeynin, waxan ula jeeday Abwaan, and I doubt he would go (he's in London and he didn't) marka muxuu ka rabaa Tolka ha isu camireene!.

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Abwaan;770260 wrote:
Somalia ...most of those were my neighbours, friends, customers, I know a lot of them by name, profession etc. I have to admit I do not know all of them but a good number of them. I hope that answers your question. And believe me wax ku kooban dadka meeshaan iskugu yimid ma ahan ee Waa Soomali cid kastaba. Nin baa meel shir ku qabanaya markaas baa beeshiisa inta meeshaas ka joogtaa calanka Xabadka ku soo dhegsadaan.

Interesting that we know the same people.

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Maaddeey;770267 wrote:
Zack, I know inaadan tegeynin, waxan ula jeeday Abwaan, and I doubt he would go (he's in London and he didn't) marka muxuu ka rabaa Tolka ha isu camireene!.

I am not in London. Haddii aan joogana inaanan tegin bay u badnaan lahayd, sababtuna waxay tahay meel cid isku aragtay haddaan aadayo kan tolka ayaan aadi lahaa haddaan Kaas aadi waayeyna mid kale uma socdo!

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Abwaan;770273 wrote:
I am not in London. Haddii aan joogana inaanan tegin bay u badnaan lahayd, sababtuna waxay tahay
meel cid isku aragtay haddaan aadayo kan tolka ayaan aadi lahaa
haddaan Kaas aadi waayeyna mid kale uma socdo!

Maxaad ku eedeyneysaa Soomaalida kale marka? :D

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