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Islamic schools and Education

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Assalamu Calaykum Reer Guraa (Nomads)


Sister Rahima had once posted on these boards a very interesting topic on education, as usual, few people responded to that topic. Generalizing a stereotype description is not good, but there are times that we Somalis are not focused on what counts most, nor are we good in prioritizing issues we discuss in terms of their relevance to our faith and lives, as a result of this habit we discuss most issues that should take back seat and we neglect very serious issues like education. Below was my response to Sister Rahima ( Jazaahaa Allahu Khairan) for her good post.



Sister Raxiimah



Jazaakillahu Khairan for a great article. I only hope that many parents read this and many similar articles written in education.


learning by itself may not solve the dilemma Muslims face today, we have many Docors, Engineers and Businessmen, but what we lack most are women and men with vision and that can only be found in Quraan, Sunnah and the gift of reasoning Allah SWT gave us to ponder with and make Tadabbur: Allah SWT says:


" Those who mention the name of Allah, standing on their feet, sitting and on their sides, and who THINK in the CREATION of the HEAVENS and EARTH, ( saying) our lord, you have not created al this in vain"



What we lack is the last term THINKING, which led these men and women to be at awe with Allah's fine creations, leading them to love him and mention his name in every state they find themslevs in, to become the finest generation who've ever walked on earth.



Research shows that kids are inherenly creative in the early years of their lives, as they grow older, society puts their creative minds in pre-formed molding of what is acceptable according to those who make the news and lifestyle, slowly kids lose their creative power and become conformists who may not contribute much to the humnan experience on our planet. By doing so, we have just killed a nascent talent and a brilliant mind that could have devised a solution to our current problems.


The advent of Islam some 1400 years ago liberated the world from conformist and stagnant ways of reasoning and learning, the enlightening of Europe and Asia began with the famous confrontation of The Saxaabi warrior at the door steps of the Persian Kings Palace. The Saxaabi, Rabciyun Ibnu Caamir, answered his famous and eloquent answer that radiates a deep understanding of Islam by a libereated mind and a human message from his maker.



" What brought you to my Empire?" said the King of Persia to a bare footed with a dusty beard Beduin brandishing a sword and a shield standing on the smooth marble floors of the Kings reception.


"Ibtacathanaa Allah, li nukhrija man yashaa u min cibaadih, min cibaaditil cibaad ilaa cibaadatil Allah "


Wa min Jawril adyaan ilaa cadlil Islaam.......Wa min diiqil dunyaa, ilaa sicatil dunyaa wal aakhirah"



Meaning: " Allah has risen us to prominence ( to mankind) to liberate mankind from being subservient to fellow man, so that he is subservient to his creator Allah Alone,


and to liberate man from the injustices of the man made ways of life so mankind may rise up to live in the Justice of Islam,


and from the narrow perception of (nationalism and one-life-to-live concept), so mankind can enjoy the wider brotherhood of mankind's world and a wider and a better life to come in the hereafter"



This great saxaabi, was not a graduate of the ellitest University of Mogadishu, Xuddur, Camuud or Kurtunwaarrey Polytechniic, he simply got an unfiltered message from Allah SWT which freed his soul and mind, and like they say, a mind once expanded with an idea can not be contained in the original volume.


Historically, it was the youth who led their nations to salvation, these youth were not conforming to common norms, rather, thay were responsible to radical changes in their societies. For example, think of the Asxaabul ukhduud's story, a young boy trigerred the mass reversion of many people to islam, these people became so strong in their faith that even torture by fire could not force them to change their faith. Today, our kids are willing to change their faith for an ice cream cone, our teens for a fun party, our women for gold and our men for a lucrative business or couple fo camels.


Another example is the seven sleepers of the cave ( Asxaabul Kahf), Allah says about them " They were a group of youth, who believed in their LORD and we have increased them with a ration of Guidnace, (resulting with) when they stood their grounds (to falshood) by saying " Our Lord ( the one who we should seek for guidnace and obey in everything ) is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, we shall not seek guidnace from any other source (ilaah), because that would be a grave error"


What we need today is to liberate the minds of our kids so that they can think freely, following their Fitrah (initial natural state of good) which is the fundemental basics of Islam, the TAWHEED, Islam can be best served and defended by a generation of women and men who can think outside of the box, because we have been boxed up for generations, to the point that we can only see through the dark reflections of the boxes our society has shrouded around our thinking process, whose only result is keeping Muslims like a mushroom, being kept in the dark by our own, and fed bull manure by the media.


He who lacks knowledge can not pass it on to next generation, training the trainer should take priority in reviving Islamic education. Because if we use the same teachers that educated the present generation, we can not expect a different outcome in our future. As an example, lets follow a tutoring session in a DUGSI QURAN ( MALCAAMAD)


Teacher has a speech impairment, cant pronounce the letter (L) , he is teaching a student how to pronounce the letter ALEF, which requires the pronounciation of the ( L ) letter, but because he cant, the student is repeating after him the mispronounced word, and the teacher is frustrated;



Teacher to student : " War ayef dheh!


Student : " AYEF"


Teacher, irritated : " War AYEF ha dhihinee, ....(A Y E F) dheh"


Student: " AYEF"


Teacher: Frustrated and subsequently gives up.


Have we given up today?



Kids do not fail in schools, rather, it is their unqualified teacher who failed to bring up kids with vision. How many brilliant kids have we lost so far?




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Wa iyaakum.


And JZK for your further contribution, as always a beneficial posting. smile.gif


The scholars of Islam say that the saxwa or re-awakening of Islam requires both the zeal and enthusiasm of the youth and the knowledge and wisdom of the scholars to guide the youth.


So really, walaahi we have a great responsibility on our shoulders and it is through knowledge that we shall achieve it- INSHALLAH!

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Sister Rahima


you write:


" So really, walaahi we have a great responsibility on our shoulders and it is through knowledge that we shall achieve it- INSHALLAH!"



I agree with you sis, knowledge is a key, but can you gues the key to knowledge, I am not teasing you, just a beneficial challenge,


waiting for your answer.



Xurmad Badan





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Salaams Nomads


Reviving the Education thread, if you are broke financially, the least you can pay is attention to this problem that our Nomads would appreciate, so what are your thoughts regarding this writeup, and Sister Rahimas?



2003 Nurtel Education Research Department (NERD)

We Attack Problems, Not People.

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I agree with you sis, knowledge is a key, but can you gues the key to knowledge, I am not teasing you, just a beneficial challenge,


waiting for your answer.

I could provide a possible answer, but since i would only be guessing, it's probably best you tell us. :D



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AsSalaamu Aleimkum Nur and Rahiima,



I agree with Nur when he says that education is the most important topic that needs discussing and addressing. Education is the very tool used to dictate the prefered norms of society. it is not something that should be left to the 'leaders' or those that have no interest in wholistic well being of those whome they educate.


The problem with us is that we promote education, force literacy, numeracy and science on our children- but we ignore the most important aspect of knowledge Islaam.


We often assume that Islaamic education is merely the repitition and memorisng of the Quraan - but Islaam is so felxible that it incorporates all sort of knowledge - and hence not only uplifts the individual but society as a whole.


There is this provocative letter written by a 10 year old boy on the his view of education. He wrote that he was a vitime of oppression and that he witnessed what no man has witnessed- gas champers created by educated engineers - poisons created by doctors and many other professional who all worked to harm others - at the end of his letter he appeals to educationalist to make sure that they instill human values in their students. If we obseve the world today and the actions of the 'educated' - we may conclude that seculare education is not what our children need.



I'm looking forward to seeing how this discussion progresses ....





This is another article on knowledge ... smile.gif

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Rahima sis


The key to knowledge is........











































































































It was reported that once a companion asked the Messenger of allah SAWS " In want to be the most knowledgable of men," the prophet told him " Ittaqi Alllah" Beware of allah SWT duties and prohibitions"


But this is only a single key, can you gusess other keys to knowledge sis Rahima?



Ameenah sis


That was a good essay, you write:


"The problem with us is that we promote education, force literacy, numeracy and science on our children- but we ignore the most important aspect of knowledge Islaam.



MaashaAllah tabarakallah, all of the above disceplines of knowledge without Islam is like a microwave oven without food inside to cook, because when we have no purpose in life, living becomes hell, even if we have all the comfort money can buy, on the other hand, when we have a purpose to live for, life is just awsome, even in pain, we wait for pleasure, and find life when we face death, we are free behind bars, and we are happy when we have no material gains, Islam is truly freedom, are we Muslims doing a good job in reaching and teaching lost souls, EDUCATION is the Key, and Nurtel needs your help.



2004 Nurtel Education Research Department (NERD)

We Attack Prblems, Not People.

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Haniif, here it is smile.gif;f=3;t=000783





I totally agree with you walaal. Somehow, we forget what we’re here for and end up dying just to live. Unfortunately, with our community we tend to separate education from Islam and I find that the biggest challenge is convincing ppl that Islamic schools aren’t like the traditional madrassa’s we had back at home.


2004 Nurtel Education Research Department ( NERD)We Attack Prblems, Not People.

I must say, that I love this tag line. I don't see the wisedom in attacking people - as that only creates tension which would force people to adopt a defencive stance and not listen to your ideas.




I'm very gappy to offer Nurtell my services.. where do I sign up? smile.gif

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Amiina sis


you write:


"I'm very gappy to offer Nurtell my services.. where do I sign up?"



Jazakellahu Khairan for your offer, as a matter of fact Nurtel is looking for few dedicated workers like you. Presently we have a need for:


An editor ( No time for format or spell check)

EXAMINER of articles ( sources, relevance etc,)

Community relations ( taking ideas to community)


Let me know how much time you have in your hands





2004 Nurtel Educational Research Dept.

1 Waxbarasho Way, Wide World of Wanaag

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Dear Blessed and other caring Nomads


We are living in a rapidly changing point in history , an inflection point in which Islam is in focus, as I have posted, all of your talents and abilities are needed to contribute to thew edvancement of our great faith Islam in our communities, at home or abroad.


Education, which is the foundry in which young minds are crafted for the future is in dire need for new volunteers, who can take our people a step or two further from where our parents have brought us along, knowing that our parents did not face the challenges that we face today. Nations, are all competeing in this day and age for recognition, so we may know each other, we should prepare our future generation to be known to become as highly moral, skilful, respectful and with TAQWA ( Their good actions driven for the sake of Allah SWT ), since its with TAQWA that makes all of other achievements acceptable to Allah SWT.


Today, we are living with the consequences of lack of proper Islamic education, our present political leaders ( handpicked for us by her Her Majesty Condi Rice and the Free Anarchist World led by Cag Bakeyle and George Bush)) are a testament of how ruthless, vicious, ignorant, materialist, dishonest, our people can be when proper Islamic eduaction is not instilled at early age. By making more babies without proper eduaction and Islamic morals, we will assure the continuation of the present leadership of Cag Bakayle Anarchists and Company.


Changing the course of events in Somalia is not done with a microwave oven, it is a slow process that can take as long as 30 years or more, when the first patch of Eduacational products ( Graduates, who become civil servants ) assume public office ( By which time most Nomads reading this post are either gone or are in the care of those they educated ).


The first step for such a change is to share your thoughts on this thread in a coherent and structured way, we should address the issue of Education in our communities and our homeland from several contexts:


1. Islamic Content Integrated Curriculum


2. Methodology:


a. Instilling an Islamic Personality, pride in our faith, social responsibility, Islamic values, respect for others and their opinions)

b. Integrated method, project based learning, field trips, lots of reading, critical thinking, anlysis and decision making strategies, and descipline to walk the talk.


3. Resources needed


4. Volunteerism


5. Homeschooling Support Groups


6. Leveraging the Internet, Distance Learning


7. Training The Instructers.



This froum is open for all Nomads, all professions, since alll of them can contribute valuable advice for this thread, specially, if you can invite Nomads with education or traning background to share their thoughts, it would be very valuable.






2005 e-Nuri Eduaction.

We Attack Problems, Not People

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Akhi Nur, this is a very important subject.


I would like to contribute to this discussion by advicing all to read a Book that I've been reading recently, and opened my eyes to many things:

ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE - General Principles and Work Plan


by The International Institute of Islamic Thought


Please get your hands on this book, no matter if your a Teacher, Student, Parent... smile.gif

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