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Che -Guevara

Zenawi's Errand Boys

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Maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo waxba kama jiraa ku tilmaamay hadallo kasoo yeeray Dowladda KMG iyo Ahlusunna



Axad, Jannaayo 01, 2012 (HOL) − Tan iyo wixii ka danbeeyay markii ay maalintii shalay dagaalladu ka dhaceen magaalada Beledweyne islamarkaana xoogagga Xarrakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab gacantooda ka baxday magaalada, waxaa ay warbaahintu siweyn ugu jahwareertay rasmi ahaa cida gacanta ku heysa magaalada marka laga raabo ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya.


Dowladda KMG, maamulka Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca iyo Dooxada Shabeelle ayaa si wada jir ah uga hadllay dagaallkii maalintii shalay iyadoo mid walba oo ka mid ah uu gaar u sheegtay in ay iyagu gacanta ku hayaan.


Wasiirrka warfaafinta maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle Max’ed Nuur Caga-joof ayaa isaga oo ku sugan magaalada Beledweyne waxaa uu waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaamay warar saacadihii aynu soo dhaafnay warbaahinta laga sii daayay kuwaasoo sheegay in dowladda KMG iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca qeyb ka yihiin xoogagga la wareegay magaalada Beledweyne.


"Waa waxba kama jiraan sheegashada dowladda KMG iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca, magaalada Beledweyne waxaa gacanta ku haya xoogagga maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo gacan militari ka hellaya ciidamada Itoobiya, sidaa daraadeed micno badan malaha in warbaahinta laga sii daayo hadalo aan sal laheyn ayuu yiri,’’ Max’ed Nuur Gaga-joof oo warfaafhinta u qaabilsan maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle.


Waxaa uu intaa ku darray in aan marnaba la arki karin cid ka aan ka tirsaneyn maamulka oo hub ku dhax sidata gudaha magaalada, isaga oo sheegay in cidii lagu arko hub sharci darro ah maamulku talaabo ka qaadi doono.


"Shacab-ka waxaa ku wargalineynaa in ay laamaha nabad-galyada la soo xiriiraan haddii ay arkaan arrimo nabad-galyada wax u dhimi kara, waxaana ugu baaqeynaa dadku in ay dib u furtaan goobahooda ganacsiga,’’ ayuu yiri,’’ Max’ed Nuur Caga-joof.


Hadalka ka soo yeeray maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle ee maalintii shalay la wareegay gacan ku heyntan magaalada Beledweyne iyaga oo kaashanaya dowladda Itoobiya, ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili saacadihii aynu soo dhaafnay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca siyaabo kala duwan u sheegteen in ay la wareegeen magaalada Beledweyne.


Gudaha magaalada ayaa lagu dhax arkayaan gawaarida dagaallka oo ay ku asteysan tahay calaamada u gaarka ah maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle, kuwaasoo ku sugan saldhiga baliiska, xarunta maamulka gobollka, iyo xabsiga magaalada.


C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

Beledweyne, Soomaaaliya

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Che hiiran is no different to any other region in Somalia, were all errand boys of ethiopia or in better words answerable to meles zenawi!!!

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Fighting over who's Woyane's favorite pet.


"Waa waxba kama jiraan sheegashada dowladda KMG iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca, magaalada Beledweyne waxaa gacanta ku haya xoogagga maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo gacan militari ka hellaya ciidamada Itoobiya, sidaa daraadeed micno badan malaha in warbaahinta laga sii daayo hadalo aan sal laheyn ayuu yiri,’’ Max’ed Nuur Gaga-joof oo warfaafhinta u qaabilsan maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle

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Che, I wish you would stop polarizing. You and I have no other solutions for Somalia at the moment, except supporting those who say that they are going to free, construct a new democratic goverment. Doesnt make sense those oppose one, while we have no better options.

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This fascination all somalis have labelling other somalis ethiopia errand boy is nonsense because we all are at the end of the day regardless if your in mogadishu, garowe, hiiran, hargeisa, dhusomareeb we all are so we cant really insult each other with something we all are. Its quite pathetic really!!! But some regions are more dependent on meles zenawi then other regions but at the end of the day were all in the same bucket really and just governors of a wider ethiopia

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Imagine if I called someone a an errand boy of ethiopia and im sitting under big papa meles also, does that make any sense? of course not we need to stop dropping these labels on other regions its immature and not productive. We all are what we are due to our internal hatred of each other and we need to accept it and move on. We are governors of a wider ethiopia, we breath cause meles allows us and if we disobey he will take away

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^You are making alot of sense today Osman :-)


Carafaat...Twenty years of foreign intervention didn't bring peace, expecting different outcomes is just insane and not mention inviting Somalia's arch enemies who committed so much crimes in Xamar and Somaligalbeed. These are same that desecrated our mosques, raped women and carpet bombed our capital.

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Che, I know. But the odds and public support are today on the side of TFG-Kenya-Ethiopia-AMISOM. Opposing them will make the people´s interest more marganalised and the conflict longer lasting. Dhinac uun aanu wada tageerno walaal, hadii kale waligeen dadkeenu ma sidaan uun ayee ku jiriyaan.

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Ethiopia wont touch u if u line up and submit to them, you will live in peace!!! The only time the ethios will terrorise you is when you stand up to them and try to get your freedom back. I mean look at geladi i dont see anyone attacking them, same with jigjigga, why? cause they accepted ethiopian rule. Same with Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug, Ahlul-Sunnah, TFG. If you accept ethiopia u will be safe the day u try to lead yourself is when you will feel the brunt of ethiopia.


The only real formible challenge against Ethiopia is shabab today and their so much divisions among somalis not all somalis support it so it's going to disappear sooner or later!!! I believe there is no point fighting ethiopia because the issues in Somalia is internal which is what ethiopia plays off and is succeeding. So this topic of ethiopia is old now, we are wHere we are due to ourselves and only ourselves. We prefer to be governors of meles zenawi and that is the path Somalia has taken.


We need to realize that today every living somali region is under some sort of foreign rule whether u like it or not. Shabab guys are under arabs, Azania is under Kenya, The Rest of Somalia is under Ethiopia. We dont serve anyone interest accept other donors and we survive due to them I doubt any region in Somalia could stand on its own without foreing backing which just shows you the extent it is at that today. Lakin in mar walbo laga hadlo wax obvious ah wax ma soo siyadinaysa we need to accept it and move on!!! it is the way it is

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Carafaat....AS could only be defeated by Somalis, employing foreign forces is counterproductive and the last 20 years is the proof we need. What we will make all more difficult is that Kenya and Ethiopia are pursuing their interest which is not necessarily in line of the TFG's. The lack of sincere leadership at TFG is also contributing to this mess.


Apart from the mess they will create, my objection to Ethiopia is determined by the crimes they committed in Somaligalbeed, Xamar and elsewhere and the complete indifference to anything Somali. Any Somali that believes Ethiopia will be help them is sincerely misguided or pursuing personal interest. I would side with any Somali including ONLF, AS or secessionists over Ethiopia. They is only interested in chaotic Somalia that's each other's throat.


Osman...Noted and in complete agreement.

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Ethiopia wont touch u if u line up and submit to them, you will live in peace!!! The only time the ethios will terrorise you is when you stand up to them and try to get your freedom back.

In the course of mankind's history, it always happened, that foreigners invaded other people's lands. Nothing new and it is not something Xabashada invented. But the local, occupied people have a choice: You either fight back and liberate your land and people or you completely submit into submission; a weak, broken people, both morally and physically.


But if you can allow yourself to submit to Xabashada as your overlord, why can't you allow yourself to submit to another Soomaali. Yaa ogaado tol beelayee, ba'ayee ayaa la soo shirtagi lahayd if tomorrow another "enemy" Soomaali clan ku duulo your supposed clan land, no?


You can't stand submitting yourself to another Soomaali kale because of qabiil iyo waxaas, laakiin Xabashi ureyso u nacamleyneysaa because you fear them that much. Is that so?

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This is very sad topic, and can not believe a Somali would ever feel that low and humiliated, Sh1t, Submit kulahaa,.


Mate, Ethiopia is nothing, they can be done easly, we did it before, and now 3 millions Eritreans kick their as$.


If you love ur country, if you love freedom, if you love ur people, like Eritrians, Somalis can do it.

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MMA....They are Zenawi as their overlord.


Somali...Osman is honest in his assessment. Maybe that's good starting point. The road to freedom starts with the realization that are oppressed and humiliated in your own land or in our lands. it's sad how Somalis celebrate humiliation.

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