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T55 Tanks Are Crap. Video

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Live video of shabab taking out amisom tank with an RPG.



We know all somalis have RPGS, so its best not to invest in tanks in todays somalia. I hope Puntland gets RPG susceptible weaponry because this is guerrila war happening in Somalia today.


The best way to beat these jerks is through good training for our forces with the latest armoury equipment, take the fight to their level at the street level!!!


PS: Please note after extensive studies an assessing other smaller clans in the mudug region who have 10 tanks like cadaado folks and abudwaq folks have 7 tanks and counting how many tanks Puntland has lost since 2006 till today which stands at 6 mainly from the ICU and Garsoor Battle, i I have come to the conclusion they have anywhere between 25-30 tank inventory today.

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Anyways next year sanad gurrad I want to see the military march extended to include helicopters-tanks-armed carriers-vessels-F350s turret mobilized...We havent even show half of what we have in this years birthday bash. Next year my friend Next year you will see a huge difference

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The way I would do next years military parade is to have the Darawish-Police- Marina- PIS all march. After that follow it up with a first parade of normal technicals about 10 is enough, then a parade of the bullet proof technicals after that a parade of the bms, parade of the heavy trucks, parade followed by f350s and armed carriers. Follow it up with galkayo warehouse tanks and other heavy armoury saluting the general at the bases saluting the general and marina academy in bosaso with helicopters saluting their general.


That would be more fully what the puntland security looks like today

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its well known an rpg can take out a t55 tank. Why you think their used so often in many countries like iraq and somalia? RPGS are deadly bro the only bad thing about them is their not accurate but if u get up close to the tank behind a bush or something and fire and if u hit the tank its over and it will go up in flames!!!

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You giving all the military secrets of your beloved puntland saaxib.Some of your enemies read this forums,dont you know that?

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Its not much of a secret if kids in hamar know about it its time to upgrade them I think or decommision and look for newer technology when the oil comes or we could try securing external funding for the army like the marine and PIS which is another option!!!

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We need to get our army to the training standards of the PIS and Marines and the only way to do that my friend is out-source.


Look at these guys the darawish.



How do we get them to this stage








So we dont become like these sissies in jabuti



Our darawish need investment and i've been saying this for a long-time. Alot of the inventory there is getting too old and the training they recieve is not that top notch, I mean first of all why are we sending our boys to ethiopia to train these guys got their butts kicked in mogadishu yet were sending our boys to be trained there. Its nonsense really!!! what are we training them to LOSE because thats all a loser can teach you!!!


We need to look at our vision with the darawish and start thinking about 3 main things. Instuitution for them, newer inventory, and better training LOCALLY. We just need to send about 10 training generals to top notch military country and they come back home and train the troops in other words train the trainor to train the troops!!!

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Dr_Osman;766880 wrote:
The way I would do next years military parade is to have the Darawish-Police- Marina- PIS all march. After that follow it up with a first parade of normal technicals about 10 is enough, then a parade of the bullet proof technicals after that a parade of the bms, parade of the heavy trucks, parade followed by f350s and armed carriers. Follow it up with galkayo warehouse tanks and other heavy armoury saluting the general at the bases saluting the general and marina academy in bosaso with helicopters saluting their general.


That would be more fully what the puntland security looks like today

impressive line up.what about demining, asluubta, ect? or are these guys to soft :D

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Listen though, T55 is an excellent weapon when updated. Countries such as Ukraine are well known to update them.


They need reactive armament and then they are good to go.




Mudug is well known for having a lot of them T55, especially near the airport of Galkacyo and elsewhere.


Ximan and Xeeb has some excellent ones too.



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