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Puntland Rejects 4.5 The Conference Scheduled End Date Delayed

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Its true 4.5 and federal states don't go hand in hand but where are the somali federal states so far puntland galmudug ximan iyo xeeb are the only established regional it will be hard to abolish the 4.5 when all the other regions are not even self governed or even in the hands of the tfg its to early yet to get rid of the 4.5 unless you want to involve alshabaab.

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^Even Alshabaab state would make sense to put them in the political map and get them lay down their arms but this 4.5 is not helpful for Alshabaab as they are not one clan. May be give Alshabaab more seats to the clan most of them come from to decide, who knows maybe that's the best solution for koonfuria :D

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the FINAL is-jiid jiid waxay sheekadu kusoo afmeerantay in 4.5 la qaato:

Madaxdii ka qeybgaleeysay shirkii wadatashiga ee ka socday Garowe ayaa isku afgartay qodbkii la isku maandhaafsanaa kadib dhex dhexaadin uu sameeyay Ra’iisul wasaaraha Somalia, Mudane C/wali Gaas.


Iyadoo hore la isugu afgartay inta badan qodobadii shirkaasi looga hadlayay ayaa hadana waxa la isku mari la’aa qodob ku saabsan sida lagu soo xulayo baarlamanka. Waxaana ugu dambayntii uu Ra’iisul wasaaraha Somalia ku qanciyay dhinacyadii Shirka ka qayb galayay in Baarlamaanka badalaya kan hadda jira ay soo xulaan Odayaasha Dhaqanka ansixinta ugu dambaysana ay yeeshaan TFG, Maamul Gobaleedyadda iyo Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca. Waxaa sidoo kale lagu heshiiyay in Baarlamaanka soo socda uu noqdo kii ugu dambeeyay ee Habka Qabaa’ilka lagu xukumo, wixii ka dambeeyay loo gudbo in Xildhibaanadda ay dadku soo doortaan.


Sidoo kale madaxda shirka ayaa haatan ku howlan diyaarinta war murtiyeedka shirkaasi mar hadii go’aan laga gaaray qodobkii la isku mari la’aa waxaana la filayaa in goor dhow lagu dhawaaqo qodobada ka soo baxay shirkaasi.


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GAROOWE : M-wayne Faroole “Waa xaaraan 4.5 PL raali kama aysan ahayn, balse waxaan ugu turnay dadka Koonfureed oo muddo ku dhaqamayay waxakan”


December 24, 2011 12:40 pm GMT


Garoowe:-M-wayne Faroole oo hadda khudbaynaya ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ay iyaku (Somali) ay isqabteen, doodeen, heshiiyeena oo aysan jirin cid soo dhexgashay, waxa uu sheegay in si adag loo wada hadlay dabaeedna iyada oo aan waxba isyeelin la heshiiyay.


Nidaanka 4.5


Nidaamka 4.5 ayuu si adag uga hadlay waxaana uu sheegay in Puntland aysan doonayn nidaamkan oo uu yahay wax aan wanaagsanayn oo xalaal ahayn, balse waxa uu sheegay in Masuuliyiinta ka timid Koonfur ay ugu daneeyeen maadama muddo looga dhaqmayay Koonfur oo la dhibayo si aan loo dhibin.


Waxa uu sheegay in mudadan 4-ta sano ah wixii ka dambeeya aan nidaamka 4.5 lagu dhaqmayn oo laga guurayo, waxa uu sheegay in uu ka raali galinayo kana xun yahay dadka ku dulman nidaamkan.


Hadda waxaa hadalka qaatay M-wayne Shariif.


Haka dheeraan

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It's sad that some are sticking with 4.5. Let history record Puntland was on the right side of it and fought hard for a fair deal. A better outcome small parliament 225 with a four year mandate and a new non transition government is on it's way.

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Population of cities don't matter. nonsense garbage is what I say somali regional government in ethiopia is 5 million according to corrupt ethiopian census and 10 million according to indepedent census and on satellite it looks like desert and not populated. The people population are decided in the bush. If ur to small to spread out then thats your fault not ours. You got 4 years boys enjoy this haram system till it is replaced!!!


Because when census comes were ready to count all our cities and most importantly nomadic population and we will get our rightful seats back like it was in 1960-1969!!!

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Biggest Cities according to population

1 Mogadishu

2 Hargeisa

3 Beledweyne

4 Baidoa

5 Kesmaayo

6 Burco

7 Galkayo

8 Jowhar

10 Borame

11 Berbera

12 Marka


Lets be realistic only Galkacyo and Kismayo is partyl inhabited by your folks. Moqadishu alone has more population then all your clan together. So actually, Moqdishu folks should get have of the seat in TFG Parlement.:D

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Beledweyne waxaa ku nool 789,485? Burco with 457,830 dad?? Boorama iyo Berbera iyagana 370,900 iyo 180,000 respectively? Gaalkacyo iyadana 390,000?


Waxaan yaa qoray. Did you just write before you posted it? Wikipedia waa iska ogaa laakiin saan kuma ogeyn.

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Nonsense. Hargeisa is small village with 3 main roads my aunty told me. Bosaso alone is paving 4 main roads which proves its larger.


Were not the one's scared to do a census boys, ITS YOU. We are calling for constiuency based parliament your the one calling for a tribal one!!! its not us with the chip on the shoulder, we know were larger because 1960 italian government proved that we had way more degmos and today nothing has changed!!!

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Carafat then you wouldnt be scared to do a census and have constieutent parliament. I think that proves your the minority and you know the truth

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Dr_Osman;767363 wrote:
Carafat then you wouldnt be scared to do a census and have constieutent parliament. I think that proves your the minority and you know the truth

Somaliland had multiple voter registrations, 4 elections and 1 referendum. Now its up to you to do the same and then you will find out majority of Bosasso is inhabited by Bay and Bakool folks.:D

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