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Cadaalada SNM - Why XX and JB never post such vidoe

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The language he is talking has all the hallmarks of the SNM talk. It has clan, it has conspiracy theory, it has vitriol, it has block.

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This man is entitled to his own opinions since Somaliland is a democratic state but what's with the Historical revisionism claiming his clan signed the first agreement with the brits when we all know the first treaty ever signed with the Brits were the Folks in berbera in 1827. As for all the other nonsense that the Ethiopian regional government in jigjiga supposed to be a clan state representing certain Clans in the occupied territories of the O'gaden region. If that's the case when id ali farah and Abdulmajid Hussein were the regional presidents of Jigjiga in the 90s i supposed than the region was under the Ethnic Somalilandish hegemonic rule.Its also funny how he sees the kenyan Boots on the ground in the lower jubba as some sort of Clan achievement. Qof haday Qabyaladi madax marto wax walba reer bu ka dhex arkaya.

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Odeygu niyaduu u dhisaayaa reerkiisa. Xamaasadna wey iska haysaa, meeshaas ayey ka timid oilyada iyo biyaha oo isku walaaqaayo.


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LOL, I just love the oldings of this site trying to minimize the man's speech.


It was an excellent speech, and I commend it! He spoke the truth and nothing more than the truth, except the eating people part. :cool:

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