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Are we a rude people?

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runtii soomalida qaar madax adag wey qabaan iyo hadalka oo qeylo lagu daro , midaana ma ahan soomalida gudaha un xitaa kuwa ku nool ama ku dhashay qurbaha qaarkood sidaa bey u dhaqmaan . sababtana waa kow inaan diinta aanan ku dhaqmin ee islaanimadu afka un naga saaran tahay . hadaan sidii larabay diinta ugu dhaqmi lahayn waxyaala badan oo naga qaldan ayaan sixi lahayn .iyo in cilmigii dunida aanan si fiican u daalacan , dhibaatooyinka dagaalna waaba uga sii dareen .


(war dee shaah ii keen ,si dhaqsi ah ). waa qaabka soomalida eey maqaaxiyaha wax u dalbadaan ,kabaryeeriyadana kama xanaaqaan ee waxey dhahaan ( okay wax kale miyaan kuusoo raaciyaa ) waa iska caadi . xumaana mahan .

hadalada dadka qaar eey qalad u arkaan ayaa kuwa kalana eey cadi u tahay .( MOTH FU )USA caadi ayey u tahay .


masaajidada wey ka dhici kartaa oo dadka waa bini aadam balse waa dhif dhif , oo hada wax ladhihi karo ma aha masaajidada waa buuq miiran ee uma socdo.

ogow soomalida dhaxdeeda wax uma arkaan sidey isula hadlaan ,balse marka eey dadyow kale la hadlayaan waxey badanaa fasiraan luqadooda markaas ayey qofka weydiiyaan su'aasha . taas oo qofka kale layaab ku noqoneysa .


tusaala ayaan ku siinayaa wadanka tanzaaniya marka uu qof wax ku weydiisanayo wuxuu yiraahdaa (( waxaan kaa baryayaa in aan kaa baryo waxaas)) wuxuu rabaa inuu ku yiraahdo (( waxaan rabaa sheygaas )) , qof soomaali ah inaad hadalkaa ku tiraahdo wuu cajabsanayaa .


mida kale soomalida marka eey rabto iney qaladaadkooda sheegto maxaa carabta loogu rugrugtaa ? mise wixii xunba xaawaa leh ayey ka mareysaa?.

reer baadiyuhu waxaa la oran karaa badaa xitaa shucuubta dunada kale in eey madax adag yihiin , kuwa wadanka joogo ee aan reer magaalka ah waxaa la dhihi karaa tacliim fiican ma helin . balse kuwa qurbaha jooga ee wax bartay magaalana joogo maxaa helay ?

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I was with my niece the other day when a 40-something lady approached us, apparently she knew me from somewhere. She said Assalamo Alikom and then asked me if the young girl holding my hand was my sister? I told he she is my niece, then she said "Oh that explains it".!

I asked her now knowing her ill mind what she means by that? She was so ignorant that she didn't even consider the little girls feelings..she said " Inanta waxaan u heystay madow afrikaan ah, ma cunugan gubatay baa Soomaali ah baan lahaa" she added "Is she born to a foreign father, Jamaican perhaps? So are we rude? Hell yes.


PS.I don't even know the women.

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Well, I must confess that even "Sheikhs" can be pretty insensitive at times (they have their own issues after all);

abusing others (in the genre "the child is ugly") is totally different from minor poor manners and call into question the person basic ethics.


Let's say that at this stage asking about private details, even about one's frequency of intercourses with his wife as happened to this acquaintance, is rather a minor inconvenience as there are much bigger issues;

I'm myself impulsive at times but I am still unable to conceive how someone could be totally insensitive in shocking ways, being deficient in basic empathy, sincerity or ethics.


So, the rest seems rather secondary, apart from lying, double speech and spreading rumors, verbal abuses or greed that place relations or interests beyond fairness.




PS: Norf some "religious" figures are cons artists or frauders, I'm always amazed at how others trust and revere "wadaads" or "healers" we know very well; I guess TVs and the larger public should learn to deal with them according to their credentials or honest reputation (hence the importance of knowing basics about the deen, which shouldn't be hard really)...

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I wished Kool Kat was with me nooh. Indhaha adag ha ka madoobeysee. Markaa u baahantahay somewhere in Tdot ay cadees ku caboosaa. :)

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I said this in that thread about the girls that beat the English lady. Applies here too. Kala baxa ya naas.


NGONGE;764011 wrote:
Kii heesay "Dadka ha iska weyneen" been buu sheegay...


Dadkan waa qashin, xasheesh, kudaafa...


You can look at this thing from two angles; the first is the "nationalist" one and the second is the "class" angle.



In order to be proud of your origin and those that share such an origin with you, one must accept that no nation exists without having its various good
bad apples. For if a nation or a group of people were all good they would suspiciously look incomplete. On the other hand, if they were all bad (as the Daily Mail would love to portray us) something would also be wrong with that image; how can there not be one single nice/good/virtuous person amongst them?


This is why a proud Somali nationalist should (in theory) rejoice when he hears of university graduates, world class athletes, models, atheists or prostitutes and drunks. A nation must have the full spectrum of characters and social achievements/ills. For how else could we revere the good without having the bad to compare them against? How could we encourage the young to achieve if we can’t point at a street drunk and say “or else that’s how you’ll end up”? How do you stop young girls from becoming teenage single mothers without having actual teenage single mothers to show them?


Abhor what these girls do, moan about it and condemn it. But, as a proud Somali, be happy that you can put a
next to the ‘drunken girls’ criteria in your
national checklist





The above does not clash with the feeling of total repugnance and abhorrence of these lowlifes. Your lifestyle, your education and your upbringing should allow you to distance yourself from such trash. Yes they are Somali and yes they might be related to someone or other on this site but, YES, they remain trash.

If life is about achievement and respect then one must put in the hours and hard work to earn one or both. Of course, there is no harm in spending a couple of seconds patronising a glue-sniffer or drunk. But it should never mean that you’re on the same level or that you’re equal. There is no political correctness here. Once they choose to class themselves as drunk/druggies or sluts you are under no obligation to give them any respect and your default standing position should be one where you’re looking down.


Our problem is that we mix with anyone and everyone. Kala baxa ya naas. Tuug iyo wadaad should not sit in the same maqaaxi, be seen in the same weddings or attend the same fuenral. And, if they do, let it be made clear where each stands socially. Wa la kala sareeya but if we all stand next to each other who is ever going to look up? Wax fahma.

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Jacaylbaro;769606 wrote:
I've even once seen a Iman telling people "Waar Ilaahay ka baqda aabihiiin wasee" ..... weird people

:D :D :D Lol, very funny. I find it particularly depressing to be in the same bus with Somali women. They are loud and embarrassing.

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Cawaale;770554 wrote:
I was with my niece the other day when a 40-something lady approached us, apparently she knew me from somewhere. She said Assalamo Alikom and then asked me if the young girl holding my hand was my sister? I told he she is my niece, then she said "Oh that explains it".!

I asked her now knowing her ill mind what she means by that? She was so ignorant that she didn't even consider the little girls feelings..she said " Inanta waxaan u heystay madow afrikaan ah, ma cunugan gubatay baa Soomaali ah baan lahaa" she added "Is she born to a foreign father, Jamaican perhaps? So are we rude? Hell yes.


PS.I don't even know the women.

dee waa su'aal. is your neice half jamaican ama madow kale?

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Maaddeey;770618 wrote:
^Adiga kuwa 'rude'ka ah baad ku jirtaa, Kii idin yiri: 'Waan idin salaamay' sidaad ugu jawaabtay baa laga gartaa! "D

Mo odhan "waan idin salaamay", saaxib. Wuxu yedhi "Waa la idin wada salaamay". Ma khalad baa in aan ku idhaahdo "adiga iyo?"'s actually polite, methinks. :D

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Very Disappointing,,,,,Instead of Trying to talk somali people of speaking Load and Being rude, Some of you have chosen to distance themselves from Somalis....Chickens


Actually Last summer When I went back to hargeisa, I felt People are very nice that is when to Compared to the Middle east. I was preparing my self for the common "Qaylo" that I hear of, But on the Contrary I loved how they treated each other......


BTW consider that Somali language needs load vocals to be spoken if not it would just be whispering not least that is how I reason my load voice.

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NGONGE;770907 wrote:
Mo odhan "waan idin salaamay", saaxib. Wuxu yedhi "Waa la idin wada salaamay". Ma khalad baa in aan ku idhaahdo "adiga iyo?"'s actually polite, methinks.

Ngonge, Waa la idin wada salaamay means literally "You all have been greeted" Hadaba why would u say "You and.."? I fail to see why you have chosen to ask that? I mean the sensible question here would be "Me and.." instead of "You and.."..Illayn the man said "Waa la idin wada salaamay" NOT "Waan idin wada salaaNay. Wax fahan:)


Was it Nuune whom you asked the a question, he usually has invisible company most of the time. :D

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Todo es relativo! For every rude Somali I have had the misfortune of encountering there are atleast twenty Somalis that were pleasant, respectful and considerate. Unfortunately, you will remember the rude one better than the pleasant ones, and erroneously in your mind that bad apple becomes the poster-child or quality grade of that specific basket of apples that is our people.

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