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Is the Niqab fard?

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I have gone into several arguments at different times on this one issue. As a child I was brought up believing that the Hijab which did not include the covering of the face as the norm. Which is to be naturally observed by every muslim woman as an obligation.

However if a woman felt it necessary on her part to cover her face and only leave her eyes to be seen, that would be alright and of her own accord.


Yet several people I speak to try to convince me that it is fard and throw at me several hadiths and logical reasons as to why...and i remain without a valid point!


My research on the net and chats to people who I believe to be learned, seemed to be fruitless.

Maybe i am searching in the wrong place


What are your opinions Sol folk and if you can support them too would be great... I need to win this argument :(


Thanks smile.gif

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Wow, this is a long debated issue. I learned that it was a superagotory act, which Allah loves. I know some girls that wore it once and then took it off,because they said it isn't wajib. Other than that,I think its beautiful,and although I wouldn't wear it now,I proud of those sisters who take a extra step to gain Allah's love.Manshallah

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Go to

and type in quotes 'niqab and fiqh'

and you should see a list of websites with

various opinions.

If someone follows a certain madhab like the Hanabli fiqh, then its wajib.

But the Ulama inshallah have made many ijtihads/islamic rulings, so as to not make

life IMPOSSIBLE for the Muslim.

I don't think however that the Jamhur al -ulama/the majority of ulama throughout history, have rule that Niqab is FARD b/c thats not what is practiced throught MOST muslim lands.



Fi Amanallah

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^^I agree with you its is not practised widely around the Islamic Ummah and thanks for that Note.


Modesty sis it is true that some sisters see the beauty of it, it seems that everyone is agreeing with me any nay sayers?

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Originally posted by Khayr:

If someone follows a certain madhab like the Hanabli fiqh, then its wajib.

Fi Amanallah

Wajib? as in a must? Is this supported in the Koran, Kayr?


Isn't making association to God a form of Shirk? If yes, then why "follow" a certain madhab?

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Jawaahir, Sis. Niqab was a known tradition among Arabs even before Islam, and the Islam neither prohibited nor obliged, therefore some muslim women were covering their face even during the presence of Rasuul (S.A.W)and that's why our Rasuul (S.A.W) prohibited to cover the face during the HAJ. So, even though it's not FARADH you can't prohibit the Niqab (except in the Haj.


Therefore it's not FARADH and it's not unlawful either. some Uluma say it's faradh if the women is very...very beautiful (like ....) :rolleyes: to protect us her Rays :cool: , but that's exception rule.


However, if you need more details there are many books and lectures about this issue, one of them is the late Sheikh Albanis Book "Xijaabul Mara'tal Muslimah" he (R.L) is giving you in this book about eight authentic Hadiths showing to you that the during the presence of RASUUL (S.A.W) women's face and hands were not covered, there are also many other ulumas talked about this issue, the most significant phrase i ever heard on this issue was from either late Sheikh Ghazzali (R.L) or Sheikh Qaradawi who argued if women's face and hands were covered in Islam why ALLAH (S.W.T) and his RASUUL (S.A.W) are always urging us (both men & women) to not enjoy looking each other!


Finally i also have to tell the argument of the other part (pro niqab ulumas) they say "the centre of FITNAH (the Rays) of the women is a FACE, and the face is also the scale of the women's beauty, if her face is ugly she is ugly, and vice versa ....therefore thay're arguing how ALLAH (S.W.T)and his RASUUL (S.A.W) would allow muslim women to uncover her face! her centre of FITNAH. I heard similar pharase from late Sheikh Ibnu Cuthaymiin (R.L).

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