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Islamic schools and Education

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Lets revive the education talk. How about sharing visions on how we acn add value to our peoples education back home. e-Nuri is all ears




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as a matter of fact Nurtel is looking for few dedicated workers like you. Presently we have a need for:

An editor ( No time for format or spell check)

EXAMINER of articles ( sources, relevance etc,)

Community relations ( taking ideas to community)


Let me know how much time you have in your hands

Let me sign for a community Relation's executive.. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Nur walaal, I've been such a freeloader haven't I? I forgot about this thread and my promise (bad, bad, bad). Hope you can forgive me :(


I'm going to drop my thoughts on the subject soon Insha Allah. I can't decide on a topic right now, though number 6 has been on mind lately.

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Asalamu Calaikum


JZK Brother Nur and the rest of the nomad who contributed to this topic, indeed it is a topic of the highest status


Some pointers inshallah:


• Build the foundation first, Tawheed (once we have Understood clearly and comprehended this act then we can move on)

• Imitate the rightly guided men and women whose hunger for knowledge lasted until their last breath. Scholars such Yahya Ibn Main who had written over 14 containers of books (containers brothers not books and each container holds over 100’s of books).


We need to help our people understand the beauty of knowledge with beautiful story telling that’s how I encourage my siblings (I was telling the story of Prophet Yusuf to my little sister and she cried, she also gained the thirst of wanting to know more about the story till I found her sleeping on the keyboard 1 am with full story from a Islamic website.


We need to make knowledge hip and in and to some extent as westerners would say it we need to sexy up knowledge.

Can you imagine the intellectual frenzy that must have been going around when Ibn Rush and Al Ghazali had that dialogue makes me get goose bumps just reading about it


Inshallah I will contribute more soon


Asalamu calaikum


Ps: I would strongly urge seekers of knowledge who want to have role models, buy this book:

“ The Value of Time†by Shaykh Abd Al Fattah Abu Ghuddah


Some of the most prominent scholar in history and how they got this status buy time management.

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Rendevouz bro.


You are on saaxib e-Nuri thanks you for your offer, inshAllah, our Somali Community will benefit from your liaison as a connector, a link or a supernode, literally a social connector of people to Allah SWT.





May Allah bless you sis, I understand that you feel the problems since you may have few anarchists at home, by helping e-Nuri, you can help shape the future of Somalis with those under your care, lets share tips on how to mold the future leaders together sis. No More Warlords InshaAllah


Ibn Abbas bro


JZK for the exhautive vision you have shared, in addition we need to organize the community abroad to form an educational association to make the change for a better future. We need to bring up children who are highly analytical, sharp minded, tolerant of others viewpoints while having solid confidence in their faith



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Originally posted by Nur:


Ibn Abbas bro


JZK for the exhautive vision you have shared, in addition we need to organize the community abroad to form an educational association to make the change for a better future. We need to bring up children who are
highly analytical, sharp minded, tolerant of others viewpoints while having
solid confidence in their faith





I agree with you saxib but its a daunting task and the odds are heavily stacked against you.


Cultivating a Muslim Personality is difficuly and I find that most parents try to live ISLAM through their kids, when they themselves are FRAGMENTED MUSLIMS. Case in point, kids go to islamic school but when they come home, their is a Big Screen T.V. de-programming them and quran is not being recited in the home and the salat is not established with the kids.


Fi Amanillah

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Assalaamu calaykum brothers and sisters,


Before we can discuss this very important issue which is central to the prosperity of every society, it might be appropriate to make a survey of existing literature and evaluate their validity concerning our objectives, and to prevent us from reinventing the wheel all over again. Many great thinkers have written extensively on this subject, especially in the past few decades, and I believe that we should/could benefit from their works.


I would like to bring the readers’ attentions to an event that took place in April 1977, where on the instigation of King Abdulaziz Universities in Makkah and Jeddah, 313 Muslim scholars assembled to discuss this very same problem. It was the first World Conference on Muslim Education (200 years too late), and many papers were presented by many great Muslim thinkers from all over the world “to deliberate this issue and suggest solutions.†Since then, King Abdulaziz University has printed in book-forms with the subtitle; “Islamic Education Series†which included:


-Crisis in Muslim Education

-Muslim Education in Modern World

-Education and Society in the Muslim World

-Curriculum and Teacher Education

-Aims and Objectives of Islamic Education

-Social and Natural Sciences: the Islamic Perspective

-Philosophy, Literature and Fine Arts


I hope the nomads who’ve already familiarised themselves with these subject literatures will be able to help us carry this discussion into a serious and practical level... smile.gif


w/c and jzk all...

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My hands gave been full to the brim recently and in he process been somewhat absent minded.


I do possess one of the books(Crisis in Muslim Education) you mentioned S.O.S and was an eye opener. Personally I still prefer this topic to be discussed more by people working in the education field. I have worked in the field as a volunteer(Taught A- level Islamic Knowledge and primary level computer studies and occassionally science subjects for approx 6-8months in Tz)but it will be untruthful to say I fully comprehend or understand the tribulations/failure of the educators or the system as most of the time the sylabbuses are already set to fail or lack of organisation, resources hinder the advancement.

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Personally I still prefer this topic to be discussed more by people working in the education field.

Dear sister WoL,


You’re right about the need for people with both knowledge and experience in the field of education to take the responsibility of spearheading the discussions on this particular subject. However, the responsibility ultimately rests on the shoulders of the society as whole, since the interrelationship, interdependence and interaction between socio-economic and culturo-religious foundations are always raised from the rich/poor soils of educational systems within that society. To see education as simply an isolated issue which should be left to educators and other actors alike in that field, without utilising it as the principal foundation of shaping lives and futures wherein families, media and literature, political systems, mosques, schools and universities, charitable organisations, etc. (basically each individual whose performances is education-based) has a distinctive role to play. What is your opinion?




P.S. A. D. Ajijola’s “Restructuring of Islamic Education†is a good read as well, even though his case studies relates to his experiences in Nigeria (being former Procureur General), there are other chapters dedicated to other experiences in the Muslim World.

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Kheir Brother


You write;



ultivating a Muslim Personality is difficuly and I find that most parents try to live ISLAM through their kids, when they themselves are FRAGMENTED MUSLIMS. Case in point, kids go to islamic school but when they come home, their is a Big Screen T.V. de-programming them and quran is not being recited in the home and the salat is not established with the kids



That is so right bro. Kids learn through three mediums


1. School 8 hours/day

2. Frineds and Neighborhoods 8 hours/day

3. Home Weekends


When you put TV at home, you are bringing strangers to upbring your kids, in addition to their influence at school and the street.


What we need is to define the problem better, a good question is half the answer, let us think about end results we would like to see after all is said and done. Lets us ask questions:


1. Are we role models for what we want our kids to be?

2. Are we taking an active part in their developmjent?

3. Are we seeking advice and help of ways to help bring up our kids in line with our faith?


Answers tothe questions can unearth the problem, after which we can think of how to solve them, but first, we must face issues at point blank.



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Originally posted by Nur:

That is so right bro. Kids learn through three mediums


1. School 8 hours/day

2. Frineds and Neighborhoods 8 hours/day

3. Home Weekends


When you put TV at home, you are bringing strangers to upbring your kids, in addition to their influence at school and the street.


What we need is to define the problem better, a good question is half the answer, let us think about end results we would like to see after all is said and done. Lets us ask questions:


1. Are we role models for what we want our kids to be?

2. Are we taking an active part in their developmjent?

3. Are we seeking advice and help of ways to help bring up our kids in line with our faith?


Answers tothe questions can unearth the problem, after which we can think of how to solve them, but first, we must face issues at point blank.


Nur [/QB]

Parents view CHILDREN'S EDUCATIOn and Education as a whole, as an OUTSIDE OF THE HOME experience, as if learning stops at 3:00pm. If I am not mistaken, there is a saying 'The MOTHER IS THE MADRASSAA' and that has been neglected. Parents are the #1 educators for their children, Taribya/education begins in the home.


Active development takes 24hrs/7days a week. Its a daunting task for a parent to cultivate an ISLAMIC PERSONALITY/SHAAKHSEEYA in their children, when all that is around them is OTHER then ISLAM, is anti-Tawhid.


Seeking advice and help is important in islamic education b/c its the ISLAMIC COMMUNITY that TEACHES islam, that creats a LIVING ISLAMIC TRADITION and something for the children to look up to and identify with. We don't need more engineers per say, but we need a thriving, closely knit muslim communities that show that Islam is alive. Your child doesn't have to worry about getting Experience for a Job b/c the Muslim community will give them an opportunity to get that experience. The muslim child doesn't have to feel uncomfortable about being muslim or dressing muslim b/c they have a vibrant islamic community that has their Standards, their own WAY OF LIVING that stems from the Islamic tradition, inshallah.


I was thinking about Literary theory and the thought of school cirriculms came to me. In islamic schools of late, a western approach to Education has been adopted i.e. Testing, report cards etc.


But if in Islam, the aim is to be SLAVE OF GOD, then shouldn't ISLAMIC EDUCATION be measured upon that, upon CULTIVATING TAQWA.


Why the need to QUANTIFY things, when you are trying to do something QUALITIVELY-an Islamic Personality (a good muslim boy/girl)?


I'm not advocating for being impractical, or becoming too idealistic, but rather for using a different SET OF MEASUREMENTS when scoring

how an ISLAMIC EDUCATION succeeds and I don't think report cards, tests etc. do that.


Does anyone catch my drift?


Fi Amanillah

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Kheir bro writes:


" I was thinking about Literary theory and the thought of school cirriculms came to me. In islamic schools of late, a western approach to Education has been adopted i.e. Testing, report cards etc.


But if in Islam, the aim is to be SLAVE OF GOD, then shouldn't ISLAMIC EDUCATION be measured upon that, upon CULTIVATING TAQWA.


Why the need to QUANTIFY things, when you are trying to do something QUALITIVELY-an Islamic Personality (a good muslim boy/girl)?


I'm not advocating for being impractical, or becoming too idealistic, but rather for using a different SET OF MEASUREMENTS when scoring

how an ISLAMIC EDUCATION succeeds and I don't think report cards, tests etc. do that.


Does anyone catch my drift?"



I do bro!


The purpose of education in Islam is to raise a Muslim person with a Muslim personality, Character and behaviour.


However, after a long sleep, we wake up to our schools over taken by UNESCO, a secular organization that is mandated to shape a unified mind of secularists.


Students are prepared for the work force without ethical content in the curriculum ( Ethics are left for the family TV).


So, what do we get after 12 years?


Mercenaries! humans devoid of connection with their maker, manipulated by money and glory.


So you are right on the money for noting that present education system is producing split personalities that is difficult to separate aka ( Nifaaq).




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