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Puntland 2011 What A Ride. By Dr_Osman

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It's been one crazy ride this year with Puntland. Since we are coming to the end of the year it's time to look back at what has been achived, what's left to be achieved for the state. I'll divide my topics into two zones internal state matters and external federal matters.


Starts of with the Federal side of things, it's been a tough year with alot of conflict between leaders in all region. We all remember farole not recognising the TFG and the the kampala accord which straightened that beef out with Sharif given an extra year till 20th of August and before that key transitional tasks needed to be completed like ratification of the constitution, expanding federalism, quota sharing development assistance, and other major tasks which culminated in the first grand conference at mogadishu which opened the talks and with the second side of it currently under-way in garowe.


Politically We have resumed our prime minister seat with abdiweli gaas who's holding the fort down for us in mogadishu, The state political profile has been risen even higher then ever imagined and if you listened to sharif speech on horseedmedia he even asked "permission of farole if he should refer to him as madaxweyne". There is mutual respect in the two administration and I really appreciate that. The two track policy was an excellent vision pushed by Puntland since 2008 which has seen the light today with development conferences and JPLG program initiatives being executed in the state as we speak.


The TFG and Puntland relationship has been restored and is very good and for the first time in history development assistance from mogadishu came to bosaso in the terms of road construction equipment and there has been high level talks between the ministry of agriculture on puntland side and the tfg to provide further assitance for the emerging agricultural sector of our state.


So as far as TFG and international relations is concerned it's been a very successful year for Puntland. Now on the negative side their has been some isses with other regional administration like galmudug which doesn't seem like it's been resolved. Their killing puntlandi citizens in cities and countryside with no response, their even attacking the airport at galkayo to disrupt flights. This isse urgent resolving. Our ties with Azania is good and we are in deep support of it. Somaliland issue needs to get resolved urgently before a true genocide occurs if Puntland decides to go to war, we all remember the kalshaale incident and what happened when Puntland army came into Sool and were sitting at the airport of las anod the whole somaliland rag-tag militias bolted out of the city and even news agency declared the city had no administration that day. Puntland needs to keep its word, General Sicid Dheere made it clear "sool and sanaag can be re-taken in 2 days" which I belive is true also what needs to be done is that it needs to be executed.


As for internal matters within the state it has been a very abysmal year with Farole failing on many fronts. The security of the region has deriorated with clashes occuring in the countryside between nomads, targetted assasination on just about anyone with a name in Bosaso and Galkayo. Piracy hardly exists in the state anymore however it is still there in gara'ad. The shilling dropped strongly against the dollar trading at 20000 shilling for 1 dollar which is not good because locals cannot afford anything and after their yelling it was raised back to 27000 shilling for 1 dollar.


Business has been going ok, Trade is continuing in Bosaso and Galkacyo.On the business front we had a very successful business fair but on the flip side we had a devastating market fire. But all in all to be fair business is doing ok not great like the old days but it's steady.


Development has been very slow this year. The Only thing I can think off that was done was a


A couple of hotels opening up in Galkacyo, Garowe and Bosaso,

New Hospital in Bosaso,

Bosaso Irrigation System,

Dahabshil bank, Salama Bank opened in Bosaso

Temporary Parliament in Garowe,

puntland meat company opened in Bosaso

A New Custom Control Office in North Galkayo

DSAT TV in Bosaso Satellite Tv Provider

A hospital in Bursalax


As far as unfinished projects This has been an abysmal failure. Bosaso airport hasn't been completed, I wont say the port as that is being expanded by WFP, Roads in Bosaso is truly a laughing joke in all Somalia and not one paved road project was completed in this year anywhere in Puntland.


Most road projects have been about rehabilitation and gravel road construction thats about it, what happened to the Grand Galkayo hospital? I haven't seen any update on where that is.last time I remember they had the design, gave our the tender to daldhis construction and it was set to go. What a Joke!!!


What about Olympic Village multi-plex project the last update on that was a couple of months ago and they were saying thats its nearly finished and their looking for artificial turf to roll on the ground, noone knows what the hell happened to that project. Where is Tawakal Bank opening in Bosaso?


Those are the main projects I am totally furious about im not sure if they have failed or if their just not much media reports on it but either way it's still not good. I am fairly certain they will open olympic village multiplex centre and Tawakal Bank in Bosaso as it is private and government control is limited but I am not holding up my hopes for the following which the government is playing a role


1 -Bosaso Runway

2. Galkayo airport terminal

3. Galkayo Hospital

4. Bosaso city Roads

5. Shirkada SEPCO Electricity Bosaso


Now lets see whats been proposed to happen this year.


1. Bosaso port expansion by WFP havent heard anything official to say it's stopped but im suspicious

2. 4 roads paved in Bosaso. We've all heard this one too many times. Fat Chance

3. New Presidential Palace, New Parliament, New Government Guest House I believe will be completed because its for them

4. 3 different health facilities to be constructed a Mental Hospital, Big Medical Hospital, and a Woman's Center has been started in Garowe I believe it will finish if Farole still around

5.New Garowe Shopping Center, Golis Headquarters, Iftin Bank


Development hasn't been as strong I would've liked this year. But then again you just need to look at Bossaso below and u will see theres construction happening.


As for our internal state politics it's not looking good as far as im concerned, the multi-party crap is nonsense the way it was handled how can you have the government have 4 of the 9 electoral committee. Plus you can't sign a constitution without the people voting for it, because you can easily for 450 puppets to come together at garowe and give them a bit of cash to sign it. The multi party system has been handled disgracefully.


As usual education, health, women's affair and sports has been top ministries this year. The rest No comment!!!

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Development Hot Spot, Prime Real-estate For Hotels and Businesses. It look awesome having a 5 star hotel like the one at garowe right across the beach!!! God what the future holds



Give us 5 years boys!!! You wont recognize it

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This Dr is funny i espeically like this insight from him (Somaliland issue needs to get resolved urgently before a true genocide occurs if Puntland decides to go to war, we all remember the kalshaale incident and what happened when Puntland army came into Sool and were sitting at the airport of las anod the whole somaliland rag-tag militias bolted out of the city and even news agency declared the city had no administration that day)


With Views like this Puntland will go far nottttttttttt loool.

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Dr.Osman, your analysis of Puntland 2011 is quite fair and constructive. However its rather focussed on political, economic and security side of issue's. But how about social development, for example regarding minorities and short (clan) lineaged people. Has their situation improved?

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