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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland delegation's welcome in Cairo outrages Former TNG president Abdikasim

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Somaliland Delegation’s Welcome In Cairo Outrages Somalia Embassy, Former President Abdikassim


CAIRO (Hadhwanaagtimes) – Somaliland delegation led by foreign minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar received a warm welcome after visiting to Egyptian capital Cairo.


Top Egypt officials especially the ministry of foreign affairs extended a hand of cordial welcome to the distinguished Somaliland delegation.


Meanwhile, the welcome of Somaliland officials by Egyptian government angered theSomaliaembassy inCairo.


Also, the Somali diplomats sent relentless letters to the government of Egypt not to welcome the Somaliland officials.


Abdikassim Salad Hassan, former Somali president who is currently inEgypttook part talking to Cairo not give any opportunity of talks for Somaliland delegation.


But,Egypt turned a deaf ear to those calls because Somaliland managed to restore rule of law and democracy into its own nation.


Hadhwanaag Times

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Saalax;768254 wrote:
Cowke you missed it.



Source the picture. dont get me a pic from low level delegation from the undp at hargeisa secretary girl. Source the pic, who did they meet, after which I will google and see their importance!!! Till then its up to you justify not me to disprove!!! Till then it didnt happen

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Cowke it was in Cairo alright.


Wasiirada Arimaha Dibada iyo Madaxtooyada Oo Si heer sare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Magaalada Qaahir

posted by: Daahir shaami


Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda, Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar iyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa si heersare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Qaahir oo ay maanta ka degeen waxaana gegida diyaaradaha ku sugaayey oo ka horyimid Dublamaasiyiin iyo masuuliyin ay horkacaysay Wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha Debeda ee qaabilsan Africa ee Dalka Masar, Mona Omar oo uu weheliyo Safiirka Dalka Masar ee Somaliya iyo Somaliland Ayman Magdi Labada Wasiir oo ay gelbinayaan masuuyiin sarsare oo u badan wasaarada khaarajiga ee dalka masar ayaa la dejiyey halkii loogu talo galay oo maqaamsare leh.



Weftiga Somaliland ayaa la filayaa in maalinta beriya kulamo la yeeshaan madaxda dawlada masar oo uu ugu horeeyo wasiirka arrimaha debeda ee dalkaasiSocdaalka uu weftiga Somaliland ku tegay dalka masar ayaa ah mid qiimo weyn ugu fadhiya xidhiidhka ay Somaliland la yeelanayso wadamada carbeed iyo kuwa Afrikaba iyadoo ay u muuqato in ay Somaliland ka faa’iidaysanayso isbedelka ka dhacay dalka masar waxana la ogyahay in ay dawlada masaaridu meel muuqata kaga jirto Saamayn weynaha ku leedahay guud ahaanba siyaasada Afrika iyo carabta oo ay tahay halka isku xidha.

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XX, First, question ---- who did these two men from Siilaanyo Administration meet?loooooool!!!!!! Ilaahayow yaanu citiraaf fudata iyo madax naga gelin.


Secondly, the former president of Somalia, his excellecence Abdiqasim Hassan become a loser because simply he is against one-clan secessionist enclave called themselves LANDS. Shame on you !

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Saalax;768258 wrote:
Cowke it was in Cairo alright.


Wasiirada Arimaha Dibada iyo Madaxtooyada Oo Si heer sare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Magaalada Qaahir

posted by: Daahir shaami


Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda, Dr. Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar iyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan, ayaa si heersare ah loogu soo dhaweeyey Qaahir oo ay maanta ka degeen waxaana gegida diyaaradaha ku sugaayey oo ka horyimid Dublamaasiyiin iyo masuuliyin ay horkacaysay Wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha Debeda ee qaabilsan Africa ee Dalka Masar, Mona Omar oo uu weheliyo Safiirka Dalka Masar ee Somaliya iyo Somaliland Ayman Magdi Labada Wasiir oo ay gelbinayaan masuuyiin sarsare oo u badan wasaarada khaarajiga ee dalka masar ayaa la dejiyey halkii loogu talo galay oo maqaamsare leh.



Weftiga Somaliland ayaa la filayaa in maalinta beriya kulamo la yeeshaan madaxda dawlada masar oo uu ugu horeeyo wasiirka arrimaha debeda ee dalkaasiSocdaalka uu weftiga Somaliland ku tegay dalka masar ayaa ah mid qiimo weyn ugu fadhiya xidhiidhka ay Somaliland la yeelanayso wadamada carbeed iyo kuwa Afrikaba iyadoo ay u muuqato in ay Somaliland ka faa’iidaysanayso isbedelka ka dhacay dalka masar waxana la ogyahay in ay dawlada masaaridu meel muuqata kaga jirto Saamayn weynaha ku leedahay guud ahaanba siyaasada Afrika iyo carabta oo ay tahay halka isku xidha.



Sheeko kale baad ii gashay. I said source the pic or its just the undp secretary girls at hargeisa!!! Secondly I already researched both of those names and Mona is africa affairs minister and magdi guy is special representative for somalia. Very low level even if its true which it isnt!!!


American senator and America Special Representative to Somalia come to us at our town garowe. You think going to them is a big deal!!! Puntland already meets those africa affair ministers in u.k, italy, america far bigger nations then small egypt, lol if we went to egypt we would meet the god damn president not some africa affair minister like we met the prime minister of libya

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Again dr osman you are missing the point you meeting with US senators has nothing to do when Somaliland Government officials meet senior Egyptian officials or from other Arabian Countries. This meeting is historical the last time a Somalilander visited Cairo was when the legendary cigaal was invited by Gamaal Abdulnasir few decades ago. For a long period of time the Egyptians were blocking Somalilands recognition in both the African union and the Arab league with Mubarak gone the Egyptian foreign policy is going a different direction.Osman i don't think you're clan enclave wants to separate themselves from Mogadishu you are part of Somalia like you were always part of Somalia.


Farmaara i see you are angry just like Mr salaad boy,, Abdikasim is a loser because he couldn't defeat the warlords from his own clan they even overpowered him when he was the TNG president than with the Ethiopian invasion the Ethiopians searched his house, while he was hiding some where else a big time fulay i have to say.And now he lives in exile crying about Somaliland yes indeed he was and is a failure.

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Xaaji, Egypt and Ethiopia dam situation is not changing regardless of government changes. They have no interests in recognizing somaliland because a small nation like jabuti can not withstand eritrea let alone ethiopia. Their best bet is a united somalia!!!


No I dont need to separate because I am not a minority i am the majority, I run things at home including your little burco to hargeisa 30km stretch and you always keep forgetting that the constitution went to hargeisa, got signed off by your leaders and odeys so I don't know how you can ignore this overwhelming evidence that proves that your seccession is just a story to keep you asleep

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Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada oo Uu Weheliyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Oo Kadib Markii Ay dhamaysteen Socdaalkoodii Masar u kicitimay Kenya.

posted by: Daahir shaami


Weftiga Somaliland ee Booqashada ku joogay Dalka Masar gaar ahaan Qaahira ayaa caawa gelinkii hore soo gebagabeeyey martiqaadkii ay halkaa ku tegeen una soo kicitimay xarunta dalka kiiniya ee Nayroobi, kadib markii ay soo dhamaysteen socdaal qaatay Shan maamlmood oo ay kulamo kula yeesheen Masuuliyiinta Dawlada Masar, Ururka Jaamacada Carabta, iyo Madaxda Xarunta Wershadaha iyo ganacsiga ee Dalka Masar.


Mudada uu weftiga Somaliland Qaahira ku sugnaa, Madaxda uu kulamada la yeeshay waxa ugu muhiimsanaa, ku simaha Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debeda ee dalka Masar,Muna Cumar oo ku qaabishay (wasiirka ayaa waxa uu ku maqan yahay Dalka Eeraan), xafiiska wasaarada Arrimaha debeda isla markaana qado sharaf u samaysay weftiga,

Wasiirka Mucaawimooyinka iyo iskaashiga Debeda, oo Xafiiska Raysal wasaaraha ku qaabishay maanta gelinkii danbe, Saraakiisha Xarunta wershadaha iyo Ganacsiga ee Dalka Masar oo xaruntooda ku qaabilay isla markaana weftiga soo tusay wershadaha waa weyn ee muhiimka u ah wax soo saarka dawlada Masaarida iyo sida ay u danaynayaan Somaliland, ku xigeenka Xoghayaha guud ee Jaamacada Carabta oo xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay.


Weftiga Somaliland ee wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda Somaliland iyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyada Somaliland waxa ay Madaxda ka wada hadleen qodobo muhiim u ah xoojinta xidhiidhka siyaasadeed iyo ka ganacsi ee u dhexeeya labada wadan.

Sida ay tibaaxeen wasiirada Somaliland ee weftiga ahina waxa ay dawlada Masaaridu u muujisay sida ay u danaynayso inay wax la qaybsato Somaliland dhinac walba iyo sida ay weftigan ka hor xogta Somaliland ugu yarayd Qaahira.

Weftigu waxa kale oo uu kulan balaadhan la yeeshay Ardayda Reer Somaliland ee waxka ka barata dalkaas iyo Jaaliyada halkaasi ku nool oo ay uga xog warameen Dawladnimada ka hana qaaday Somaliland, isla markaana waxa ay ka dhegaysteen xaaladooda.

Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda Somaliland Maxamed CabdilaahI Cumar iyo Wasiirka Madaxtooyda Somaliland, Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan oo markii ugu horaysay booqasho ku tegay dalka Masar intii Xukuumada Cusubi jiray ka dib markii ay martiqaad rasmiya ka heleen Dalka masar waxa ay soo Ibo-fureen xidhiidh cusub oo la jaan qaadaya isbedelka ka dhacay Dalkaas, Somalilandna ay doonayso in ay dawladda Masaarida ku qanciso gooni isu taaga Somaliland, maadaama ay masar tahay Wadan Miisaan ku leh Dunida Carabta iyo ta Afrika labadaba.

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Dr osman majority where not even in Bosaaso the bari region is full of bay and bakool idp's faroole was forced to accept the 4.5 system because Ahlusuna and galmudug and the TFG outnumbered him and his little clan enclave they decide the future of Somalia. As for the Egyptians they were balancing its relations with both Eritrea and Ethiopia in the past under the Mubarak regime And now with the new transitional Egyptian govt under the field Marshal Mohammad hussein tantawi chairman of the (SMC) he has begun changing some of the strategic policies of the former Mubarak regime The blue nile and the development the Ethiopians were making the Millennium dam that innative power project which Egypt fears would hold up the Nile flow while the dam was filling. This was one of the main reasons why Egypt took a softer stance with the white niles states the Egyptians were Trying to win the support to the ugandans few months ago.The Egyptians are changing their foreign Policy not just towards Israel and the west but also towards the Horn of Africa.And that's where we come in this is not an act of recognition this is just the start of a new relationship between Somaliland and Egypt and its going the right way so far. As for running burco Osman you're Clan enclave was just crying two months ago because President Siilaanyo visited eastern sool just 20 miles from you're so called Clan Capital Garowe lol.

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