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Our Beloved Isim Was Deported From Puntland

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Sorry Nabadoon Af-gaduud when farole leaves your welcome back


Nabadoon Af-gaduud



The Story is below for all to read. Our beloved Isim told a white lie when he said he left, he was actually deported after speaking loudly about the corruption of farole and he was arrested not long ago also for other matters!!!


December 01, 2011 - QOL - Mid ka mid ah nabadoonada ugu caansan gobolka Bari ayaa u goostay dhinaca maamulka Somaliland, isla markaasna ka helay magangalyo siyaasadeed ka dib markii uu weydiistay sidaana waxa uu nadoonku uu u sheegay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta ka howlgasha deegaanada Puntland .


Nabadoon C/casiis Maxamuud Afguduud oo mar ahaa afhayeenka nabadoonada gobolka bari ayaa dhawaanahan laga waayey fagaareyaasha iyo kulamada nabadoonada isagoo caan ku ahaa inuu ka hadlo arrimaha nabadda magaalada Boosaaso oo saldhig u aheyd isaga


Nabadoon Afgaduud oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta maamulka Somaliland ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta inuusan arrimo siyaasadeed iyo xil u aadin degaanada Somaliland, balse uu u tagay deganaansho isla markaana si wanaagsan u qaabileen mas’uuliyinta Somaliland isagoo mahadcelin gaar ah u jeediyay wasiirka Warfaafinta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade.


Nabadoonka oo la weydiiyey sababta ku kaliftay inuu aado Somaliland ayaa waxa uu hadalkiisa ku soo koobay in inta maamulka hadda jira ee Madaxweyne Faroole uu ka talinayo Puntland uusan ka tageynin deegaanada Puntland, marka uu maamulkaasi meesha ka baxana uu dib ugu laaban doono sida uu yiri.


Si kasta oo ay ahaataba nabadoon Afguduud ayaa muddo laga joogo hal bil ku sugnaa magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana uu ka mid ahaa Salaadiintii sida aadka uga hadashay deeqdii waxbarashada Turkiga ee lagu eedeyay Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland inay musukhmaasuqday, waxaana loo maleynayaa inuu falkaasi ka carooday.

Our very own Puntland Asylum Seeker!!!

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I guess the law is applicable to all without any discrimination what-so-ever, this is another blow to the people who say Puntland only deports non-puntians which is not true at all and this case proves that!!!


The Isim was shown the door

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Somalia;768390 wrote:
People were saying he had mental problems, I do not doubt it now.

what if you stop your nonsense sxbow?, this is the only Isim if not the only human being in whole of puntland who could ask Faroole to shut the hell up !and now he is gone for good, I'm sure though in taariikhdu xusidoonto halyey Afguduud.

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He went to another region, not any region, but a secessionist region of Somalia, total embarrassment.


Now Faroole looks like the good guy.

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Wee dhacdaa.


Somaliland deported and arrested many Suldaans, Aaqil's and Politicians. Even Suldaan Abdiqadir Suldaan Mahamed(Sultan of Somaliland) was arrested by Dahir Riyaale. I even got arrested once in Somaliland while I have one of the longest and most royal lineages. I guess thats why you have laws, jails and courts.

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