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Khaatumo 2 Congress: The Reigniting of Great Minds, Great History, Great Nationalism

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Walaalaha Awdal State oo Taageeray Shirka SSC Khaatumo I I


Awdal Online & Awdal State " SHIRKA KHAATUMO TALEEX ee Beelaha SSC waa Guul usoo hoyatay SSC, AWDAL STATE iyo Dhaman INTA JECEL MIDNIMDA iyo QARANIMDA UMADDA SOOMALIYEED. "



shirka taleex oo in badan la sugayey lana saadalinayey aya ka furmay magalada tariikhiga ah ee Taleex bishan Dec 25 keedii.Waxa uu shirku dabasocda shirki Khaatumo 2 oo hore uga dhacay London kaasoo ku baaqay in shir weyne isugu yimaaden beelahas SSC oo lagu qabto dhulka ay beesahu degto.Tabaabulsho dheer oo la galay ka dib waxa nasiib wanaag noqotay in shirkii qabsoomo sidii logu talagalay iyadoo dhaman ay ka so qayb galeen bulshadii SSC wufuud ka kala socda oo ka kala yimid dalka dibaddiisa iyo gudihiisa intaba.xubnaha dibadda ka yimid waxa ugu caansan Siyaasiga ruug cadaga ah Cali khalif Galayr iyo aqoonyahano kale oo magac ku leh bulshada SSC .Waxa kalo ka mid ah madaxdhaqmeedyo sida garaaddo caan ku ah bulshada iyo waxgarad, culimo ,cuqaal ,haween iyo dhalinyaro ka kala socday qaybaha bulshada.Waxa kalo madasha an si buuxda uga so qayb galay madax iyo saraakil ka tirsan ururka SSC.

Shirku waxa uu ku furmay jawi aad u qurux badan iyadoo la rajaynayo inay ka soo baxan go,aano tarriiikhda gala isla markana bulshadan SSC ka sabata bixiya hagardaamooyinka iyo dulmiga ku habsaday bulshadan 20 kii sano ee u dambnaysay ee uu burburay qarankii Somaliyeed.

Shirka tariikhiga ee TALEEX waxa isha ku haya dhamaan umadda Somaliyeed ee jecel midnimada iyo inan qarankii somaliyeed ee buburay markale dhidibada u taagno iyadoo la ogyahay in bulshada SSC ay hormood u ahaayeen Halganki dheeraa ee Daraawiishata ee uu hogaaminyey Geesiyigii Weyna Sayid Mohamed Cabdille Xasan bilowgi qarnigii hore marki gumaystuhu carigeena cagaha soo dhigay.Xarunta TALEEX ee shirku ka furmay waa xaruntii halgankii Darawiishta ee gumaysigii Ingiriisku ku weerayay Diyaarahadaha 1920 marki ugu horaysay tariikhda Afrika ka dib marki uu jabankari waayey halganki Darawiihsta oo socday muddo 20 sano ah 1900-1921.

Waxa kalo shirka si qoto dheer ula socda dhaman bulshada iyo beelaha dega goboolada woqooyi iyagoo runtii ku kala aragti duwan guusha iyo go,aanada shirku qadan doono dhamadkiisa.

Hadii an Tussalean idiinku soo qaado bulshada AWADAL STATE ee ku dhaqan gobolada galbeedku waxay shirka u rajaynayaan GUUL iyo MIDNIMO Tarriikhda gala sidi hore u dhacday.

HALKA BEESHA DHEXE Maamulkeeda Hargaysa uu ku dadalayo inuu shirka inuu fashilyo intii awoodiisa ah .Qoraalo hordhac oo ku saabsan shirka TALEEX ayaa muujinaya WAR WAR IYO WALAAC aan abid soo marin Maamulka Hargaysa 20 kii sano ee udambaysay.Taso si cad u sheegaysa in awooddi ay adeegsanjiren ay farahooda ka baxday waa xukumadda Ethopia.

Qoraalkan oo ku soo baxay saaka warbahinta Hargaysa ayaa ka hadlayaa guuldarooyinka soo wajahay HARGAYSA ee ku sabsan shirka TALEEX.

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Warlord Siilaanyo iyo Jabhadiisa SNM ee Somalidiidka ah, Oo U Hanjabay Shacabka SSC iyo Shirweynaha Khaatumo 2


hargeysa,(Lasanod Online)-Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha ee Maamulka Somaliland ayaa idaacada BBC galabta waraysi uu siiyey ku sheegay


in shirka Khaatumo ee ka socda Degmada Taleex uu lidi ku yahay jiritaanka Somaliland isla markaana ay joojinayaan.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Maamulka Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Caraale Duur ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu galabta Saxaafadda u qabtay ku sheegay Maamulka Somaliland inay Difaacayso Qaranimadeeda isla markaana sheegay inay talaabo ka qaadi doonaan siyaasiyiinta ku qul qulaysa shirka Taleex isagoo sheegay inay talaabo ka qaadi doonaan siyaasiyiinta majarahabaabinaysa shirkaas oo uu sheegay inay u arkaan shir beeli qabsatay.


Maxamed Nuur Caraale Duur waxa uu sheegay Somaliland inay tixgaalinayso shirarka Beelaha isagoo sheegay in Nidaamkaas Somaliland ka guurtay hadana waxa uu sheegay Somaliland inay ku caano maashay isu tanaasul iyo inay ku wada noolaato nabadgelyo sidaasi daraadeed ay isku huwan yihiin arrinta Beesha iyo mabda’a Siyaasiyiinta sidaasi daraadeed ay u tudhayaan isla markaana la soconayaan xaalada shirkaasi kolba halka uu marayo.


Wasiir Duur waxa uu sheegay wali inay Tudhaale u hayaan Beesha Shirka qabsanaysa isla markaana ay wali Somaliland ahaan soo dhaweynayaan gogoshii Madaxweyne Siilaanyo u fidiyay si tabashadooda loo qadariyo hase yeeshee waxa uu sheegay khatarta uga muuqata shirkaasi inaanay sugayn si ay ugu soo fido, waxaanu sheegay Digniin inay u dirayaan Beeshaasi kana fogaadaan wax kasta oo dhib u keeni kara Beelaha walaalaha ah.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in ay markii hore soo dhaweeyeen shirkaasi balse markii dambe xubno siyaasiyiin ah oo ka dhan ah jiritaanka Somaliland ay soo gacan geliyeen isla markaana ay shirkii beelaha duwadeen, sidaas darteedna ay ka hortegeyaan shirkaasi.


Isku soo wada duubo hadalkan Wasiirka ayaa ka dambeeya kadib markii kooxaha Mucaaradka iyo Shacabka reer Somaliland ay ku kaceen xukumada Siilaanyo mowqifkeeda in ay cadaysi kaga aadanaa shirka Taleex.


Dhinaca kale Xafiiska Itoobiya ee Hargeysa ayaa la sheegay in Dacwado la yeegey ay ku doonayaan in loo cadeeyo taakulada ay siinayso Itoobiya xubnaha G6 iyo Shirkah Taleex, sidoo kale Ciidamada xadku ay sheeg taan soo galay.


Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood


Laascaanood Somalia

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Somalia: SSC Khaatumo Grand Conference Unsettles snm/Somalidiid Clan Militia


Somaliland Minister for Interior, Mohamed Nur Arale, told the London-based Universal TV that Somaliland administration supported the Khaatumo conference currently being held in the historic town of Taleex but that it will not allow anti-Somaliland politicians to manipulate the meeting. “We will not accept any anti-Somaliland declaration because malcontents with Somali flags are now attending the meeting,” Arale said.


Nearly one year ago a meeting for diaspora groups of Sool and Sanaag and Cayn Diaspora (Consultative Conference of Beesha *********** ) was held . A 14-point declaration based on six principles was issued. Three of the principles are:


Unity and territorial integrity of Somalia

Democratic self-governance and the abiding rights to resistance against aggression

Peaceful political dialogue in managing conflicts


The first principle is in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009) while the second and third principles emphasise peaceful resolution of conflict rather than clan warfare.


Somalilad Minister for Interior called some participants in Taleex conference qaran-dumis ( elements bent on destroying the nation). Somaliland administration prides itself on being a good example of governance while many parts of Somali were affected by civil war but the language of its Interior Minister shows that Somaliland feels unsettled by a conference for people who don’t subscribe to secession.


Nearly 14 months ago Somaliland administration of president Ahmed Siilaanyo mishandled Kalshaale incident (Somaliland Government Erred on Kalshaale Decree) by ordering his troops, known to him as national army, to be on the side of his clansmen , a decision to which Declaration of the Consultative Conference referred as “war campaigns waged against our people.” Somalia’s political turmoil is partly fuelled by reluctance and refusal to candidly discuss political problems in a non-dogmatic and bigoted approach. Somaliland administration will be undermining its achievements if it continues poking its nose into meeting for leaders of clan that supports peaceful coexistence and political unity of Somalia.


Liban Ahmad

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Madaxda SSC ee G6 iyo Soo Dhoweyntii Boocame





Wafuudii Boocame oo Siweyn oo Loogu Dhoweeyey Magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex








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Shirweynaha SSC Khaatumo I I ee Magaalada TaleeX

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'Liibaan';769522 wrote:
Somalia: SSC Khaatumo Grand Conference Unsettles snm/Somalidiid Clan Militia


Somaliland Minister for Interior, Mohamed Nur Arale, told the London-based Universal TV that Somaliland administration supported the Khaatumo conference currently being held in the historic town of Taleex but that it will not allow anti-Somaliland politicians to manipulate the meeting. “We will not accept any anti-Somaliland declaration because malcontents with Somali flags are now attending the meeting,” Arale said.


Nearly one year ago a meeting for diaspora groups of Sool and Sanaag and Cayn Diaspora (Consultative Conference of Beesha *********** ) was held . A 14-point declaration based on six principles was issued. Three of the principles are:


Unity and territorial integrity of Somalia

Democratic self-governance and the abiding rights to resistance against aggression

Peaceful political dialogue in managing conflicts


The first principle is in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009) while the second and third principles emphasise peaceful resolution of conflict rather than clan warfare.


Somalilad Minister for Interior called some participants in Taleex conference qaran-dumis ( elements bent on destroying the nation). Somaliland administration prides itself on being a good example of governance while many parts of Somali were affected by civil war but the language of its Interior Minister shows that Somaliland feels unsettled by a conference for people who don’t subscribe to secession.


Nearly 14 months ago Somaliland administration of president Ahmed Siilaanyo mishandled Kalshaale incident (Somaliland Government Erred on Kalshaale Decree) by ordering his troops, known to him as national army, to be on the side of his clansmen , a decision to which Declaration of the Consultative Conference referred as “war campaigns waged against our people.” Somalia’s political turmoil is partly fuelled by reluctance and refusal to candidly discuss political problems in a non-dogmatic and bigoted approach. Somaliland administration will be undermining its achievements if it continues poking its nose into meeting for leaders of clan that supports peaceful coexistence and political unity of Somalia.


Liban Ahmad

Liban, ma adiga qashinkan qoray? Somaliland supports the Khatuuma Conference, Minister only emphasized he will protect Somaliland if the meeting is abused for actions against the peace in Somaliland. Most delegations came through Berbera and Hargeysa airports while many in Garowe and Bosasaso have been arrested. Why not write an article about the jailed delegates.:D

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Carafaat;769548 wrote:
Liban, ma adiga qashinkan qoray? Somaliland supports the Khatuuma Conference, Minister only emphasized he will protect Somaliland if the meeting is abused for actions against the peace in Somaliland. Most delegations came through Berbera and Hargeysa airports while many in Garowe and Bosasaso have been arrested. Why not write an article about the jailed delegates.


Xaji Xunjuf Carafaat, orodoo akhri website yada snm/somaliland sida ee uga soo horjeedaan iyo sida ee u cayayaan Shirweynaha Khaatumo. Qashinka iyo ku daafada waxaa qora waa layaan waa snm/somaliland.


Khaatumo Conference only concerns the people of SSC Region of Somalia, the conference has nothing to do with snm/somaliland.



From Day 1, the purpose of SSC Khaatumo 1& 2 Conferences was to liberate Las Anod, the capital of SSC-Darwishland of SOMALIA, very simple and clear. Everyone knows SSC people want their land back.

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Carafaat;769557 wrote:
War sual ayaan ku weydiiyay, ma lasoo daayay weftiyadiii lagu xiray Garowe iyo Bosasoo? Xaalkoodu waa sidee?

War ma haysid, markiiba waa lasii daayey weftiyadii SSC, in few hours. They are present in Taleex now

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Burbur xoogan oo ka Muuqda Dhismayaashii Daraawiishta ee Degmada Taleex












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'Liibaan';769563 wrote:
War ma haysid, markiiba waa lasii daayey weftiyadii SSC, in few hours. They are present in Taleex now

:D maanshallah. Goo news.


Maxaa war ah shirkii? Spill the beans, give us the latest news. Is it true that other clan leaders will be invited. I hope my Suldaan attends thi historic gathering. He never misses any clan meeting, he likes attending other ppls shirs and sticking his nose everywhere.

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Carafaat;769566 wrote:
maanshallah. Goo news.


Maxaa war ah shirkii? Spill the beans, give us the latest news. Is it true that other clan leaders will be invited. I hope my Suldaan attends thi historic gathering. He never misses any clan meeting, he likes attending other ppls shirs and sticking his nose everywhere.


As Prof. Cali Khaliif Galaydh said clearly today in Taleex, Khaatumo I I Conference is Pan-Somalia/Somaliweyn Conference, and every Somali is more than welcome to join SSC Delegates to find solutions for SSC Region and all SOMALIA.



Cali Khaliif ayaa ku Dhawaaqay ”Dee Ninkii Ba Naayoow Lagu Fasax, Ninkii Talo SSC/*********** Hayoow Ama Talo Somaliyeed oo Lagu Hirto Hayoow Dee Kaalay Yaynaan Is Haaraamin”

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